Home > Scar(10)

Author: A.M. Brooks

“Yikes,” Evita laughs lightly. “Well, we’re from out of town. One of the guys from the races told me this was the place to be tonight.” She shrugs, playing it cool, and I envy how effortless she makes it look. Maybe I do need some lessons.

Ayda sits up straighter in her chair, a playful smirk crossing her lips. “Which guy?” She starts scanning the crowd, and my gaze follows in the same direction. Off in the distance, I finally see a group of three guys, separate from the rest. A truck sits parked on the sand and they are gathered around it.

“His name was Eli or Elias something.” Evita laughs again and lifts her shoulders, faking that she forgot her name. She’s shameless, and I’ve never been more proud.

“Elias Martinez invited you?” Ayda perks up at the information, leaning forward in her seat. “Elias is pretty much the quiet one of the group. I didn’t even know he knew how to talk to girls.”

I giggle. “Well, that’s Evita for ya. She draws them in.”

“I’m impressed.” Ayda clinks her glass to ours as Evita smiles.

“Who’s your friends, little H?” a deep voice asks from behind us. My head swivels around and my jaw about drops open. I’d seen candid shots of Dean Osborne, but to see him up close and in person, there’s no comparison. I lower my lashes and take in everything about him. Tall, completely ripped, he’s standing before us bare chested with only a pair of jeans hanging low on his hips.

“Some new friends,” Ayda shrugs, “Not groupies. This is Evita and her cousin, Scarlet.”

“Hey,” I say, nodding, trying to look nice while also disinterested. I do not want to give these guys the wrong impression. Evita waves her hand and smiles, while also noticeably looking the man up and down. A full smile crosses Dean’s lips while his eyes dance between us.

“You ladies should come over and join us then.” He nods his head in the direction of the lone group of guys. “Besides, Sam was looking for you, Ayd.”

Her eyes roll. “He’s always looking for me. Where does he honestly think I’m going to disappear to?”

“You know how he is,” Dean says, as if Ayda’s brother is always this protective of her. A pang of jealousy hits my gut before quickly disappearing. I would give anything to have a sibling. Then again, I wouldn’t wish my father on anyone.

“We’ll be there in a minute,” she says and flicks her wrist, so he’ll leave. Dean takes the hint and starts walking toward his friends. I’m itching to follow now. Awareness that Trent is so close is making my insides flip. I take a small sip of my drink to help me keep my focus.

“Your brother is the protective kind, huh?” Evita asks, keeping the conversation going.

“Stepbrother,” Ayda replies automatically. Even in the dim fire light I can see her cheeks heat red. “Our parents married last year and decided they wanted to jet set. I stay with Sam when I can, but he’s gone a lot.”

“Sounds rough,” I say, quietly, and she smiles at me softly. “I don’t have any siblings, but I think I would be protective of them too.”

Ayda sighs. “If only he was reasonable. His rules are stricter than my mom’s.” Her eyes roll, and we laugh.


Our heads snap up to see one of the guys standing a few feet from the others and motioning her over.

“Guess we better move before Sam has a stroke,” she huffs, while standing and grabbing her blanket and chair.

Evita and I let her take the lead. Together, we cross the sand toward the guy who holds my freedom in his hands, even though he has no idea. A nervousness I’ve never felt before creeps along my spine, and rattles my confidence. My steps falter. I take a deep breath, in and out, reminding myself that I’ve done more dangerous missions that this in the past three years. I’ve looked death in the eye and fought my way back from being outnumbered and broken.

“Where’ve you been?” A guy’s voice asks once we’re close enough, and I can feel the flames of their small, private fire. Ayda’s brow quirks, and I assume this must be Sam.

“Hanging out with my new friends. Last I checked, I didn’t need to be near you twenty-four-seven.”

“I’m just checking on you, Ayd. These parties can get wild,” Sam replies, his eyes swinging to the other crowds nearby. This is the tamest beach party I’ve ever been to. That and anyone with eyes can see the possessive way Sam is watching Ayd, not at all in a step-brotherly way. I fight the urge to smile. Turning my head, I happen to glance up and find a pair of deep blue eyes already on me. I hold his gaze. His lips quirk up as if he could read my thoughts and we would be in agreement.

I can’t make myself look away from him. His surveillance picture doesn’t do him justice. Trent’s sandy brown hair is longer on top, pieces falling over his forehead, while the sides are cropped short. His stare seems to penetrate my soul, causing shivers to erupt on my arms and legs. My eyes take in his strong cheekbones, his square-cut jaw, and his full, pink-tinged lips that are now smirking at me. Something shifts in my chest and I tilt my chin up in response, letting him know I don’t care that he knows I’m checking out every single feature on his stupid handsome face.

“Who are your friends, Ayd?” Trent asks, and I’m as unprepared to hear his gravelly voice as I was to see him up close. He has the perfect blend of the All-American boy face with the body of a rebel with tattoos painted over his tan skin, giving him a touch of badness. Heat swirls in my gut while his eyes run over me.

“This is Evi, the girl I told you about,” Elias answers, his arm wrapping around my cousin. I feel everyone’s eyes land on me next and I still haven’t looked past Trent.

“Scarlet,” I tell him, and watch the way his chest rises and falls with the information.

“I’m Trent, ladies, it’s nice to meet you,” he finally says, before looking past me over to my cousin, shooting her a heart-stopping grin.

“Likewise, Trent,” Evi replies, holding her cup up in mock salute before turning her attention back to Elias.

Conversation around us continues, but I’m still frozen to the spot. Mentally berating myself, I turn toward the fire, one arm wrapping around my middle while the other lifts my drink to my lips.

“You can sit here, if you don’t want to stand.” I hear his voice, and there’s a small tug on my jacket sleeve. My head turns to him, and I nod before stepping over to the truck’s tailgate. Setting my drink down, I hoist myself up, proud that I can, at least, do this gracefully.

“Thanks,” I murmur, my hair falling in the my face, making curtain around it. Secretly I’m plotting all the ways I can explain to my dad why this is a bad idea. Maybe Evita and everyone else is right and I can’t take on guys my own age who aren’t actively trying to kill me. All his survival skills’ teachings won’t work on my teenage hormones.

“Are you from around here?” Trent questions. I glance up and realize he’s closer to me, his body turned in my direction, interested in what I have to say.

“No,” I shake my head, “Just in town for the race tonight.”

“What did you think?”

“It was good.” I shrug my shoulders, a small smile pulling at my lips. “You were okay.”

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