Home > A Side He'd Never Seen(6)

A Side He'd Never Seen(6)
Author: Kristie Leigh

I was able to get a grip and finish the housework—even getting through my own shower without dirty thoughts—before we headed to lunch. The restaurant was packed, but we were able to snag a table tucked in the corner overlooking the canal. Brio was one of my favorite Italian restaurants. Their service was impeccable, and their food was to die for. They brought our drinks and took our orders within minutes of being seated.

“So, you got in late last night. I know we talked a little bit when you got home, but I was in a sleepy fog. What was it like?” He seemed genuinely curious, but I wasn’t sure how to talk about this just yet, especially not in a public place.

I looked up over my wine glass, swallowing hard. Last night was easier to answer him while in the dark and knowing he was sleepy, but now that he was looking me in the eyes, I couldn’t lie to him.

Taking a sip of my wine, I bought myself another second. “It was fun, a little out of my comfort zone, but I had a good time.”

He would know something was up based on my repeated sentiments, but I took another sip from my glass and waited.

He seemed to ponder his words before continuing, “Did you buy anything?”

That wasn’t a question I hadn’t been anticipating, and I nearly spit out my wine. Thankfully, I was able to swallow without his realizing I’d nearly choked to death. I wasn’t ready to tell him, and seeing as it was a surprise give for him, I decided it was all right to keep it a secret...so I didn’t lose the shock value.

I batted my lashes. “A lady never tells.”

He chuckled. “Well, considering I’m the only man you’d be using any of those toys with, shouldn’t I be the only one you tell?” His smile told me he was teasing, but his eyes were dying for information.

“I won a couple things. Well, one thing, the other was given to me by the woman who ran the party.”

“Oh yeah?” He was intrigued now; I couldn’t help but wonder if he was thinking things were boring in the bedroom, and this would help.

However, I was terrified to ask because I was afraid of the answer.

“Yeah, I won a game.” I wasn’t sure how to tell him this, but I did it anyway. “They played a game about sexual adventures. Well, seeing as I don’t really have any, I was the winner.” I used air quotes around the word to emphasize my point. “The lady who ran the party paddled me.”

His brows shot up in surprise. “Is that so?”

“I know, crazy right. I bent over and took it like a champ.” I said with confidence, a little proud of myself. “She gave it to me, telling me that she could tell I liked it.” The last bit slipped out, and I knew what was coming next.

His brow dipped and furrowed. “Did you?”

I took a big gulp from my glass and could’ve kissed the waitress when she arrived just in the nick of time with our food.

He must’ve forgotten all about our conversation, or at least I hoped he had. I wasn’t sure how I would’ve told him that I’d gotten excited over being spanked with a piece of wood…hard.






James hadn’t mentioned the party again, and for that, I was grateful. I wasn’t sure how much more of his questioning I could take before I spilled all the intimate details. I hated keeping things from him, but I really needed to sort through everything in my head before I brought anything up to him.

Jane was spending the day with her grandma, so I hoped to have time to reflect for a while after getting some things done. After ordering the groceries—I hadn’t had a chance to yesterday—I made another cup of coffee and sat out on the back porch wrapped in a wool blanket. It was chilly, but I needed some fresh air.

My cell phone interrupted my thoughts with an unknown number. I contemplated ignoring it, but when my kids weren’t with me, I worried that something could be wrong. “Hello?” I waited with bated breath.

“Hey, girl. This is Betty; how are you?”

My shoulders sagged as the tension was melted from them. “Good, thanks, how about you?”

“Great! I just wanted to give you a call to let you know that I spoke with my friend over at The Royal Duchess, and you’ll never believe it. He had a Valentine’s Day package cancellation, and he owed me big time. I was able to get you the whole shebang for two-hundred bucks for the entire weekend. Can you believe that?” Her excitement was contagious.

I don’t know where a woman her age got the energy, but I could only hope I was the same way. “Wow! I can’t thank you enough, Betty. I owe you one.” I’d looked online at the prices for that hotel, and they were in the upward of three-hundred dollars a night, and that wasn’t for a fancy suite.

“You don’t owe me anything, but you do have to make me a promise.” She waited for my reply before continuing.

“Okay…” I wasn’t sure I liked the sound of that.

“I want you to take the weekend to explore with your husband. Do some research or ask me anything you can think of. Then take everything you’ve bought and completely let loose. My promise to you is that you won’t regret it.” She sounded so sure of herself; I, on the other hand, wasn’t as confident.

“I’ll try my best. Ever since the party, my head’s been reeling. I have so many questions I need to find answers to, but I need to dig deep to find the key to it all.” I sighed, not understanding how Betty had a way of pulling the truth from me.

“I get it. I really do. You’ll find a balance, and it’ll all work out in the end. I think once you let go and just feel that everything will fall into place.”

I knew she was right. I was probably overthinking as I always did.

“Have you tried any of your goodies you won at the party?”

I swallowed hard. “Umm…no.”

“Let me guess, you threw them in the back of your underwear drawer and haven’t looked at them since?”

I wasn’t sure how she knew. “You’re pretty close; it was my makeup drawer.”

“I’ll give you some more unsolicited advice. Knowing your own body is important. You need to know what makes you tick. Have a little fun. You may surprise yourself.”

I’d never used a toy in my life, but she did say it was a good starter. “I’ll try my best.” I smiled at my phone. I wasn’t sure where to begin, but I’d give it a go.

“That’s all we can do, sweetie.” She rattled off the details for the hotel for me as I wrote everything down.

I called the hotel right away and made the arrangements as Betty instructed, as well as my in-laws, to arrange for them to watch the kids and asked them to keep it a surprise. I sat there, staring at my phone after I’d hung up. I had so many mixed emotions.

I was excited about a weekend away. We hadn’t done it in so long, but I was also nervous about how James would react. On the one hand, he was a guy. What guy wouldn’t appreciate his wife in lingerie, spicing up the bedroom a little? But on the other hand, maybe he liked things how they were, and it could turn him off. I was sure that the former was the case, but there was still a possibility I was wrong.

I tip-toed to my bedroom—which was ridiculous since I was home alone—but I felt so naughty. I took the mini vibe out of the drawer, giving it a wash, and then dropping it on the bed in front of me. I stared at it, unsure of how I felt about it. Truth be told, I wasn’t even sure what to do with it.

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