Home > Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers #3)(111)

Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers #3)(111)
Author: Ahren Sanders

The unashamed shine in Marco’s eyes visible from this far.

The girls screaming their heads off. Annie and Lynda hugging and crying.

Isaac Blake with the men, smiling down with approval.

And Evin, front and center, his arms crossed, eyes locked to me, beaming. Pride, acceptance, adoration all filled me inside, and I know my instincts are leading me in the right direction again.

A prickle tingles the back of my neck, and I twist to find Dante waiting quietly. “You ready, Pips?”

“You didn’t have to wait for me.”

“We walked in together, we walk out together.”

A lump lodges in my throat at that memory, and my fingers go to the tattoo on my hip.

“With me this time.” Ryanne steps around him. The faint splotches on her cheeks that tell me she’s been crying.


She throws a hand in the air. “Stop right there. I just calmed down. It took me an hour to do my makeup and you ruined it in three minutes. My false eyelashes came off on Andrew's shoulder, and the perfectly crafted smoky eye was more like a horror movie queen.”

“Sounds tragic.”

“It was mortifying.”

“You did an outstanding job on recovery.”

“That’s because I’ve been at your dressing table doing damage control while you’ve been reflecting.”

At the word reflecting, my attention goes to the enormous water feature that is the highlight of the stage. “Dante, do you remember the first time we both aerial-dove into the pool from the platform?”

“I remember like it was yesterday.”

“I have that same excitement and adrenaline. The uncertainty, the anticipation, the fear… all of it. Last time, the water was my safety net; this time, it’s Evin.”

“I love that for you, Pops, but you don’t need anyone else. You’ve always been your own safety net.”

“That’s why you don’t need to worry about me. I’m content and at peace with my decision.”

“We know, but this is important to us. The end of an era.”

“You know I’m back here on Monday in my new position.”

“Not the same.”

I nod, sweeping my eye around once more, and join them, linking my elbows through theirs.

The lobby explodes with cheers when the door opens. Dante takes me in his arms and twirls us, dipping me low—like that first night. When he puts me back on my feet and we bow, my gaze goes to the spot.

The spot he’s always waiting for me.

Evin’s perched on the wall, one leg propped at the knee, his arms crossed and eyes zeroed in on us. Possession, fire, and love all drill into me, heating my skin.

He pushes off and I meet him halfway. “Did you enjoy the show?”

“Stunning.” He touches the flower behind my ear before threading his fingers through my hair.

“You waited in our spot.”


My heart explodes and my body moves on its own, leaping into his arms and wrapping around him. I kiss him hard and quick. The noise behind us fades away.

“We did it.”

“You did it. I was along for the ride.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Yes, you could.”

I scrunch my eyebrows and twist my lips, pretending to think about this. “Maybe without you, but definitely not without Rexwell, Jesse, Cal—”

I’m cut off when his mouth closes over mine and he sucks my bottom lip between his teeth.

A throat clears loudly behind us, and I toss my gaze over my shoulder. Speaking of… “Hey, Dr. Rexwell.”

“Poppy, you have truly amazed me. I can rarely say that.”

“Not so bad working with a dancer, is it?”

“No, young lady, but you’ve set the standard.”

I fist pump both arms and fall back, relying on Evin to support me. “Medical Journal Miracles, here I come!”

This gains another roar of laughter as Evin juggles me to a sitting position.

“Most of this crowd is set on hitting a bar. You make the call.”

I scrub my nails along his cheeks and jaw. “Darby and Ashlyn aren’t pregnant and have sitters, all our crew is together for the first time in forever, and Scottie’s wearing that fabulously gaudy suit. Tonight, we celebrate. Let’s recreate our first night in this city, except this time you’ll kiss me on the dance floor, and at the end of the night we’ll end up naked and sweaty.” The last part is whispered for only his ears.

His eyes flare, his fingers digging into my ass. “Fine by me, but Scottie stays clear of me.”

“I heard that, Evin Graham!” Scottie yells.

“Will you let her down so the rest of us can congratulate her?” Annie hustles up.

A movement to the side catches my attention. Karen is hugging the wall, her face carved with anxiety. A stitch tugs at my heart, and I climb down, shooting Evin and Annie a silent message. He sighs unhappily, taking my hand.

He’s not letting me go alone.

“Hey, Karen.”

“Poppy, you were….” she trails off and swallows hard, “… exceptional. Your performance was breathtaking.”

“Thank you, it was kind of you to come.”

“There is nowhere else I’d rather be.”

The sincerity of her words has me reaching over to touch her arm. Regardless of her choice to be here, it was a tough decision. “Have you heard from Tasha?”

“She’s with her sober companion. Marco and I will meet with her in a few days.”

“I hope that goes well.”

“If I would have gotten her help years ago, maybe this wouldn’t be my life.”

“Don’t,” Evin growls, tugging me protectively to his side. “Deal with your guilt on your own time.”

She nods like a scolded child.

“We’re having celebratory drinks at the bar by the casino if you’d like to join.”

Evin’s grip tightens with disapproval.

“I don’t know if it’s appropriate.”

“I’m inviting you, Karen.”

Her spine straightens, and she pastes on a grin. “If the star of the show extends an invitation, it’s rude to decline. I’d love to join your family to celebrate.”

“Cool. Let’s go.”

I pivot to find the area abandoned, except for Dante and Ryanne. Their faces are blank, waiting for my lead.

It’s all good, I mouth.

“Marco and Grady have one job at the bar, they better not fuck it up,” Evin grumbles.

“Marco and Grady rarely fuck up, especially recently when it comes to Poppy,” Karen adds from behind.

“Jesus, I know it. Counting the goddamned days until we leave for our honeymoon and these fuckers get out of our space.”

“Don’t count on it, Chris Hemsworth. Andrew and I will be joining at some point. We need a vacation,” Ryanne calls back.

I’m too busy holding in my laughter to realize he’s bent mid-step until an arm sweeps my knees off the ground. He jogs us down the stairs to the theatre entrance, holding me close.

“It’s a good thing I had the foresight to keep our location a secret. Ryanne’s going to be pissed when she shows in Hawaii and we’re halfway around the globe. Serves her right.”

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