Home > Delilah's Scandal (The Cove Sisters Trilogy #2)(61)

Delilah's Scandal (The Cove Sisters Trilogy #2)(61)
Author: Sienna Mynx

“Where did you get a newspaper?” Delores frowned. She walked over to the table with Noah in her arms. Delilah noticed her son was sucking on a pacifier again. She held her tongue. It was the bond between grandmother and grandchild. She could do little about it when her mother had him regressing back to an infant.

“I get the paper delivered at six every morning,” Delilah said.

“Even now?” Delores frowned. “Even in the snow and during quarantine?”

“For now,” Delilah said. “The Governor hasn’t shut down the state yet. Despite what Queen is saying.” She went to the oven and removed the handmade biscuits. She’d barely had two hours of sleep. She got home at five in the morning, showered, put on a nice outfit, and added her makeup, then she started cooking. As she moved around the kitchen in her heels, she could feel her mother’s eyes on her. Then her mother whispered to her husband. “Why is she dressed like that? I hope it’s not for him.”

“Leave it alone, Delores,” her father sighed.

Delilah ignored them both.

“This virus is serious,” her father said in hopes of turning the conversation. “I don’t think that President is going to do a damn thing about it,” her father huffed. He closed the paper. “He’s trying to kill us all!”

“Don’t curse in front of Noah,” Delores said. “It’s nothing more than the flu. It’ll pass.”

“People are dying, Delores. The paper said Obama had a plan and—”

“Daddy, not this morning. No politics, okay?”

Her father grumbled.

“I want to talk to you both,” Delilah returned to the table. She gripped the top of the chair and smiled at her parents. The love she felt for them both was deep. And she knew they loved her. She was their only child. But she also knew that since Charles's death and all of the drama with the scandal, they both felt personally responsible for her recovery and happiness. Delilah was ready to start living her life on her terms.

“Maverick is coming for breakfast. To sit and talk with you,” she announced to her parents.

Her mother gave a snort of disgust. Delilah continued, “After breakfast, he’s taking Noah.”

“Taking him!” her mother gasped. “To New York?”

“No,” Delilah chuckled. “No, Ma. Just to the cottage. They’re going to spend the day together. Isn’t that nice?”

“Oh,” her mother sighed with a deep breath of relief. She touched her chest. “Don’t scare me like that.” Noah lifted his head and stared up at his grandmother with concern. “I don’t think so. Not today. He has a runny nose. Best he stay with me.”

“Delores,” her father said. “I’m warning you.”

“What? There’s a killer flu going on in the world, and Noah should be quarantined,” Delores replied.

“Ma, you don’t have a say in this. He’s taking Noah.” Delilah stood firm. “That’s final.”

“For how long?” her father asked.

“What? Not you too, daddy?” Delilah frowned.

“I’m just wondering. How long will this fella be here?” her father replied.

“All day, all night. Noah is going to stay with his father,” Delilah said.

“Alone?” Her parents both asked in unison.

“Yes,” Delilah said.

“You’ve known him for over a week. You’re going to give him our baby?” her mother asked.

“Maverick is Noah’s father,” she tried again with reason.

“Stop saying that! We know that!” Delores huffed.

“They need time to bond. This is how it will be,” Delilah said.

Delores looked at her husband for him to speak up. Her father only stared at her. He was torn between respecting her wishes and not understanding her decision to be so accommodating so soon. She understood. “We suspected that you’d be vulnerable after what Charles did to you. Sweetheart, book sense doesn’t work on real-life issues, does it?” her mother said.

“I beg your pardon?” Delilah frowned.

“Mama knows this is hard for you, Dee,” her father tried to explain.

“No, Daddy. Let mama finish her thought. Go on, mama. Tell me how I got no common sense.”

“This is a mistake. You seem real friendly on this guy. Look at you. It’s eight o’clock in the morning, and you’re dressed like you have court today.” Delores shifted Noah in her arms and kissed him as if he was her baby. “I think your father should speak with Maverick. Take him aside, man to man. Let him know the boundaries here. If you want, he can spend time with Noah and Maverick to ensure that they have father and son time supervised. That would be okay.”

Delilah was stunned. Either her parents didn’t understand her, or they didn’t respect her. She narrowed her eyes on her mother, prepared to set her straight.

“Dee,” her father spoke in a warning tone. She looked over at him, and he smiled for her. “I’m so proud of you. I see what you’re doing, sweetie. Not saying I understand because I don’t know the fella. But you’re putting Noah first.”

“Henry!” Delores gasped. “We discussed this.”

“No, Delores. You discussed it with yourself. I just let you talk. Dee is Noah’s mother, and if this is what she wants, you will respect it. Give the young man a chance. He’s Noah’s father. And from where I’m sitting, that is a helluva improvement over Charles.”

“Charles may have had his faults, but he loved Noah,” Delores huffed. “That man doesn’t even know him!”

“Good morning!”

Everyone's head turned. Maverick walked into the kitchen. Delilah immediately felt herself shrink inwardly. He walked in wearing dark blue denim jeans and his leather bomber jacket. He looked like a dream to her with his blue and orange New York Met’s cap pulled down on his head. “How’s everyone this morning?”

“Hi, Maverick,” Delilah said. “You’re just in time. Noah, MavBick is here. See, sweetheart.”

Noah buried his face against his grandmother’s breast. Delilah walked over and took her son. Noah cried and flailed in her arms while reaching back for his grandmother. Delilah took the pacifier out of his mouth and gave it back to her mother. Delores's eyes stretched so wide with shock she feared her mother was having a stroke. Delilah didn’t waver. She walked over to Maverick and handed Noah to him. Her parents watched as Noah protested. This time he reached for Delilah. Maverick did his best to calm him by bouncing him a bit in his arms. He lifted Noah above his head and held him high so his son could see and only focus on him. Noah stopped crying. He put his hands to his face and laughed a little. Maverick tossed him just a little up above him and caught him. Noah didn’t resist as Maverick joined them at the table and took a seat. Delilah shot her mother a triumphant smirk.

“I need your help, Mama,” she said.

Delores got up from the table and joined her in bringing over the food. Delilah made sure to give Noah his toddler cup of almond milk to drink. It made him relax while sitting on his father’s lap. And she listened as Maverick started small talk with her father. They spoke of the COVID19 virus and how fast a pandemic could spread into a global problem. They discussed a little politics too. To her relief, Maverick had no problem with her father’s position on the President and the state of America. There seem to be no escaping the conversation, and it was the one topic that drew battle lines across all people. The men, however, found common ground in their differing opinions. When she and Delores joined them, her mother insisted the conversation cease, and that Maverick say grace. Delilah really wished her mother would relax, but she couldn’t be too angry with her. She understood her distrust. It appeared that Maverick also did. He took her mother’s hand and her father’s hand before he said the grace. Noah then looked at his mother. She winked at him.

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