Home > Rancher Dragon (Texas Dragons #2)(27)

Rancher Dragon (Texas Dragons #2)(27)
Author: Terry Bolryder

When she’d met TJ just a few days ago, she’d felt like there was something off about him, and the slipping of his façade only emboldened her.

“I know you tortured Ross and his father and put them in the hospital,” she said. “And I know why you did it. So you could get Beck away from me and keep brainwashing him into believing he’s a monster.”

TJ just stared at her, his gaze cold as a frozen lake.

“I don’t think you like Beck.” She continued. “I think you made him hate himself. I’m going to tell on you. I won’t let you just run off with him and use him and let him feel like garbage and take away his chance at happiness.”

Suddenly, TJ snapped, grabbing the cup of water out of her hands and throwing it across the kitchen. Water splattered everywhere, and the plastic cup bounced on the ground a few times before coming to a stop.

“You’re right,” he spat angrily. “I’ve always hated him. You know what kind of dragon I am? A rain dragon.”


His eyes were fully black now, and gone was the charming character from the day before. Now all she saw was a jealous, obsessed man. “So I could never take on a mountain dragon. But a mudslide to make him hate himself forever? Now that would do just fine to punish him for ever being born stronger than me.” He grinned malevolently.

“No,” Sierra said as she tried to take another step back before realizing she was trapped against the counter.

“Yes,” he said as he took another step forward, that crazy grin still on his face. “The mudslide was my doing. I’ve never liked him. I’ve always hated him. So much power that he didn’t even appreciate. If only I could have been born like him instead. So strong. And then all his fake, humble niceness… I hated him from the moment we met. But you’re right. I can’t just keep playing games and pretending. Not when I have the best game ever. His mate and something that can fight him if I just bring on a little… rain.” His gleeful, evil expression sent shivers down her back.

Outside the window, storm clouds gathered ominously, heralding an impending doom as he leaned forward and grabbed her by the shoulders, yanking her out of the kitchen and pushing her toward the living room.






The night air stung Beck’s blearily drunk dragon eyes as he flew low over the hills and mountains behind Dragonclaw Ranch.

His dragon was restless. Asking him for something.

Beck didn’t know what.

Beck didn’t want to think about it.

This was his time to be free. Still, his head hurt and his eyes hurt, so it was hard to enjoy the pure freedom of the wind under his wings.

With a heavy sigh, he slowly uncloaked and flew lower along the property line toward the place he loved the most, at least in dragon form.

As he landed with a heavy thud and settled himself into the well-worn dent in the land where his dragon liked to lie, he let out a sigh of pure contentment.

Right before he felt another stab of pain in his heart.

He slumped, putting his dragon head on the ground and looking at the blur that was the land in front of him.

He’d always thought he merely chose this spot because it was as far from Dragonclaw’s main buildings as possible while still staying legally on the ranch’s land.

But as he looked to his right, he saw that he was actually at one of the corners of Sierra’s land, the opposite corner on the same side where his camp was set up.

He blinked, wondering at the serendipity of it. Then he huffed and curled his tail around him, feeling like he was wounded inside.

Why did he hurt so much?

What had the human done? No, what had he done? He needed to be one with his dragon more. He knew that. He needed to start staying present, even when drunk.

To get to know that side of himself.

Why always here? he wondered, hoping something inside him would answer.

And then, as if from his own heart: This is where our mate is.

How long had his dragon known?

I knew my fate had something to do with this place.

Now I want to stay and see her safe.

Beck chuckled to himself. He wanted to stay also. But then he frowned, thinking of her beautiful face.

And a mudslide.

The dragon cried out in rage, and Beck felt his entire reptile body tighten.

Of course even the creature would feel bad about that day.

But he wasn’t just sad exactly. Also angry. Wronged. Betrayed.


Harrison’s words came back to Beck’s mind. Harrison’s trust in Beck. His belief that he couldn’t hurt anyone.

If only that were true.

We couldn’t hurt our mate. We could never…

Beck wanted to believe what his heart was telling him. That would be convenient for sure.

But sure as the beautiful new Texas moon rose above him, casting light on his granite-like scales, his mate was safer without him.

You’re wrong. She would never be.

But TJ said—

At that, Beck’s inner dragon was quiet. Beck’s inner heart that throbbed beneath all his frantic thoughts.

Then it spoke in a feeling that was so much clearer than words. And Beck knew.

I could never hurt my mate.

It just wasn’t possible.

He raised his head, trying to cut through his foggy thoughts and the alcohol that was still slightly affecting him, though he was starting to sober up now.

The pain of losing Sierra was enough to do that.

We can never leave her, his dragon said.

I know, Beck answered.

But Beck couldn’t forget what TJ said. The good points that TJ had made.

Beck also couldn’t forget how many nights he’d spent here, his dragon presumably longing for and waiting for his mate.

Beck wished things could be different. That he hadn’t gone and made that mistake so many years ago.

That no one had been hurt, and that Beck didn’t have to worry about hurting the most important person in the world to him.

Whether TJ or Harrison was right about him, Beck didn’t know.

But more than anything, one question had him still sitting there, clinging to his beloved spot at the edges of her land.

If he was gone, who would protect Sierra?

Of course his friends would try, but they had the ranch to attend to, and Harrison had a mate of his own.

No one could protect her like he could. If only he didn’t have to protect her from himself.

Damn himself for being a mountain dragon. Curse the day he was born!

Beck’s pity party was cut off, though, as a terrified scream filled the air, coming from Sierra’s place.

Beck instantly felt himself sober as he transformed into his human form and began running for her house.

It appeared he’d be around to protect his mate at least once more after all.

He prayed harder than he ever had that he could make it in time.






Sierra fought back against TJ’s grip on her shoulders, trying to resist as he pushed her back and sat her down on the couch, looming over her and keeping her pinned.

Her heart was pounding with pure panic, but she had to stay calm. Had to figure out a way to get out of this.

If only to tell Beck what she knew and give him some peace in his heart.

After what he’d been through, he deserved that no matter what.

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