Home > Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(52)

Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(52)
Author: Bree Wolf

“I must tell you, Lady Leonora,” Lord Gillingham said quietly, “that I have come to enjoy your company greatly. I find myself looking forward to every occasion that allows us to meet and speak in the manner we just did. You possess a mind like my own, and I believe we would suit each other.” He cast her a tentative smile. “Would you not agree?”

Leonora swallowed, not certain how to reply. She did not wish to offend or hurt him; yet, she had to fight the impulse to look toward a column on the other side of the ballroom behind which a man stood who drew her thoughts every moment of every day. “Yes, I quite enjoy speaking with you, my lord. I have often wished for a friend with whom to discuss these matters.”

The look in Lord Gillingham’s eyes darkened a bit. “I suppose friendship is the best foundation for marriage, would you not agree?” A meaningful look rested in his eyes as he watched her, gauging her reaction.

Although Leonora felt her hands clamp together, she willed a smile onto her face. “Indeed, I cannot disagree with you. Friendship is something invaluable.”

Lord Gillingham inhaled a slow breath, then nodded. “Will you think on it, Lady Leonora?” The look in his eyes told her without doubt what it was he wanted her to consider.

Her mind spun, and she felt herself utterly incapable of any decision. “I shall think on it,” Leonora finally told him, not wishing to rebuff him without consideration, but knowing that she could not bring herself to accept him.

Not now.

Perhaps not ever.

Unbidden, her gaze once more strayed to one particular column on the other side of the ballroom and a deep sigh full of longing left her lips.



Chapter Thirty-One



A Confrontation



Even from across the room, Drake could not help but think that Leonora’s face suddenly seemed pale. Something had upset her.


Lord Gillingham.

What could the man possibly have said? Drake felt his hands ball into fists. Indeed, Lord Gillingham had seemed eager, speaking animatedly and inching closer to Leonora ever so slowly. Drake had been hard-pressed to remain where he was, reminding himself that she was not alone. They were in a crowded ballroom, and her family was not far off.

She was safe.

That was all that mattered.

Drake exhaled a deep breath when Lord Gillingham turned and walked away in the direction of the refreshment table. He wondered if Leonora had asked the other man to procure her a drink. However, when his gaze returned to her, the spot where she had been before was now empty.

Instantly, his insides tensed and his gaze began searching for her in a frantic manner. It traveled over the faces of her family, took note of a dark glare upon Lady Christina’s face as she stared at a young gentleman across the ballroom. He noticed a friend by her side looking miserable, her gaze almost glued to the floor. He saw Phineas dancing with his wife and Lady Juliet seeing to their grandmother’s every need. Drake saw all that, but he could not spy Leonora anywhere. Where could she have gone?

Gillingham returned to where he and Leonora had stood only moments earlier, a frown upon his face and a glass in his hand that was clearly meant for her. He too seemed taken aback, confused by her disappearance.

Drake wanted to rush across the room, but he called himself to reason. He could not act with haste. He needed to think, to find her. She could not have gone far. She had to be somewhere in the ballroom, did she not? Why would she leave her family’s side? What had Gillingham said that had upset her so?

If indeed she was upset, where would she go? Drake’s gaze raked over the ballroom, traveled from face to face, from doorway to doorway. Moments passed, agonizingly slowly, and yet, much too fast. He moved, carefully picking his way through the crowd, trying not to rush but to stick to a reasonable pace.

And then he caught a glimpse of her, her dark hair almost like a shadow against the black sky. She stood out on the terrace, hands braced upon the stone balustrade, head slightly lowered as though she needed to calm herself, her whole body seemed tense even from such a distance, and Drake instantly felt his steps quicken as he hastened toward her.

What on earth had happened?

And then he saw someone move toward her from the other end of the terrace. At first, the man was wrapped in shadows, his face hidden. But then he stepped forward, and a soft beam of light fell over his face.

Drake nearly doubled over as he recognized Sedgwick, and his heart almost beat out of his chest.

Blindly, he rushed onward.



Leonora had to fight to catch her breath. Where the sudden panic attack had come from, she did not know. A moment ago, she had felt remotely calm, reasoning with herself that no decision had to be made this night. She had understood Lord Gillingham loud and clear. Yes, he too cherished the friendship that was slowly blossoming between them. Only he wanted more than a mere friendship. He wanted marriage.

Deep down, Leonora knew that she too wanted marriage. Marriage, a family and love. Unfortunately, whenever she thought of these things, she did not think of Lord Gillingham.

She thought of Drake.

Thus far, though, Drake had never spoken to her about what they were to each other. He was her protector, always looking out for her, always there to see to her safety. Yes, every now and then, she had felt something between them as though he too had come to think of her as more than someone he wanted to protect. Yet, Leonora could not be certain and she did not dare ask him, afraid that that last shred of hope would disappear upon hearing his answer.

The question was: if she could not have him, should she remain alone for the rest of her life? Or should she perhaps consider another? Was it not true that friendship often blossomed into something more? Into love even? Would she be wise to accept Lord Gillingham, a kind and respectful man with whom she shared certain interests and characteristics? Indeed, they were much alike, were they not?

Leonora knew all these reasonings to be true. Still, the thought of accepting him, of accepting his offer made her want to weep.

Bracing her hands upon the stone balustrade, Leonora fought to draw one deep breath after another into her body. Bright spots danced before her eyes, and she felt her body tremble not with the cold of the night air, but with the uncertainty of this moment. What would she do? What was right? What was wrong?

Once, Leonora had been so certain of who she was and what she wanted, always thinking things through carefully, never rushing into something without thought.

At least, with the exception of the night of the masquerade. That night had changed her life in more ways than one.

“Are you all right?”

For a split second, Leonora imagined the voice she heard to be Drake’s. Always had he found her in moments of distress. Always had he come to her. Always had he inquired after her well-being.

However, when she turned, it was not Drake she saw.

But Lord Sedgwick.

Instantly, panic swept through her body, and her breath once more lodged in her throat. Her left hand gripped the balustrade painfully as her mind began to run in circles, unable to catch a clear thought.

Never would she have thought this night would turn out the way it had! But how would it end?

Lord Sedgwick’s eyes narrowed as he saw her reaction. “You look distressed, my lady.” He took a step toward her, but then paused when she tensed. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

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