Home > Legacy (Blackwater Pack #3)(61)

Legacy (Blackwater Pack #3)(61)
Author: Hannah McBride

I unhooked the seat belt and got out, following them to where the treeline broke into an open, snow-covered valley full of dozens of wolves. The same ones from last night. The ridge that Nikolai and I had watched them from loomed to the right.

Natasha and Lulu were standing in front of the wolves. A few other women hovered in the background.

“What’s going on?” I whispered, trying to be quiet, but several wolves still turned and looked at me curiously.

“Just watch,” Nikolai murmured, dropping his head to whisper in my ear.

Nikolai and Dimitri stayed behind me, thankfully blocking out most of the wind that whipped behind us. Even still, I shivered against the cold.

Lulu stepped forward. The wind snatched the words she was saying before I could hear them, but moments later, a field of naked women stood where the wolves had. Immediately Natasha and the other women surged forward, handing clothing to all the women.

It was clearly a well organized, familiar system. Women were clothed within minutes, excitedly chattering and laughing as they covered up from the elements.

“Come on,” Nikolai said, reaching for my hand and pulling me through the snow with Dimitri following. When we got close to Natasha, Dimitri split away from us and headed for Lulu, his long strides eating up the distance between them until he was at her side.

“Is she okay?” I asked, watching as she gave Dimitri a thin smile and actually leaned into him when he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Nikolai followed my gaze. “She will be. What she just did took a great deal of energy. It always does, but this group is larger than any we’ve had in the past. She’ll rest and then complete the rest of the process before we leave tonight.”

“I thought they hated each other,” I admitted, watching as Dimitri started to lead her away, finally just swinging her up into his arms and carrying her the rest of the way to the skidoo.

Lulu didn’t seem to mind as she all but cuddled against his chest, her head tucked against his shoulder. Dimitri got her situated in her seat, tucking a blanket around her like she was made of glass. Lulu was all but asleep as he started the vehicle and pulled away.

“Lulu and Dimitri have a complicated relationship,” Nikolai informed me. “But they don’t hate one another. Far from it.”


“What else does Lulu do?” I asked, turning to look up at him.

“Lulu’s gifts are exceptionally unique. She possesses the ability to determine a woman’s fertility cycle. This process,” he inclined his head to where Natasha was addressing the women, “often triggers a fertility cycle within months, sometimes weeks. She’ll be able to help the women navigate their next steps before they return home.”

“You said last night that they were all trying to get pregnant,” I murmured.

“And most will,” he confirmed with a quick grin, dimples flashing for a second. “But the important fact is that they’re doing this by choice. Because it’s what they want.”

“And Norwood is forcing it.” My wolf stirred, as pissed off as I was.

“What they’re doing is dangerous. Reckless.” He gave me an odd look, almost apologetic. “We should have stepped in before it came to this.”

I blinked up in surprise. “What do you mean?”

He sighed. “We’ve known that the American packs were struggling, both in the northern and southern continents. But we let old rivalries and feuds keep us from offering help. It wasn’t until Elias approached us that a connection was established and we learned the extent of the issues.”

“Old feuds?”

“Most of it is ancient history. When the Americas were discovered, it opened a new world and divided a lot of packs here. A few went at the behest of Alphas, like Nortosce establishing Norwood in what is now New York, but most were less than amicable splits. Over time, the packs grew more and more distant.”

I frowned. “But it doesn’t have to be that way now.”

He looked back at me. “No, little wolf, it doesn’t. I think much will change in the coming years.”

“Nik?” Natasha called.

He looked up, smiling warmly at her before starting forward. He turned and arched a brow at me when I didn’t follow.

I trailed behind him as he joined her side while the women in front of him slowly stopped talking. They all gathered in close, waiting for him to speak.

“Welcome back,” he greeted them. “Thank you for your willingness to participate. We have vehicles waiting to take you back. You will be able to shower, rest, and eat. As you know, our consultant will speak with you this afternoon to help you with your next steps.”

I looked at Natasha curiously. Who was the consultant?

“Lulu,” she mouthed with a smile.

I nodded as the men from the woods made it to the treeline and waited patiently.

“Is anyone in need of medical attention?” he asked, scanning the crowd for anyone who might need help. Satisfied they didn’t, he waved an arm at the men. “Please, follow my men. They will take you back. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Two of the women immediately broke away from the group, running through the snow and hurling themselves into the waiting arms of their mates, who had come to help bring everyone back in.

I couldn’t help but smile at the reunions. My wolf whimpered plaintively, wanting our own reunion with Remy.

Soon, I promised her, rubbing the claiming mark on my neck absently.

“That went well,” Natasha said, her eyes sparkling as she turned to us both. “Not a single problem shifting back.”

Nikolai nodded. “It’s a good day.”

She paused and smiled at him, reaching up to touch his cheek. “I’m proud of you, Nik. For what you’ve accomplished.”

“What we accomplished. These women looked to you for guidance.” The look he returned to her was full of pride and fondness. Maybe they weren’t together romantically, but it was obvious my father and stepmother cared a lot about each other.

“For now,” she agreed with a secret smile.

He instantly scowled at her. “Not now, Tasha.”

Her eyes narrowed in return. “Don’t ‘not now, Tasha’ me. She’s your mate, Nik.”

Oh, shit. They were talking about Mom.

Nikolai looked at me before leaning towards his wife, his teeth grinding together. “And I said we’re not discussing it.”

Instead of backing down, Natasha stepped forward, the toes of her boots nudging his. “She’s your mate. Your bonded mate.”

“A bond that is broken!” he roared, loud enough that I flinched. “She destroyed it, remember? You were there in the days after!”

But Natasha barely blinked at his sudden fury. If anything, she swayed closer.

“I know you’re hurt,” she started, her tone softer.

“You know nothing,” he seethed. “That bond was broken a lifetime ago.”

“I know nothing?” she challenged archly. “You’re not the only one who lost a mate, Nikolai.”

His mouth shut, but he still glared down at her.

“You have a second chance, Nik,” she said, quieter now as tears shimmered in her blue eyes. “Do you know what I would give for that? For another chance to be with Marcus? You’re right; I saw you when you came home. Losing your mate damn near killed you.”

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