Home > Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers #3)(52)

Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers #3)(52)
Author: Ahren Sanders



Chapter 20




“Are you sure you’re okay?” Ryanne asks for the fourth time.

“Yes, go enjoy your trip.”

She plops next to me on the couch, blowing out a breath. “I hate leaving you.”

“You’ve traveled for years. Why are you acting weird?”

“Because you’re depressed and it’s not cool to leave you alone.”

“I assure you it’s not depression. It’s lovesick.”

“Ugh, that’s even worse. If anyone else said that to me, I’d whip their ass into shape.”

“Lucky me.”

She picks up my hand and twirls my wedding ring. “Evin called me last night. He’s not happy about you here by yourself.”

“Like the rest of you, he’s overacting. It’s a few days. Plus, I have tons to keep me busy.”

“Never thought I’d dig the overprotective brute style, but he’s changing my mind.”

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“Don’t get any ideas. There’s a fine line between overprotective and controlling. Chris Hemsworth’s kind of assertion isn’t controlling, it’s hot. He doesn’t want to change you. My experience with it has been opposite.”

My head bobs in understanding. “You just have to find the man who knows the difference.”

“Apparently, Charleston’s where it’s at.”

“I think it’s more about the man than the location.”

“Maybe, but I’ve given Vegas a chance. Can’t wait to try my luck in a new spot.”

My mood instantly lifts. As I suspected, Ryanne and Dante both took my plans about moving next year to heart. Dante may not be ready to give up the performance lifestyle that soon, but Ryanne’s reaction surprised me. She admitted to wanting a change and has no problem starting over in a new city. Unlike me, she is tight with her family, and most of them are in Florida. South Carolina would be a good choice. Her family will be closer, but not too close, and she’ll have a built-in network with Evin’s family and friends.

“I can’t wait for this weekend. You will love everyone.” I sigh dreamily, thinking about the crew arriving on Thursday.

My phone rings, and I’m surprised it’s a Facetime request from Maya. I am immediately struck by her puffy, splotchy face.

“Oh, no,” Ryanne whispers, leaning in.

“Maya, what’s wrong?” I ask, my stomach churning.

“My mom!” she wails, tears pouring down her cheeks. “She’s ruining everything.”

My first reaction is relief that nothing is seriously wrong, belatedly realizing an adult would have already called. The relief is short-lived when it hits me I’m way out of my depth here. Teenage girls and their mothers are like powder kegs, and this is most likely none of my business.

“Honey, calm down. Take a few deep breaths, let it out.” I inhale loudly to demonstrate, and she does the same until her lips are barely trembling anymore. “Better?”

“I think so.”

“Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“Mom is putting up a fight about me missing school for this trip. She’s claiming my math grades are suffering.”

“Is that true?”

“Aunt Poppy, we’ve only been in school two weeks. Nothing has had time to suffer. We don’t even have grades yet.”

I’ll never tire of hearing Aunt Poppy, but the crack in her voice overrides any joy. “I’m not there to get a read on the situation, but maybe your teachers could give you the classwork to do?”

“Dad already asked and they had no problem with it.”

Okay, good. My suggestion was in line with Pierce, which means I haven’t overstepped.

“It’s not the work, it’s… it’s…”

The truth slams into me, and Ryanne observes me sympathetically. “It’s me,” I finish for Maya.

She nods, sobbing again. I’m Darby’s sister-in-law, which makes me the enemy forever. I only know what I’ve heard second-hand about the woman, but none of it is positive.

“That woman is a menace,” Ryanne mutters softly.

“Okay, let’s try to calm down again. Tell me what happened.” My voice is soothing, even though anger builds in my chest.

She huffs and puffs rapidly, swallowing hard, and lets out a long breath. “We were at mom’s last night and things were fine. This morning, she told me I’m not allowed to go out of town. When I got to school, I tried to let it go, but by third period it was too much. I called Darby to come get me, but Mondays are her busy days. She sent Dad, and when he saw me, he lost it, calling mom. They fought and she said some awful things I overheard. She’s not budging on this, saying you’re not even family. Then she said if he puts me on a plane, she’s taking him back to court. Dad hung up on her. He’s mad.”

My heart breaks for her, and the anger simmers to a boil. Ryanne leaps up and crosses the room, grabbing her phone.

“Maya, they will work this out. You can’t let yourself get upset.”

“This is important to me.”

“Sure, it is, you’ve been looking forward to this trip.”

“It’s not the trip. It’s you.”


“You’re my aunt now, right?” The hesitancy in her tone sets me back in dangerous territory.

I’m an aunt through marriage to her step-mother. To Pierce and the rest of the family, that is still family. Connie disagrees.

I decide to take my chances. “Yes, I’m your aunt.”

“You’re awesome. You’re a professional performer and that couldn’t be cooler. I want to see you so badly. And my mom is ruining it!” We’re back on the verge of tears.

Ryanne flashes her phone to me, and I read over the text thread quickly.

Ryanne—Heads up, Pips has a very upset Maya on the phone. What should we know?

Darby—Pierce is on the warpath and I’m trying to diffuse World War ten at this point. Welcome to life with Connie. Sorry to drag Poppy into this, but Maya idolizes her. We’re working things out. Pierce will make this happen for Maya.

Ryanne—Okay, we’ll try to calm her down and let her know things are going to be okay.

Darby—I appreciate it and will call later. Now I must try to calm my raging bull of a husband, so I’m not stuck with four children visiting the jail every week.

I grin at the last comment and focus back on the hysterical teenage girl. “Maya, I think you’re beautiful and sweet and it hurts to see you this upset. Why don’t we calm down and let the adults handle this? Sometimes, it’s out of our hands.”

She nods, fingering at the necklace I gave her. “You’re right.”

“Think about something else. Fill me in on school.”

“Better yet, tell me about the cute boys.” Ryanne shoves herself back on screen.

The splotches on Maya’s face fill in pink, and she presses her lips together shyly.

“Oh, this looks juicy.”

“Promise not to tell Uncle Evin?” Maya directs the question to me.

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