Home > For The Love of Easton (For the Love Of #2)(34)

For The Love of Easton (For the Love Of #2)(34)
Author: A.M. Hargrove

Now I was the gobsmacked one. “Wait one minute. Why is this discussion taking place between you two? Don’t I have a say in the matter?” I crossed my arms and tapped my toe. Since I was the one who would be getting married, had it not crossed either of their idiotic minds to explore this with me? “What the hell is wrong with all of you?” I didn’t wait for an answer. I grabbed my purse and stomped out of the house.

“English, wait.” Tristian followed me. I ignored him. I didn’t live far and it was within walking distance. But I wasn’t going home. I was going to Banana and Geepa’s. They were the best to talk things over with, and maybe they would take my side, as it seemed everyone else in the Bridges household had jumped on the crazy train.

When he tugged on my arm, I had no choice but to stop. “Tristian, we have nothing to say to each other. I’m appalled that you didn’t consider talking to me first.”

“I wanted to ask for your hand. And besides, I wasn’t sure what your reaction would be.”

Humph. “Now you have your answer. Apparently I’m not… honestly, I don’t know what I am, but you must not think highly enough of me to consult with me on our marriage!” By the time the sentence ended I was shouting.

“That’s not it. Can I be honest?”

“By all means, because until now, I’m not sure what you’ve been.”

He paralleled his hands. “It’s difficult to explain and you’re going to think the worst of me.”

“I already think that.”

“I understand, but this is different.”

“Fine. Go ahead.” My clipped tone should’ve been an indication my patience was at an end. Only he still took his time.

“My brothers and I have sort of been estranged. My mother and sister are… let’s just say they’re a different breed altogether.”

“Tristian, what the hell does this have to do with us?”

“Please, bear with me. I’m getting to that.”

I put a hand to my forehead and took a long cleansing breath. Why did this conversation remind me of when I’d been in labor? “Okay, go on.”

“My father and I were never close, never saw eye-to-eye. I wanted to be a photographer and he wanted me in the family business, so I left and he disowned me. I made it on my own, obviously, but at the reading of his will, I was the one who inherited it all.”

“Tristian, this all is very interesting, but again, what does this have to do with marriage?”

He finally dropped the bomb and it was an atomic one. “In order for me to inherit, I have to be married or everything goes to charity.”

The fucker wanted to marry me to save his family fortune. Money. That was what I amounted to. The lousy dollar.

“No, thank you.” I turned and headed toward my grandparents’.

“But you haven’t heard everything.”

“I’ve heard enough. If there’s more, I’m not interested.”

“My family will lose everything it’s worked for. I don’t give a damn for me as I’m not in the business. It’s my two brothers I’m concerned about. Wouldn’t you do the same?”

“Yes, I would be concerned. No, I would not throw anyone under the bus for money.”

“Dammit, that’s not what I’m doing, and if you’d give me some time to explain everything, I’d fill in all the blanks.”

“Know what? Save your breath. I’ve heard as much as I need to know. I’m not anyone’s bargaining chip. I had you pegged for an ass and you’ve certainly lived up to it. Find some other woman to fill the role. No doubt they’re falling at your feet.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? And I don’t want just anyone. I want you.”

“Too bad. Looks like you’re shit out of luck.”

“What if I told you I was head over heels for you?”

“You think I’d fall for that? Too late.”

“Then what about this?” He moved into my space, crowding me, and before I could back away, I was in his arms as he kissed me. Seemingly, every emotion he owned was poured into that kiss as flames licked my belly and ignited my blood. My body pressed against his from head to toe as he consumed me. I fought, fought hard not to respond, but it was an epic failure. It was trying to pretend like I hated ice cream, which simply wasn’t possible. When he released me, I had to find my footing since my legs were now spaghetti. Not only that, I panted like a fucking cat in heat. Why couldn’t I control myself around him?

“Deny it if you will, but it would be a lie. You’re into me as much as I am you. And I am going to make it my life’s mission to make you see how much.”



Chapter Twenty-Five





My kiss and what I said that followed hit the mark. She was silent as she gawked at me.

“Are you going to stand there and stare, or can we go back to your parents’ house so we can have a true conversation?” I winked at her. That should get her going.

It didn’t. She was still frozen as she blinked, not once but several times. Fuck that. I kissed her again and she moaned. This time I wanted to strip off her clothes, but we were on the sidewalk and that wouldn’t work out too well. Instead, I picked her up and carried her back to Beck and Sheridan’s house. When I got to the front porch, I set her down.

“Can we please go inside and discuss this like two adults?”

She nodded instead of giving me a verbal response. We walked inside to an empty house. I led her to the sofa and we sat.

“We both have a dilemma and it’s going to get solved one way or another. Here’s what I propose. We get married, and I’ll have my attorney draw up a contract for three years. If, at the end of that three years, you and I decide to part ways, you can walk away, no questions asked, with an agreed-upon sum of money to do whatever you want with. Put it in a fund for Easton, use it for college education, whatever. I realize you don’t need the money, but wouldn’t it be nice to have her education paid for? As I see it, marrying me could also afford you and Easton some protection now when you need it the most. You could move in with me, I could move in with you, or we could build or buy something out here. I would be around if that asshole tried to bother you again. I am sincerely worried about you and your daughter. It’s a win-win for both of us.”

She played with her sleeve and didn’t say anything at first. I was silent, allowing her time to digest this.

“I don’t know. Marriage is a huge step, even if it is fake. What if we hate each other?”

“You think we would?” It was an honest question because I couldn’t fathom it.

“I don’t know,” she blurted out, frustration coating each word. Then she dropped her head into her hands.

“I promise to treat you well, and if I don’t you can kick my ass.” The comment was meant to be funny, but the salty look she gave me told me she didn’t think it was. “I have an idea. Why don’t you sleep on it? Look at it from all angles, hell, talk it over with Stacey, and see what you think after a couple of days. We can always negotiate things so they are amenable to you.”

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