Home > For The Love of Easton (For the Love Of #2)(66)

For The Love of Easton (For the Love Of #2)(66)
Author: A.M. Hargrove

“He sure does. Check this out.” She walked me over to a bin she kept throws in and every one of them had holes in them.

I choked back a laugh. “Oh, those are really awful.”

“I know. But it’s his fault.” She aimed her thumb at Geepa. “He’s the one who insists he’s the puppy whisperer. I keep telling him to hire someone, but no. And this is what happens. But hey, I’m good with it because now I get to buy new furniture.”

Mom came in with a huge basket full of food, and Dad followed with the same. I felt awful because I’d never thought to ask if I could bring something.

Dad motioned for me to help. I ran over to him and helped unload the baskets.

“Wow! When did you have time for this?” I asked.

Mom chortled. “We didn’t. It’s called a caterer.”

“Oooh. For a minute there I felt guilty for not making anything.”

“No one had time, so I just made a phone call. Much easier.”

I peeked at all the goodies sitting on the counter. “It looks scrumptious.”

“Dad’s opening the champagne and then we can eat.”

Sure enough, Dad called out to everyone and filled the glasses. We toasted to another successful trial outcome. Tristian’s eyes met mine and I knew he was thinking of his own family. What a burden for him knowing his mother had had a hand in his father’s death.

“You okay?” I asked him after the toast was done.

“Yeah. You’re so lucky to have such a perfect family.”

“I don’t know about perfect, but they are wonderful.” I shared with him what Banana had told me about Bucker.

“She’s going to milk that, isn’t she?”

I nodded. “Of course she is, and Geepa won’t be able to say a thing about it.”

“I’ve gotta say, Easton loves the little Bucker. He is cute.”

“Don’t even think it. He’s not coming home until he loses those piranha teeth.”

Tristian pulled me into his arms. “I have ways of persuading you.”

“Ways? What ways?”

“I can’t show you here. My ways are too wicked.” He gave me a half-lidded stare that sent my heart thundering.

“You’re a rat.”

“No, I’m a lover.”

I knew that too well. “And I love that part of you.”

“Is that the only part?”

“Of course not. I love every single bit of you.”

“Daddy, can you play princess with me?” Easton asked.

“Only if I can be the big ogre trying to kidnap you.”

Easton’s eyes brightened, she let out a giggle, then said, “You gotta catch me.” Her little feet thumped as she ran away.

“That’s my cue,” Tristian said as he went off to chase her.

I walked back over to Mom.

“You and Tristian look very happy.”

“We are. The peanut has him wrapped around her pinkie.”

“I can see that, but he adores her.”

“Mom, I am so lucky. I never thought I’d find someone who would love her as much as I do.”

“He’s one of the good ones.”

“Told ya,” Dad said from over my shoulder.

I turned around, saying, “Stop eavesdropping.”

Dad held up his hands. “I wasn’t. You two were talking too loud. But admit it. If it wasn’t for me playing matchmaker, you wouldn’t be this happy.”

I stuck out my tongue and blew him a raspberry.

“You’re a hard-headed woman.”

“You only have yourself to blame. You were the best teacher.” I tickled him in the ribs. He grabbed me and we laughed.

“Do you remember our tickle wars? We’d get your mother involved and we’d be in a big pile on the floor?”

“Those were so much fun! We used to gang up on you and try to get you, but you were too strong for us wimpy women.”

Dad became serious all of a sudden. “English, enjoy every minute you have with Easton. In one blink, she’ll be headed to college and you’ll wonder where the time went.”

I looked up into his soft gaze. “It’s already flying by. I can’t believe she’s six.”

“She’s a great kid and you have yourself to be proud of for that.”

“Come on, you two had a hand in it too.”

He shrugged. “Maybe a little, but it was mostly you. You did the hard work.”

“And I had the best role models in you and Mom.” I hugged him with all the strength I could muster.

Tristian and Easton ran back into the room as he chased her. She was laughing her head off, and when I saw the tiara propped on his head, I joined in.

Dad chuckled. “Would you look at them?”

“He’s nothing but an overgrown kid.” I shook my head, but was thrilled to see Tristian enjoying this so much. This was what he’d never had growing up. My heart danced as I observed them.

“You couldn’t ask for anyone better with her.”

“She loves him more than she loves me.”

“Tell me about it. That’s how you were with your mother. She always put you under the rainbow.”

It was true. I remembered telling Dad that so many times. “You can thank me for playing matchmaker.”

“Yep, which was why I returned the favor.” I had no comeback as he smiled smugly.



Chapter Fifty-Four





My phone tweeted and I saw it was Landry. “Hey, little bro, what’s up?”

“You better come over here. We got some news from the police. They’re on the way too.”

“Let me grab English and we’ll head over. We’re at work so it may take a little longer.”

English’s nose was almost pressed against her computer screen.

“Do you need glasses?” I asked.

She jerked at my voice. “Jeez, you scared me. I didn’t hear you walk in.”

“Sorry. But seriously, your nose was right up there.”

“Yeah, I was working on this tiny detail. I have glasses but hate them.”

“We’ll get you a better pair. We have to go. The police are on the way to the house of horrors and we need to get over there.”

She grabbed her purse, told Beck we were headed out, and we left. Traffic was light since it was late morning, which made the trip up shorter than expected. When we arrived, several cars were in the drive.

Everyone waited for us in my father’s old office. Glum expressions clued me into the fact that the news probably wouldn’t be in our favor.

After introductions were made, Clayton began. “I wanted everyone here to hear the conclusions. Even though we know both cars were tampered with, there isn’t enough proof to say who did it. Since your mother had access to all vehicles and could have driven the silver Mercedes at any time, it’s feasible to assume she’d driven it sometime in the past. Her prints could go back prior to when this took place.”

Then Detective Randolph, who was assigned to our case, continued. “Mr. Summers is correct. We’d like to bring her in for questioning, but if she refuses, there isn’t any legal way we can compel her to come. One thing we don’t have is any video surveillance. Do you have security cameras out here?”

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