Home > Redemption (The Salvation Society)(3)

Redemption (The Salvation Society)(3)
Author: Laura Lee

“Knock, knock.” I blink rapidly as the nurse who’s been taking care of me enters my room. Huh. I must’ve dozed off for a bit. “I have good news! As soon as I get that IV out, you’re all set to go home. Your husband just arrived, and—”

“Could I have a moment alone with my wife, please?”

My entire body stiffens at the sound of his voice. Damn it. I knew it wouldn’t be difficult for him to find out which hospital I was in considering the police involvement, but I had hoped I’d have more time. I take a sip of water from the cup the nurse gave me earlier and set it back on the bedside table, this time, directly over Agent Simmons’ business card. I’m pretty sure Sebastian would actually kill me if he thought I ratted him out. Hell, he might do it anyway if recent events are any indication.

“Oh... of course,” the nurse stutters. “I’ll give you two a few minutes. You must’ve been so worried.”

He rushes toward me and grabs my hand. “I’ve never been more terrified. When the officers showed up at my office, telling me you were attacked during a home invasion, all I could think about was getting to you. Seeing that you were okay with my own eyes.”

I fight a whimper when Sebastian’s grip tightens in an unmistakable warning not to call him out on his bull.

“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”

Our gazes are locked as we wait for the nurse to leave. As always, he’s perfectly coifed, not a strand out of place on his thick head of hair or a wrinkle to be found on his five-thousand-dollar suit. The only imperfections marring his beautiful features are the slight scratches on his cheek and neck. The second he’s confident we’re alone, the air shifts as the real Sebastian Winters leaks through the shiny surface. The concerned, loving husband has disappeared entirely. Instead, a menacing man now looms over me with the devil in his eyes, promising retribution. No longer able to stand the pressure, I avert my eyes. There was a time when this man’s baby blues would suck me into his orbit, but now, I go out of my way to avoid eye contact with him, afraid of what I might find.

Sebastian leans over, pressing his mouth against my ear. His thumb idly brushes over the racing pulse on my neck while his fingers span the width of my throat. “Trying to run was incredibly stupid, Presley. You should know by now I’ll never let you go, and I don’t tolerate disobedience. You’re going to have to work very hard to make it up to me.”

“Sebastian, if you don’t let me go, I swear I’ll scream.” I’ve been bowing down to this man for too long. After what I learned last night... after what happened when I confronted him about it... I refuse to keep my mouth shut any longer.

“I’d like to see you try.” His minty breath teases my nostrils as a dark chuckle falls from his lips. “Matter of fact, please do. I’ll enjoy punishing you for it later. And trust me when I say, I will punish you, dear wife. I need to make sure you never attempt to do something so stupid again.”

I claw at his fingers with my good arm when he puts pressure on my throat. I greedily gulp in air as he jumps back upon hearing someone enter the room.

“Excuse me, but I need to review these discharge instructions with my patient now.” The nurse—Mia, I think her name is—turns her icy gaze on my husband.

Said husband straightens his tie as he takes a step back, acting as if he wasn’t just trying to strangle me. “Yes, of course.”

Mia glances at me out of her peripheral. “I’m sorry, sir, but I’m going to have to ask you to wait in the lobby to protect my patient’s privacy.”

Sebastian narrows his eyes. “I’m her husband. You can say whatever you need to in front of me.”

“I mean no disrespect, Mr. Mayor. It’s hospital policy.” She juts her chin out. “Please don’t make me call security. I’m assuming you’d like to avoid making a scene. I’ll be happy to escort you to the waiting room myself, so you don’t lose your way.”

I could kiss this woman for playing the reputation card. The only thing Sebastian cares more about than appearances is control. I wait on bated breath as he decides which course of action he’ll take.

His gaze flicks to mine. “I’ll be in the waiting room, darling. Right outside the emergency room doors, so I can return at a moment’s notice.”

I don’t miss the implied threat.

My nurse straightens her shoulders as she steps aside to let Sebastian walk out first. Right before she leaves the room to follow him, she looks over her shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”

I nod, too busy trying to swallow the lump in my throat to form any words.

As promised, no more than two minutes later, Mia returns, sliding the glass door closed behind her, sighing as she takes a seat beside me.

“Presley, I hope I’m not stepping over a line, but I have to ask this again. Are you safe at home? Was it really an intruder who did this to you?” She waves a hand toward me. “Or was it someone you know? Perhaps someone close to you?”

I take a moment to formulate my reply. I have no idea what I’m going to do about Sebastian, but I know I can’t leave here with him. I’m not about to trust that FBI agent without knowing the motive behind his actions, but something about Mia tells me I can depend on her. This woman heals people for a living. If anyone is a safe bet, it’d be her.

I take a deep breath. “Hypothetically... if I said I wasn’t safe at home—which that’s not what I’m saying—but if I did, what good would that do? I have no money, no friends, nowhere I can stay in this city.”

“What about family? Is there anyone you can stay with? Or, if you need me to, I’d be happy to make some calls to check shelter availability.”

“No, a shelter would never work.” I shake my head. “I could be recognized. And I don’t really talk to my family anymore. Even if I could go home, it’s almost a thousand miles away. I have no way of getting there.”

She gives me a sad smile. “I’d wager a pawn shop would give you good money for those rings. At the very least, you can get a ticket home. They should be open soon.”

I gasp, looking at my wedding set. I’ve been wearing these rings for so long, sometimes I forget they’re even there. Sebastian made it clear early on, I was not permitted to remove my rings for any reason. It’s not like people don’t already know I’m married, seeing as we’re in the public eye, but I think he likes having tangible evidence that I belong to him. The overhead lights reflect off the flawless five-carat diamond as I examine it closely, casting tiny rainbows on the wall. It really is stunning, with its Asscher-cut center stone in a pavé setting, but it’s been more of a shackle to me than a piece of jewelry, so I lost sight of its beauty. Plus, if Sebastian ever truly tried to know me—the real me—he would’ve learned I’d never be comfortable with something this flashy and impractical. That should’ve been my first clue, but sadly, I was too busy nursing a heartbreak to notice.

“I don’t...” I toy with the bands on my finger. “I don’t even have cab fare to get to one.”

“My cousin Joey drives an Uber. I can call him and have him take you somewhere. It’s on me. There’s a service entrance... you wouldn’t even have to cross through the ER waiting area. And they might be a little big, but I have a change of clothes in my locker that I’d be happy to give you to help disguise you as much as possible. You need to decide quickly, though, because I have a feeling the good mayor isn’t the most patient man.”

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