Home > Blood (Scales 'n' Spells #3)(73)

Blood (Scales 'n' Spells #3)(73)
Author: A.J. Sherwood

“Ravi, I’m close.”

“Stroke yourself,” Ravi gritted out. He’d been fighting his own orgasm and wanted to feel Sora go over the edge first.

It couldn’t have taken more than a few passes of his fingers around his cock before Sora was shouting, muscles clenching even tighter around Ravi. He growled and fucked Sora through it.

“Mine. You’re mine. My mage. No one will ever separate us,” Ravi snarled.

“Yes. All yours,” Sora agreed.

Ravi’s control finally snapped. His orgasm slammed into him, and the world went white for a moment. Lightning sizzled through his body, and he shouted Sora’s name as he poured himself into his lover.

Ravi blinked when his brain kicked back on again and he found himself lying on his mate, who had him tightly wrapped in his arms and legs.

“I love you, Ravi Burkhard,” Sora murmured into Ravi’s hair. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

“Wow,” Ravi sighed. “You broke my brain, and you love me. This might go down in history as the best day ever.”

He shifted a little so he could tilt his head up to look at his mate. “I think we’re getting better at this.”

Sora smirked at him. “People tend to get better with practice.”

“Now I’m worried. Sex is going to kill me if it gets any better, and I’ll never make it to our five hundredth bonding anniversary.”

Sora laughed and rolled them until Ravi was on his back on the mattress and Sora was over him.

“Oh, you’re going to make it to that anniversary and more. You’re going to be stuck with me for a very, very long time.”

“Sounds like heaven to me. Where do I sign up?”

Stretching out alongside Ravi, Sora draped an arm across his messy stomach and rested his head on Ravi’s shoulder. Ravi closed his eyes and released a happy sigh. He really loved sex with Sora, but this was fast becoming one of his favorite things. Snuggling with his mate made him feel complete.

“I think you should know, since we’re talking about bonding and forever, that I want at least four baby dragons just like you,” Sora announced, causing Ravi’s eyes to immediately pop open.

Ravi’s heart was suddenly beating so fast he could almost taste it in the back of his throat. He’d never given much thought to children. He thought he’d been lucky to find a mate.

“Seriously? You want children? With me? Children like me? I’m a walking disaster. Chaos and explosions follow me wherever I go. You want children like that?”

“I think you’re funny, sweet, and brave. You bring light and happiness to everyone who meets you. Why wouldn’t I want children like that?”

His heart suddenly made way for the lump growing in his throat. This man…he didn’t deserve this man who’d given him a life he’d never thought possible. This man who’d seen into the heart of him. They’d both grown up only children, in a way. Now, they wanted to fill their lives with love and the laughter of children.

“Plus, the world needs more wind dragons. So many more wind dragons.”


Ravi tackled Sora, and they rolled across the bed. Somehow, Ravi still ended up on the bottom again.

“We’ll get bonded after I get back from Prague. We’ll fire up the incubators, and we’ll summon all of the Abe mages to Burkhard if we have to. We’re gonna have babies.”

“I love this plan.”

“You think the mages can help us have twins?”

Sora blinked at him. “You want two baby dragons at the same time?”

Ravi shrugged and grinned. “Why not?”

Sora’s expression softened into one of love. It made Ravi feel all swoony.

“Why not, indeed. I love you, my handsome dragon.”

“I love you, my honey bear. We are going to have the most amazing life together.”



If this weren’t the same man behind Cameron’s kidnapping, Ravi would be convinced Thomas Jaeggi was the most boring man in the entire world.

Five days of following him around, and nothing. Big, fat nothing.

He didn’t appear to talk to or meet with anyone. He kept the strangest hours, as if he didn’t ever sleep. He’d go to the café at seven in the morning for coffee and a pastry, then he’d return home to what looked like a cute little flat. He’d run back out to the grocery store at noon. Then go for a walk in the evening. Then another walk at four in the morning.

Or, sometimes, Ravi and Sahan wouldn’t see him for twelve hours. It made them wonder if they’d missed him somehow. Then he’d be back out every two or three hours.

In five days, he and Sahan had barely slept, too afraid of missing Thomas doing something important or meeting someone. But he never did.

Ravi could only curse himself. He didn’t know why he’d gotten it in his head this would be a short and easy trip. As if Thomas would kindly set up a meeting with a fellow Jaeggi the day Ravi arrived in Prague so he and Sahan could follow the Jaeggi back to his lair. Neat and tidy.

Maybe he’d only thought that so it would be easier to leave home and, more importantly, Sora.

He missed his mate. It was like there was a hole in his chest that ached constantly. They texted and video chatted when they could, but thanks to Thomas’s insane hours, it wasn’t frequent. Ravi was largely trying to catch up on sleep when Thomas was quiet.

Glancing out the window, Ravi took in the old building façades and red-tiled roofs that filled the skyline. They were renting a room at a little hotel just a couple of blocks from where Thomas was staying.

On the night they arrived in Prague, they’d lucked into seeing Thomas pop by his favorite little grocery store. They’d followed him back to an old townhouse that had been converted into flats. It had taken some doing, but they’d managed to discover that he had a place up on the third floor.

From there, Cassie was able to locate a security camera that could catch sight of Thomas every time he left. People back at the castle were now monitoring that camera around the clock. They were watching for people entering the building who didn’t live there. They were also tracking Thomas’s movements. Any time something suspicious happened, Ravi and Sahan received a text telling them to head over to the flat.

“Balin is worried,” Sahan said one evening when they’d finished a quick meal of pot pie. They’d grabbed it from a nearby restaurant. God, Ravi missed the food at the castle. This was okay, but Ravi was ready to be home.

“About what?”

“That we’ve been here too long without relief.”

Ravi grunted. Alric’s messages and phone calls were coming more frequently, as well. His king was worried. He’d mentioned wanting to send someone to replace Ravi and Sahan only once, but Ravi had turned down the offer. He wanted to see this through. He still believed he and Sahan had the best shot of tracking the Jaeggi back to their home.

But how long was it going to take?

Was it possible Thomas Jaeggi had been kicked out of his own clan because he’d lost Cameron and they’d suffered the dragon attack? Not a single mage had visited him since they’d arrived in Prague, and Cassie hadn’t turned up any sign of a visit prior to their arrival.

This was all starting to feel like a wild goose chase, but it was the only lead they had.

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