Home > Scar(30)

Author: A.M. Brooks

“You okay?” I ask, inclining my head forward, to speak directly in her ear. Huge mistake. My senses are instantly assaulted by the smell of coconut and vanilla. Something I’ve tried to avoid over the years. My eyes trail along the silk exposed skin of her neck that appears to shimmer under the lights.

“Rat’s uncle is here. He isn’t too thrilled by the choice I made last week,” she murmurs, her hand snatching up a glass of champagne off a server’s tray as they pass her.

I scoff. “I’m sure he isn’t. His sole moneymaker is gone.”

“I had to send a message,” Scarlet flicks her gaze to mine, before looking back out to the crowd, “I also had to throw any heat off of us.”

To that I have nothing to say. She’s right. It was calculated, and as much as I hate going into these things blind, I agree with how she’s going about dismantling her own empire. Steeling her spine, her mask falling back into place, Scarlet keeps walking toward the group of men standing closest to the railing. A Nevada senator is amongst them. “Fuck.”

Scarlet glances back at me. “I told you.” She answers only loud enough for me to hear. I watch her hips sway with confidence while she walks up to them. They all turn to her, eyes looking her up and down in appreciation. Scarlet looks comfortable amongst the snakes, kissing their cheeks and offering her hand. She smiles and sips from her glass while they talk and point at the fighters in the ring. I manage to tread close enough to offer my assistance while also managing to keep some distance not to overshadow her.

While she talks, I manage to keep Rat’s uncle in my peripheral, noticing that he manages to keep getting closer and closer, his face set in a stony mask. My gaze moves from Scarlet to him, gauging the distance. Close enough for a bullet. My jaw twitches as I step closer to Scarlet, bringing my back against hers, shielding her. Her body goes rigid for a minute before finally leaning into me. I get a few side-eye glances from the men around us, but I keep my gaze focused ahead, managing to look like I’m simply protecting her. Hopefully that dickhead will take the hint that he won’t get through the barrier around her.

My insides are screaming at the way she is pressed against me, every curve fitting right back into place, exactly how it was meant to be. Even after years apart, my body recognizes that we fit like pieces of a puzzle.

“Reyes,” a voice calls behind us. I turn in time with Scarlet, to face the man who must not value his life.

“Walk away, Felix,” she warns, brow raised. The crowd around us has gone silent, everyone waiting see how this plays out.

“You think you can kill someone in my family and get away with it you crazy bitch!” The man becomes unhinged, eyes bulging, while spit flies from his mouth with every heated word.

Scarlet stands taller, her chin lifting. “A rat is a rat. Next time someone in your family wants to double cross me, they’ll meet the same fate.”

“Alverez’s biggest mistake was thinking he could let his daughter into the fold and that she would survive.” Felix draws a 9mm out of his side holster, aiming it right at her. A few other gasps can be heard around the room, and I turn my head to find we’re surrounded, at least five other guns aimed in our direction.

Instead of backing down, Scarlet takes a step toward him, letting his gun aim straight at her chest. She’s an open target, the minute she stepped away from me. “Scar,” I say her name, trying to pull her attention back to me, instead of being on whatever power trip she’s on.

“I think everyone here would disagree, Felix,” she practically purrs, while staring him down. “Would you want someone in your fold to be plotting against you? Would you not punish someone ready to sell you out to the highest bidder? I might just be speaking for myself, but I tend to honor loyalty amongst the company I keep.”

Heads nod around the room. Felix’s eyes widen and his face turns a burgundy hue. “I’m always loyal!”

“Then put your guns away before you make a bigger spectacle of yourself,” she hisses back in his face. “Your nephew planned to sell me out to the feds. No one here blames me for what I did. I actually gave him the kindest way out with a quick shot to the head. Vlad over here would probably still be playing with Matty’s innards.”

The man, Vlad, that she pointed to, shrugs his shoulders, mockingly, a sadistic smile plastered over his thin lips. The other guns in the crowd lower, taking in her words, while Felix still stands fuming in front of us. Without thinking, I pull my own piece from my holster and level it at the man’s head. His eyes jump to mine. “Your turn,” I tell him, keeping my voice firm and emotionless. Scarlet’s body practically hums next to me. I know she won’t be happy about the power play I used, but I don’t give a shit. This slippery little fuck in front of us isn’t taking the hint.

“Felix,” the man I recognize as one of the state’s senators finally speaks, “you should learn to know when you’re outnumbered and outplayed.” He brushes his own jacket aside to show the butt of the weapon he’s carrying.

Finally Felix lowers his gun, huffing, and storms away from the watching eyes. Not until he’s out of my line of sight do I lower my weapon. Scarlet turns back to the group, her brow quirked. “Are we ready for the main event?” They all chuckle and focus back on the entertainment. Scarlet stands stiffly in front of me, keeping a good amount of distance between us. I gather she’s angry at me for breaking protocol or maybe making her appear weak, but I wasn’t going to not call the man out. There is no doubt in my mind he was debating on whether or not he would get away with putting a bullet in her. If no one else had spoken up, he would have taken the chance.

When the main event is over, Scarlet is the first to make her way to the elevator after saying her goodbyes. She moves quickly, while avoiding me, only letting me close enough to her so that it appears we are being professional. I smirk at the anger in her eyes when we are finally alone, heading back up toward our parked car. She keeps silent and so do I. In fact, she ignores me completely once we get to the car, breaking her own protocol when she lets herself in the car. I drive us back to her safe house, letting her fume, all the while my own irritation is growing. Fuck her. I helped save her life tonight. If anything, she should be thanking me for not turning my back and letting the man finish her off.

I’m hot on her heels, stomping after her into the house. The minute the door closes behind me, she’s kicks off her heels and throws her clutch purse onto the counter, before starting to walk away.

“Feel free to thank me, when you get your head out of your ass,” I call after her retreating back. She stops midstride, my words hitting the mark I intended. My adrenaline is still pumping furiously in my veins. I’m ready to fight this out with her right now. All of that changes, though, when she turns to face me.

“Why did you do it?” she asks, her voice scratchy and full of emotion. Black mascara runs down her cheeks in rivulets with her tears. Her lips are puffy, as if she’s been biting them. She looks tortured and broken. Everything contradicts how I thought she would be feeling and acting that I don’t know what to do with myself.

“I wasn’t going to let him kill you, Scar,” I tell her, hating the way my own voice turns soft toward her.

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