Home > Finding Elodie (SEAL Team Hawaii #1)(65)

Finding Elodie (SEAL Team Hawaii #1)(65)
Author: Susan Stoker

Her words cut off as Mustang stepped out of the truck and stalked around to her side. He didn’t give her time to ask what he was doing. He simply opened her truck door and yanked her out. This time, he threw her over his shoulder.

He heard her laughing as he strode toward the apartment entrance.

“So, maybe we’ll start with foyer sex, then move to the chair and the other stuff,” she told him.

Yeah, that sounded more like it. Mustang knew he wouldn’t be able to hold off long enough to get her to his room. Just like that first night, he had to be inside this woman. And he could take her bare. It would be a first for him, and he couldn’t fucking wait.

The second he was inside his apartment and she was on her feet once more, their hands were all over each other. It took way longer than he wanted to get her naked because she still had on her bathing suit under her clothes, but he was on his knees at her feet with his mouth on her pussy before she could catch her breath.

“Scott!” she exclaimed.

The tangy taste of her excitement exploded on his tongue, and Mustang gripped her hips hard, hoping he wasn’t going to leave bruises as he feasted on the woman he loved. She was as primed as he was, and within two minutes, she was writhing in his arms, begging for more.

Before her orgasm had finished, he shoved his pants and underwear over his ass, not bothering to take them off, and picked up Elodie.

Leaning back against the door, she wrapped her legs around his waist and looked into his eyes with so much love, Mustang thought he was going to explode before he even got inside her. Holding her ass with one hand, he reached for his cock with the other and lined himself up to her weeping slit.

He held his breath as he slowly slid inside her. He was thick, and she was tight, but as usual, she felt absolutely amazing. Even more so without the barrier of the condom between them. He held her gaze as he began to fuck her hard, fast, feeling closer to her than he ever had before. It was as if ditching the condom had metaphorically removed all barriers between them.

“I love you,” he blurted…then stilled.

He hadn’t meant to tell her yet. He wanted to give her more time to get to know him. To do what he could to make her love him back. He prayed he hadn’t just ruined everything.

Her eyes got wide and filled with tears. Mustang panicked for a split second.

“I love you too,” she whispered.

Mustang thrust inside her hard one more time and came. Right then and there with no more effort whatsoever. He filled her pussy with the largest load of come he’d ever let go. It felt as if he’d never stop.

Knowing she loved him back was the biggest turn-on—and the largest relief he’d ever known.

Without pulling out of her, Mustang held Elodie to him and turned around and headed for his bedroom. He had to shuffle in an undignified way since his pants had fallen around his ankles, but he wasn’t going to stop, not if it meant letting go of Elodie. She leaned into him and he felt her soft puffs of air against his neck as she tried to catch her breath.

Upon entering his bedroom, he leaned over and grabbed the blanket from the bed and threw it over the ugliest chair he’d ever seen. Elodie had warned him that it needed to be reupholstered, and she hadn’t been lying. But if they were going to be spending a lot of time hanging out in this chair, he didn’t want to get it all gross by having sex in it.

He sat—and groaned. She was right. The chair was fucking fantastic.

Elodie braced her knees on either side of his hips and sat up, smiling at him.

“Are you laughing at me, woman?” he mock growled.

“Me? No, would I do that?” she asked not so innocently.

Mustang sobered. “Say it again,” he ordered.

She took his head in her hands and stroked his beard. “I love you.” She didn’t even hesitate.

Mustang’s cock twitched inside her, and she groaned as she shifted on his lap. Amazingly, Mustang was ready to go again. He only hoped he’d last longer this time. He would’ve been embarrassed at how he’d prematurely ejaculated already, but he supposed he could be forgiven. It had been two weeks since he’d come, he was fucking bare inside her for the first time ever, and the woman he loved more than life itself had just admitted she felt the same way.

“Hang on,” he warned, waiting for her to grab hold of his shoulders before he began to fuck his woman once more.

Later, much later, after they’d eaten, and showered, and made love again, Mustang was lying in bed with his arm around Elodie, listening to her snore slightly against his bare chest. He was beyond tired, but more satisfied than he could ever remember being.

Mustang kissed her temple then shut his eyes, glad that she was safe. And he vowed to keep her that way.



Andrew scowled at the apartment complex in front of him. He was tired, hungry, and in need of a shower. Hawaii was supposed to be paradise, but so far it had been nothing but a pain in his ass. The traffic sucked, it was way too hot and fucking humid, and it had taken him longer than both he and Paul wanted to find Elodie fucking Winters.

But he’d done it. Finally.

It had been easy to figure out that the Navy SEALs who’d rescued the Asaka Express were stationed in Honolulu. The area code of the guy’s number led him straight to the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. Paul had paid off a contractor who had access to personnel records and had received the names of the SEALs who’d been on the cargo ship with Elodie. It hadn’t been difficult to pay someone else to trace the phone numbers of those men. There was only one who had the right digits Valentino had remembered.

Scott Webber.

Andrew had hightailed it to Honolulu after getting the man’s description, address, and vehicle information. It wasn’t until he was already in the Aloha State that he’d been informed by his insider that the SEALs were away on a mission. It should’ve been the perfect time to grab the bitch and take care of her once and for all…but while he’d been able to see her with his own eyes, he hadn’t been able to get near her. Since Andrew’s arrival, Elodie had only left the SEAL’s apartment to go to the harbor. A guy had picked her up and dropped her off every day of the last week, and the security in the apartment complex was too intense for him to slip inside unseen. There were cameras everywhere.

Andrew had managed to find the only spot in the parking lot where he’d likely be out of range of the security cameras. All the way in the back corner by the street. His nondescript, four-door black rental blended in just fine, but with the lack of access to Elodie, he’d been forced to bide his time and try to come up with another plan.

He’d hoped to have everything taken care of before Mr. Navy SEAL arrived back from his mission, but he wasn’t so lucky. He’d watched from the harbor parking lot as his target and the SEAL had almost fucked right on the dock. And he’d recognized the look of lust on the man’s face before he’d carried Elodie into the building a short while ago. She’d be even harder to get to now.

But not impossible. Earlier that morning, Andrew had finally come up with the perfect plan, but he had to wait until Sunday to execute it. It was costing Paul a fortune but would be worth it in the end. And Andrew couldn’t fucking wait. All he wanted to do was get back to New York. He was so sick of this bitch.

Andrew started his car and pulled out of the lot. There was no need to watch the apartment complex all night, not when his plan was in motion. He’d been very careful in his surveillance so far, not wanting Elodie to have any inclination she was living her last few days on this Earth. The element of surprise was one of his favorite things, and he knew without a doubt the bitch was going to be surprised. Even dating a Navy SEAL wouldn’t save her from Paul’s wrath. She might think she was home free, hiding out here in paradise, fucking a damn SEAL…but she was wrong.

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