Home > All The Ugly Things (Love & Lies Duet #1)(16)

All The Ugly Things (Love & Lies Duet #1)(16)
Author: Stacey Lynn

Roaches scattered as I flipped on the light switch and flung open the curtains.

My home was a hell I couldn’t wait to escape. Unless…. Probably pays more than the diner, too.

I kicked the thought right out of my head.

“No. They want something from you.”

But maybe they didn’t. I’d almost cried listening to Hudson talk about his dad, his family, and the way he reacted to talking about his mom.

She died. Seven years ago.

His pain was fresh as if her death was yesterday.

That, I understood.

Before I could stop myself, I opened up my laptop, hacked into a downstairs neighbor’s Wi-Fi thanks to the unsecured password, and pulled up Google.

“He’s the richest guy in Iowa,” Angie had said.

We’d have to see about that.









“Can you come to my office for a second?”

Our financial manager on the western Des Moines project, Brandon Miller, answered immediately, “This again?”

“I can’t help it. I’m missing something. I have to be. There’s something about this project that’s giving me a sour taste.”

“You’re struggling over intuition?” he scoffed and quickly recovered. “I’ll be right there. Only because I need a favor from you.”


It was said sarcastically. Brandon was famous for demanding the most ridiculous favors from me. He’d done that since middle school. “I dare you to kiss her” in regard to my seventh-grade science teacher who had ass and tits at an age when boys were just beginning to notice both on girls.

I did, and got a lovely three-day suspension for it, along with a massive talking to from my parents at home. I never mentioned Brandon’s part in it, and I was pretty sure me not selling him out is what cemented our friendship. When we met, he was full of anger and attitude and while he’d let a lot of that go over the years, he’d mastered the art of smartassery.

His office was downstairs, so while I waited for him, I moved the blueprints and plans to my small conference table closer to the windows and sun and rolled them out. Maybe a different perspective would help my brain click with what I was struggling with. As if staring across the river in the general direction of the project would give me greater insight.

The finances made sense.

We had the new housing available for the current tenants in the buildings we were tearing down. Almost all had responded to our offers to move them to apartments in other buildings we’d built or renovated. We had storage units set aside for those who needed it as well. Once completed, the new apartment’s rent would be the same as what they were paying now, if not a little less. We wouldn’t have to worry about homes collapsing or fires from old and ruined electrical work and infestations from bugs and rodents.

In black and white, it all made complete sense to give the final approval so we could get moving quickly. Everything was ready, permits handled, city council on board. All we needed was my final before we broke ground.

So why was I hesitating?

A knock hit my doorframe and I didn’t look up, just waved Brandon in. “Come in. Walk me through this again.”

“It’s the tenth time in as many days.”

“Don’t give a shit.”


I listened while he pulled up projections. Paced while he spoke of plans and materials, all of it well under budget in case of surprises, which always happened. I crossed my arms over my chest when he talked about the commercial buildings that made up the ground floor.

“Wait,” I said, and moved from where I’d been perched by the window to the mess he’d made on the table.


“The businesses. What types?”

“Coffee shop. Small diner or restaurant. Market.”

“Fucking hell.” That was it. I swiped my hand across my mouth and pressed my hands to my hips.

The diner. Every time I hesitated on this it was because I thought of Lilly. Was that what this was all about? I heard the word diner and immediately thought of Lilly? There was no other explanation.

“What is it?”

“Nothing. Continue.” I flipped my hand in the direction of the papers. This had to be what was tripping me up. She hadn’t just taken up residence in my dad’s mind with his need to help her, she’d now invaded my own. I’d barely been able to focus on anything since I went to her campus yesterday to find her.

And thank God she didn’t press me on how I knew where she’d be.

Brandon gave me a look that said I had a screw loose and carried on. When he was done, he shot me a playful glare. “We done now? Because talking about this again made me need a drink.”

Nothing else stuck out. There was still a ball in my stomach, but it was manageable. My hesitations had to be about Lilly and the diner. It’s the only thing that made sense.

“You and me both.”

“Good. Want to go play eighteen and skip out on the rest of the day?”

“Was that the favor you wanted?” I had an easy day and could easily go. Maybe golf would relax me so I could once and for all kick Lilly out of my brain. She took up too much space.

“No. But I figured I’d butter you up by paying.”

I gave him a flat look. “We’re members. It doesn’t cost me shit to play.”

“Sweet.” He grinned that smart ass grin of his and slapped my shoulder. “Then you can pay for mine and that’s not my favor either.”


“Yup. You in?”

What the hell.

It was Friday afternoon, and my focus was already shot.

Plus, Brandon was a rabid dog with a bone. He wouldn’t drop anything he wanted from me until he got it.

“All right. I’ll go and I’ll pay. But we’re having drinks at Dad’s later.”

“Wouldn’t miss time with David for the world. How’s he doing? I haven’t seen him much.”

“Ornery as hell.”

Brandon grinned. “So, the same then.”

“Pretty much. Let me get some things cleaned up here, let Stephanie know, and then we can take off.”



“Not interested.”

The jack hole waited until we were on the back nine, fourteenth hole, the farthest tee box from the clubhouse. He knew I wouldn’t leave his ass on the course and make him hike back. Although I was tempted.

“Come on. Jenna says she’s gorgeous and sweet. As soon as she ran into Harper and they got to talking, she thought about you.”

There was a foursome moving slow in front of us, still in the fairway so we couldn’t hit. We should have asked to pass them, or even better etiquette, they should have waved us on, but Brandon and I weren’t in any hurry.

At least I hadn’t been until he finally asked his favor. There was no way I was taking out one of Jenna’s friends, but since I was trapped, I humored him.

“What does she do?”

“Moved here for a job to manage the actuarial department at DDM Financial.”

“Sounds dreadfully dull.”

“She’s hot. And Jenna doesn’t have dull friends.”

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