Home > Finding Elodie (SEAL Team Hawaii #1)(45)

Finding Elodie (SEAL Team Hawaii #1)(45)
Author: Susan Stoker

“Too stupid to live. You know in the movies when the main character does something incredibly stupid to put him or her in the line of fire, to move the story along? That’s not happening.”

“Oh, like that insurance commercial where the teenagers are running from a serial killer and they’re talking about where to hide and they’re discussing their options. Like, hiding in the basement or something, and one of the girls says, ‘Why don’t we just get in the running car and leave?’ and the guy asks if she’s crazy and they decide to hide behind a wall of chainsaws instead.”

Mustang just looked at her with a blank expression.

“Ha. Right, okay, you haven’t seen that one, but believe me, it’s making fun of those TSTL people you’re talking about.”

“I’ll take your word for it. Now, were you serious about going to the pineapple plantation?”


“Then we need to get out of bed and get moving. Traffic’s gonna be a bitch.”

“You really don’t mind taking me?” Elodie asked him.

“Nope. I’ll do my best to show you whatever you want to see, and I’ve got some other out-of-the-way places I think you’ll like as well. But I remember what you said earlier this morning, so I’ll try to keep the hikes to the prettier waterfalls and views under ten miles.”

Her eyes got huge, and Mustang struggled to keep a straight face.

“You’re kidding, right?”

He lost it then, and burst out laughing.

She joined him and smacked his arm. “You’re mean.”

“Come on, lazy bones, I’ll let you have the shower first.”

“Lazy? Who was doing all the work not too long ago?” she asked suggestively.

And just like that, Mustang was hard again as he remembered how he’d taken her from behind, letting her fuck him…the way she’d rocked back and forth, taking him in and out of her body. “Elodie,” he warned.

“I’m going,” she said with a smirk. “I guess our showering together will have to wait too, huh?”

“If I get in that shower with you, we won’t be going to the Dole Pineapple Plantation. Or anywhere else, for that matter,” he threatened.

“Fine. I’m going,” she said with a pout.

Mustang could tell she was teasing, and he loved it. He really did want to take her in his shower, but what she’d said earlier struck a chord in him. He wanted her to live her life. Not have any regrets when the end came. He was in a profession where that end could come sooner rather than later. Every mission he went on could be his last, and he wanted to experience as much as possible with this woman. Wanted to see her eyes light up as she tasted her first pineapple whip. To cook side by side with her, and experience a lot more sunsets on the beach.

She disappeared into the bathroom, then immediately stuck her head back out. “But we need to stop by my place so I can get some clothes.”

“Of course,” Mustang told her. “Might be a good idea for you to bring extras over here, just in case I get too excited and rip them off again later.” He’d tried to be nonchalant, but obviously failed.

She stared at him for a long moment before she smiled. “I’ll do that,” she said softly, then disappeared again, still smiling.

Mustang flopped back on his sheets. He could smell their combined scent on his bedding and knew he’d never take that for granted.

Elodie was here. With him. In his bed. In his heart. He was a lucky man, and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure no one took her from him. He wasn’t perfect, was too intense, a bit too addicted to working out, and stubborn to boot, but he’d do whatever was necessary to make Elodie love him.

It might not be today. Or tomorrow. But hopefully someday, she’d realize he’d never let her down, that he’d always be there for her…and that he was head over heels in love with her.



Chapter Thirteen



“Did you find out what her deal is?” Slate asked Monday morning, when they’d all gathered around their usual conference table in the building where they worked on the Naval base.

Mustang had dropped Elodie at the dock and had re-met Kai, the young guy she worked with, and was also introduced to Perry, one of the owners of the boat. It had been weird to hear them calling her Melody, but he did his best to go with it. She’d never be Melody to him, now that he knew her real name. She’d always be his El.

After seeing her off, he’d gone to the base and had a long talk with his commander. He hadn’t wanted to tell the older man everything, knowing he’d be told to let the police handle it, so he was vague about Elodie’s issues, hinting that she had an ex who wasn’t happy she was dating again, and was given permission to take his lunches a bit later in the afternoon so he could pick her up after she was done working for the day.

Now he was sitting with his team, ready to tell them Elodie’s story. Mustang wasn’t surprised Slate had been the first to bring it up. He would’ve laughed at the predictability of his team, but he didn’t have it in him at the moment.

He’d been thinking about Elodie’s situation, and the more he ruminated over what she’d said, the more it rankled. She’d done nothing wrong, just had the misfortune to accept a job with an unscrupulous man. She’d left at the first hint of trouble, and yet she wasn’t out of the woods.

Did anyone escape the mob’s wrath? Mustang knew next to nothing about the criminal underworld, but he had connections who would know plenty. Who’d be able to find out everything there was to know about this Paul Columbus guy—including his weaknesses.

Mustang was a SEAL. The trident he’d earned was a symbol of honor and heritage. He’d sworn to defend those who couldn’t defend themselves, and his loyalty to his country and team would always be beyond reproach. He couldn’t exactly go around killing people who did things he didn’t approve of. He’d never stoop to that level. But if protecting and defending Elodie and his team meant someone died, so be it.

He had a feeling Paul Columbus would never get his own hands dirty. He’d send someone else to do his dirty work for him. So even if he dispatched someone who came after Elodie, there would always be someone else waiting in the wings to try to accomplish what the one before him had failed to do. Cutting off the head of the snake was the only true way to kill the enemy. That’s how it was in war, and how it would be with the Columbus family.

Mustang had thought about the situation almost nonstop since Elodie had told him what happened. He’d smiled and laughed and enjoyed spending time with her at the pineapple plantation, but his mind never stopped mulling over her problem. Talking with his team would help make things clearer in his mind, Mustang knew that. But he also was aware that he’d be opening them up to whatever danger might lurk in the darkness, gunning for his woman.

And yes, Elodie was his. He wasn’t going to fight it.

“Mustang?” Slate asked, interrupting his musings. “Are you gonna tell us or what?”

“Keep your pants on, Slate,” Midas complained. “Give him a second to think.”

Mustang smiled. He loved these guys. They were as close to brothers as he was going to get. He’d actually thought about keeping Elodie’s story to himself, if only to protect these men. But if they knew he’d done that, they’d kick his ass for sure. They could take care of themselves without him playing protector. Besides, he needed their input. They always brainstormed before a mission and played devil’s advocate with each other. They looked at all sides of an issue before deciding on a plan, and that’s what he needed right now.

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