Home > Realm Of Flames (Reborn #3)(17)

Realm Of Flames (Reborn #3)(17)
Author: M. Sinclair

I was a bit hyped up about going to the realm though, so despite the desire, I wasn’t positive I could relax even if I wanted to, and this dress wasn’t making anything easier. Rather the opposite, actually. It was a beautiful garment, but it reminded me of something that you would see illustrated in a fairytale. The fabric was stiff, expensive, and thick, the pale cream and gold brocade pattern covering the skirt, sleeves, and torso, only interrupted by a light pink in the center that was laced with a gold ribbon that appeared to be used as a corset-type feature. Possibly?

Like I said—beautiful, but not very comfortable.

Plus, with so much of me covered, how was I supposed to feel my mates’ hands on me whenever they touched me? That wasn’t something I wanted to miss out on.

“Extremely so.” Ledger nodded, his orange-tipped curls bouncing slightly as the rest of his dark hair fell messily around his handsome face. His dark indigo eyes, framed by thick lashes, watched me with a lazy, sexy appraisal. It was a bit unfair, wasn’t it? For him to lay there with dark tattoos covering his large muscular frame in just a pair of gray sweatpants that sat low on his hips? It was very distracting.

Also, what was it about those sweatpants? I mean… I knew what it was, and his chuckle as my eyes darted away from the hard outline of his cock had me knowing that my attempt to not stare was ultimately a failure. I ran my fingers along the dress, pretending like I hadn’t been gawking at the man.

Then again… he was my mate. My eyes darted back up as I considered just what privileges that included. I mean, did I get to stare at him whenever I wanted? I feel like that was a real possibility. Better yet… What about naked? I feel like I didn’t get to see my mates naked enough.

I just needed to find a solid reason for them to be naked more often. Maybe if they shifted? My smile grew at that concept, wondering how hard it would be to convince them of that. I had a feeling it wouldn’t be very difficult.

Better yet… if I was naked, maybe they would get naked as well? I could do that.

“Firefly.” Ledger’s voice had me looking up at his darkening eyes.

“What?” I teased, offering a small smile.

“You know what.” His voice was a rough, low relaxed tone that had a hint of his dragon’s growl in it, making my entire body break out into pleasurable chills.

“What if we just stayed in the hotel all day instead?” I bargained, putting a knee down on the bed while crawling forward.

Ledger inhaled sharply, his eyes dipping to my cleavage as he took another sip of his coffee, not responding verbally. Although I could tell he wanted to say something because he was literally getting harder—

“Anani!” I squeaked out as a large hand tugged my ankle back and I fell onto my stomach, the soft bedding cushioning my fall as I turned to scowl at my mate. His smile was much more devious than his twin’s, and he seemed to find my expression more amusing than anything else.

“This version of Maya is dangerous.” Anani’s voice was edged in a growl as he met his twin’s gaze over my head.

“We won’t get anything done anymore,” Ledger agreed.

A small sound left my throat as Anani dropped a kiss on my shoulder, leaning over my frame and caging me from behind against the bed. I nearly arched back on instinct, my flimsy dress doing very little to hide from me how hard he was. See? This was just one more reason that this dress was a positive thing!

“What version of me?” My words came out breathless as I expressed my curiosity.

“The one that is hell-bent on torturing and teasing us,” Ledger mused, a rumble breaking from his throat that caused a shiver of excitement to roll over me.

“Until one of us breaks.” Anani nipped my shoulder this time, causing me to jolt as the sensation went straight to my clit.

“Or all of us,” Ledger added, his chuckle darker.

“At the same time.”


“You make that sound like a bad thing.” I let out a soft needy sound, that heat in the center of my chest flaring again.

“Maker,” Anani groaned, his body disappearing from behind me as he stalked into the bathroom and slammed the door, the sink turning on and making me smile. Maybe I really underestimated just how much I affected these men. It felt good to know that I had a similar pull to the magnetic power that they seemed to hold over me.

“Firefly,” Ledger chided, “you’re going to end up with more trouble than you know what to do with.” Flashing him narrowed eyes because I didn’t agree with his statement, I ignored the formal dress and instead crawled across the bed towards him before he pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him.

“What kind of trouble?” I questioned. I was pretty sure I knew what kind, and I was absolutely there for it.

Ledger put down his coffee on the side table before he ran his hands up my hips and leaned closer, running his nose along my collarbone. “I think you know the type. Smells like you have been into trouble all day, firefly.”

“How so?” My breathing caught as my toes curled in pleasure at his touch.

“I mean you smell like sex,” he chuckled.

“We didn’t have sex, not exactly,” I murmured as his eyes lit up.

“What does not exactly mean?” His fingers brushed through my hair before catching it up in his fist, gently tilting my head back so I was looking up at him. The movement was so easy and natural that I found myself baring my neck even more to him.

“I mean that we only did a little bit.” I bit my lip as my cheeks turned pink.

“Henry only fucked you a little bit?” He flashed a smile, looking elated. “I find it hard to believe that if anyone was inside of you they would be able to pull out, Maya.”

A whimper slipped from my lips as he nipped my bottom lip. My words were a bit breathless. “I swear it's true, he only put the tip in.”

Maybe a bit more.

Ledger let out a deep groan before letting out a chuckle, “Henry deserves a fucking award then, because that’s some goddamn control. I wouldn’t have been able to resist sliding home inside of you until you were taking all of me, firefly.”

“Ledger.” My breathing was rougher than before.

“We need to leave soon.” Anani sounded pained from where he stood in the door, running a hand through his dark hair as his bright blue eyes ran over me. “As much as I would rather not leave this room, because this conversation sounds far more promising.”

Especially with the two of them.

The twins were stunning, and seeing them together or being between them was almost overwhelming. Between their dark hair and stark pale skin that featured dark tattoos, they had an edge to their look that was vibrant and dangerous. I couldn’t help but get closer though, and not only because of their electric and smoky scents that they carried respectively. I nibbled my lip, wondering how hard it would be to find myself in a position similar to the one when I’d been between the two of them in bed.

My brow dipped as my mood grew a bit cooler in respect to the realm, leaning into Ledger. “Do I need to be nervous? About the Dreki realm? Telling anyone I’m a phoenix? The council seemed to make a big deal out of it, and I’m worried that it could go bad.”

“Never be nervous, peanut,” Anani promised, stepping towards the bed and cupping my jaw. “We would never purposefully put you in a situation that would make you uncomfortable. We are going to just find out more about your origins and health stuff and get back here. I promise.”

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