Home > Finding Elodie (SEAL Team Hawaii #1)(75)

Finding Elodie (SEAL Team Hawaii #1)(75)
Author: Susan Stoker

“What about the guy who came out here and tried to kill Elodie?” Midas asked.

“Andrew Ferry. He was killed along with Paul,” Baker said. “Turns out the man’s been wanted for homicides all over the US. His DNA ties him to murders in New York, LA, Miami, Chicago, and some backwater little town in Virginia called Fallport. A team of experienced search-and-rescue guys were training in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, and they stumbled across the bodies of two men who’d been tortured and dumped. Was the talk of Fallport for quite a while.

“Anyway, as well as the DNA found here in the States, he’s also been linked to murders in London, Paris, and Berlin, as well. The man was literally a serial killer, and Jerry Columbus isn’t sorry he’s dead.”

“What’s going to prevent Jerry from coming after Elodie?” Slate asked.

Elodie was grateful for the question. She wanted to know that as well.

“Because he gave me his word,” Baker said without hesitation.

The other men all nodded—but that wasn’t enough for Elodie. “And that’s it? You trust him?”

“I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him,” Baker retorted. “I trust no one. But he knows you’re off limits, and that you aren’t going to be a problem for him.”

“I’m off limits?” she asked.

“Yes. You’re under Tex’s protection. And mine. And Silverstone’s. And Rex’s. That was enough for him to know if he did something so stupid as to try to take up where his asshole predecessor left off, his entire family would suffer. But he’s not stupid, he’s willing to let bygones be bygones. As long as you don’t go to the cops with what happened while you were in the Columbus family’s employ, you’ll be fine. You go your way, he’ll go his. All’s well and good.”

Elodie’s head spun. She didn’t know Tex. Or who or what Silverstone was. And had never heard of any Rex. And why was Baker willing to take her under his protection?

Nothing made sense…but when she looked up into Scott’s eyes, all her questions disappeared. He trusted Baker, that was obvious. All the men around her did.

All she’d wanted was for this nightmare to end. And now that it apparently had, thanks to this Tex guy and Baker, and she was grateful. She was definitely not going to go to the cops about something a dead man had supposedly done. She just wanted to forget it happened at all.

“Thank you. I’m gonna make you the biggest, most delicious apple crumble you’ve ever eaten in your life. And anytime you want a home-cooked meal, all you need to do is ask and it’s yours.”

“Done,” Baker said with a completely straight face. “I’ve got your number, so I’ll be in touch.” Then he stood up and nodded at the rest of the men and headed for the door.

“Wait!” Elodie exclaimed, standing up and waiting for the mysterious Baker to turn around.

“Yeah?” he asked.

Elodie moved without thought. She walked toward Baker and put her arms around him before she chickened out.

He hesitated for a split second, as if surprised anyone would dare touch him. Then she felt his arms wrap around her.

“Thank you. I’m thinking since I’m a chef, and your first name is Baker, this was meant to be. Anything you want, anytime, I’m in your debt,” she told him.

She felt his arms tighten briefly, then he cleared his throat and stepped back. She had no choice but to let go. He raised a hand and ran the backs of his fingers over her cheek before turning to Scott. “She’s sweet. Don’t find too many like that anymore. Don’t do anything to fuck it up.”

“Not planning on it,” Scott said as he came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Baker nodded at them once more, then he spun and headed for the front door.

The second it closed behind him, Elodie turned to face the guys. “And thank all of you for helping to find me. For calling this Tex guy. For getting the Coast Guard involved. For all of it. I owe you.”

“You owe us nothing,” Scott said.

“Wait a minute,” Midas said. “I could use a good apple crumble.”

“I don’t even know what that is, and I think I could too,” Aleck threw in.

“I want her to make us some more burgers,” Pid added.

“I’m thinking you can probably make some kick-ass Thai food,” Jag suggested.

“Chocolate cake,” Slate told her.

Elodie chuckled. “Done. Maybe not all at the same time though. We’ll have lots of get-togethers so I can make everyone what they want.”

As the rest of the team started discussing what they wanted her to make for them first, Scott turned her toward him so they were face-to-face. “Now you’ve done it,” he warned.

Elodie chuckled. “I’m happy to cook for them. I owe them everything. Where did this Baker guy come from? What’s his story? He’s kind of scary.”

“He is,” Scott agreed. “But he’s a good man. He’s seen a lot of shit in his life and is kind of a hermit. He lives up on the North Shore and spends his days surfing, trying to outrun his demons, I guess. But the admiral of the base seems to have him on speed dial. He’s used as a consultant for a lot of intense missions and, as you found out, he’s got some pretty powerful connections as well. If he says he’s got your back, he’s got your back.”

“Is it really over?”

“Yeah, babe. It is.”

Elodie closed her eyes and leaned into Scott’s chest. “It seems hard to believe.”

“Believe it. So when are you going to marry me?”

Her eyes popped open. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. I’m thinking a beach wedding. Low-key. Nothing fancy. I don’t do fancy.”

“We’ll talk about it,” she told him, her mind already racing, thinking of ideas for their wedding.

“I love you, Elodie. I promise not to let you down as badly as I did with the Columbus situation ever again.”

“You didn’t let me down,” she protested.

“I did, but it won’t happen again.”

She decided to drop the subject. She’d known deep in her bones that Paul Columbus was going to catch up to her at some point. She’d been the one who’d gotten complacent. Thank God no one had been killed. They’d all been very lucky.

“Do I get to invite Baker to our wedding?” she asked.

“You can invite whoever you want, but don’t get your hopes up that he’ll come. He really is a hermit. I’m surprised he agreed to come here to talk to you today. I think he wanted to make sure you understood that he really does have your back, and that you’re safe.”

“I like him. He’s broody and intense and kinda terrifies me…but I still like him.”

Scott kissed her forehead. “Me too, babe. Me too.”



Elodie didn’t know how it happened, but two weeks later, she was standing on the bow of a yacht Scott had rented, having just said her vows to love and cherish her husband for the rest of her life.

He’d talked her into getting married on the ocean, even though she’d been terrified of getting on a boat again. The memories had threatened to overwhelm her when she’d stepped onboard, but she’d been so busy with getting dressed, with Kalani fussing over her, and making sure everyone was having a good time, she’d soon forgotten to be scared.

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