Home > Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers #3)(16)

Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers #3)(16)
Author: Ahren Sanders

“No, a youth performing arts academy. Poppy had a workshop scheduled this afternoon.”

His beat of silence tells me I surprised him. “Man, I don’t even know how to respond. Never in a million years would have guessed that. Not exactly your scene.”

I chuckle, picturing his expression. “No, it wasn’t until about two hours ago.”

“I don’t know what’s happened to the man that left Charleston, but I look forward to hearing about it when you get back.”

“I’ll put you on the list behind my parents. Mom is like a dog with a bone.”

“Warned you about the magic of Vegas. I don’t want to piss you off, but I wouldn’t be a friend if I didn’t tell you to be careful, Evin. This woman has caught your eye for a reason. Don’t get seduced by the bright lights of the city. Even the strongest of men find their weakness.”

Our conversation in my office comes back to me. “You don’t need to worry about me being reckless, Jackson. I got this. Now, you said you had updates?”

“Tessa wants the job,” he informs me unnecessarily.

“This is not news, considering I spoke to her yesterday.”

“She’ll transition into your full-time assistant over the next two weeks. The final offer is in your email waiting for approval.”

“Consider it done. What else?”

“Nothing that can’t wait until you’re in the office Friday.”

“That’s all you have for me? You called to confirm something I already knew? We’ve been in touch all week. You could have messaged me.”

“What can I say? I’m thorough.”

“You’re full of shit.”

His loud laugh travels through the line. “I’ll look forward to a cold beer when you get back and hearing all about your trip and Poppy.” The line goes dead before I can respond.

If only Jackson knew the truth about how right he is. I’m not the same man that left Charleston last week.

I’ve found my weakness in the form of a five-foot-four, rainbow-haired, tattooed, bohemian dancer that can bring me to my knees with the slightest of smiles. My strength is no match to her power.

Poppy is getting bolder, our nights of making-out growing hotter, and my restraint is slipping fast. The irony is not lost that a man like me is falling for a woman I’ve never touched intimately.

But until I know what she’s holding back, I won’t allow myself to go further.

She’s openly shared anything and everything, but her history begins seven years ago. There’s no mention of her childhood, her family, or her upbringing.

I don’t only want her to trust me with her body; I want her to trust me with her secrets.

“Fuck!” I openly groan, scrubbing my hands through my hair and thinking again how I need more time here.

She comes out of the building waving behind her, and I swear she floats to the truck.

“You never cease to amaze me.” I meet her at her door.

“They’re an awesome group.”

“Maybe so, but their teacher was the star in that room.”

She blushes, pressing up to kiss me quickly. “Thank you.”

I help her in and go to my side, climbing in as she bursts into giggles.

“What’s so funny?”

“You have a fan club.” She discreetly points to the door where a group of girls and women are openly staring.

“I think that’s for you.”

“No, that’s for the Chris Hemsworth twin that set hearts a fluttering today,” she tells me as we drive away.

“Don’t want to hear it.” Ryanne’s ridiculous comparison has plagued me since Sunday. Don’t see the similarities, but Poppy gets a kick out of it.

“It’s none of my business, but was that a work call? Or was it your family?” There’s a touch of hesitation in her voice and that bothers me.

I clasp her hand and bring it to my mouth, running my lips along her knuckles. “Anything that takes me away from you is your business. It was Jackson. Darby has Mom and Lynda working on a project for the wedding.”

I haven’t hidden my calls with Mom or Dad, and she’s heard Mom’s constant digging for information.

“If it was business, do you need to work tonight?”

“No, we have plans.”

She squeezes my hand, turning in her seat. “We have plans?”

“You have the night off, I made plans.”

“What are we doing?”

“We’re going out.”


“It’s a surprise.”

“What do I wear?”

“As many clothes as possible to cover you would be my choice.”

“I can’t do surprises. A surprise date in Vegas differs from a surprise date anywhere else.”

I glance over to see her carefree expression now agitated. My lips twitch and her eyes narrow as she yanks her hand back, waving it in the air.

“Evin! This is not funny. What time do I need to be ready? I will call Ryanne for an emergency shopping trip.”

“You aren’t going shopping. It’s taken care of.”

“Taken care of?? What the hell does that mean?”

“It means you need to calm your gorgeous ass down, and you’ll know what’s coming soon enough.”

“That’s all you’re telling me?”

“That’s all you need to know.”

She lets out a frustrated sigh, turns in her seat, and crosses her arms. After a few miles of the silent treatment, she jerks forward, digging her phone out of her bag, and begins typing.

“What are you doing?”

“Sending an SOS.”


She doesn’t respond, typing furiously. I reach over and pluck the phone out of her hand, shoving it in my shirt pocket.

“Give that back.”


“You can’t steal my phone in a desperate time of need.”

“Baby, don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?”

She snaps her mouth shut. The silent treatment resumes, this time with her icy glare aimed at me.

My cock jerks at the fiery spirit, and I fight smiling outright. “Poppy, I know you’re fully aware of how my body reacts to almost everything about you. You slinging sass and getting pissy is no different.”

Her eyes grow wide when they drop to my pants. “You can’t be serious. I’m highly agitated and you’re aroused?”

Aroused? Fuck. My sweet Poppy is a trip. This time, my dick lurches. She doesn’t miss this either, a flush creeping up her neck. “Completely turned on.”

“Is that normal?” she asks, the irritation thawing.

“It’s never happened before. My guess is it’s the woman hurling the attitude.”

Her eyes come back to mine, and when she pulls her bottom lip through her teeth, that’s all it takes for me to go painfully hard.

“I need you to stop looking at me like that unless you want me to pull over.”

She slowly faces forward and continues to chew on her lip. I notice her twisting the ring around her middle finger. She does this often, but right now, she’s paying close attention to the center diamond.

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