Home > Vampire (Dark Protectors #12.5)(15)

Vampire (Dark Protectors #12.5)(15)
Author: Rebecca Zanetti

“This stalker has upped his game.” Evan peered into what used to be the back seat. “There was no hint of violence in the Dallas records.” He paused and turned toward Raine. “This is directed at you, but if he’s obsessed with Mariana, he’s going to see your new, ah, friendship as a betrayal.”

Friendship. Well, that was one way to put it. The sounds of her sighs from the night before were still running through his head, and he wanted more. A lot more. “I’m aware,” Raine said, ignoring the smoke still wafting from the engine area.

Evan dusted soot off his hands and stood to his full height. He’d filled out quite a bit since mating Tabi, although he’d been a big guy as a human. Well, he was still human but now had extra chromosomal pairs making him immortal. “I’m new to this world of yours.”

“I know,” Raine said, studying a male he now considered a friend. “How are you doing?”

Evan shrugged. “Fine, I guess. All of the secrecy and uncertainty is a pain, however. There aren’t any human males who’ve mated immortals that we can find. I’m sure they’re out there, but apparently I have to stay under the radar, so I don’t know what to expect.”

“None of us know with you,” Raine admitted. “So long as you’re not nuts and trying to take out whole cities, I figure you’re fine.”

“I don’t want to hurt anybody,” Evan said, looking like the cop he’d been for so long. “This new strength is taking some time to get used to, and I have to stop accidentally breaking cell phones or I’m going to run out of money. My senses are strong, too. I can smell Mariana all over you.”

Raine tilted his head. Was Evan going to warn him off in an effort to protect the fragile shrink? “Your point?”

The cop shrugged, looking around the quiet neighborhood. “If you’re immortal, why can’t you mate her? She obviously likes you, and immortality ain’t bad.”

Raine didn’t have time for this. “I already explained enough. My time is limited.”

Evan met his gaze directly, and a dark blue rim surrounded his normally blue iris. That was new. “Immortals don’t get sick, as far as I understand. So how is your time limited? You really are going to have to explain that.”

“I really don’t,” Raine said mildly, acutely aware of the oath he’d taken at the age of ten to protect his family. His reaching out to Faith Cooper was as close to breaking that vow as he’d ever come, and he wasn’t going to change that with this new immortal. “Just promise that when I’m gone, you’ll look out for Mariana.”

“Of course,” Evan said easily. “Tabi really likes her. I’m sure we’ll be able to find her a nice immortal to mate so she can live forever. My demoness seems to be a bit of a matchmaker, if you ask me.”

Raine rolled his eyes. “Nice try.” The thought of Mariana mating somebody else was like a kick in the balls, but he wasn’t going to play that game with Evan. He stretched his neck and looked toward the quiet home. After going all night with the stunning brunette, he should be tired, but instead he felt invigorated. Healthy again.

She had that effect on him.

Shit. She was supposed to have that effect on him.

Movement sounded, and two police cars zoomed down the street, screeching to a stop. The sheriff leaped out of his with his gun out. “Put your hands up. Now.”

Raine looked at Evan and then back at the sheriff while the other officer opened her door and held her gun pointed at him. “What the hell?”

Evan frowned at his former boss. “What in the world are you doing?”

The sheriff ignored him. Today he’d dressed in a nicely pressed uniform, and his hair was groomed. He still had the slight beer belly going on, though. “Turn and put your hands on the vehicle, Maxwell.”

Raine sighed. “I don’t have time for this shit, buddy. What’s going on?”

Evan stepped toward the sheriff. “Baker—this is a bad idea.”

“Shut up or I’ll arrest you, too,” the sheriff snapped. “Marlene. Now.”

The blonde female officer strode around her car door, her gaze apologetic. “Turn around, Mr. Maxwell.”

Mariana and Tabi walked out onto the porch.

“What’s going on?” Mariana asked.

Raine stiffened. “False arrest, apparently.” He could take care of the sheriff in a heartbeat, but the curvy blonde officer was just doing her job. He cut a look at Evan.

Evan nodded. “I’ll take care of things here. Is there a lawyer you want me to call?”

“Yeah. Hit speed dial 3 on my phone. It’s inside.” Raine turned and allowed the officer to cuff him and lead him to her car. He looked over the top of it. “Mariana? Stay inside and safe until I get out and begin legal proceedings against this dumbass sheriff.” Then he sat in the backseat, his temper at bay since Evan had promised to stay and look after Mariana along with Tabi. Although the way the demoness was staring at the sheriff, she might go for the brain attack. At this point, Raine didn’t care.

The last thing he saw before the car sped away was Mariana’s pale face.


* * * *


This was unbelievable. Mariana stormed into her house and reached for Raine’s phone on the counter to speed dial # 3.

“Yo, bro. You get the deed done?” A male voice came over the line—one with a similar deep timbre to Raine.

“Um, this is Mariana Lopez and Raine Maxwell said to call this number?”

Quiet came across for a second. “Is Raine all right?”

“Healthy, yes. But he was just arrested and said to call you. Are you his lawyer?” She bit her lip.

“If he needs a lawyer, then I’m his lawyer,” the guy said. “Mariana, huh?”

She turned as Evan shut the front door and Tabi looked at her expectantly. “Yes.”

“Good. I’m actually, uh, close by and will take care of this.” The guy disengaged the call.

Mariana pulled the phone from her ear to stare at it. “Weird. Definitely weird.”

The door opened, and the sheriff walked inside.

“Get out of my house,” Mariana burst out, moving right for him. Her body was still tingling from the night she’d shared with Raine, and there was no way he should’ve been arrested.

Tabi stopped her by the arm. “Hold on. Let me kick him out. I haven’t had any fun lately.” The miniature blonde rocked back on her heels as if ready for a good fight.

Mariana paused. Oh, Tabi was tough, but she was half the size of the sheriff. “I can handle this.”

“I’ve got it.” Evan yanked the door open wider and reached for the sheriff.

“Wait,” Mariana ordered. “If you touch him, he’ll press charges. However, since he’s trespassing in my house—”

“Enough,” the sheriff grumbled, his eyes blazing. It was odd that both he and Raine had green eyes, but the greens couldn’t be any different. Raine’s eyes were a deep and true green, while the sheriff’s were slightly muddy and cloudy.

Mariana held up a hand. “Sheriff—”

“Buck Baker. Please call me Buck. Please.” The sheriff tapped a manilla file folder against one hand. “Tell your friends to leave and let me help you.”

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