Home > Baby Drama(19)

Baby Drama(19)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“Since we’re leaving at the same time, you can just ride with me, I guess.”

“That’s okay. I have a cab waiting for me,” I spoke.

“We’re going to the same damn place.”

The doors opened and I stepped out.

“Then maybe you should have offered that earlier today and I wouldn’t have called a cab,” I said as I walked away and out the lobby doors.”

I climbed in the back of the cab and shut the door as Lucas stood there staring at me. I arrived at Daniel before he did and was taken to the table where his father sat.

“You look lovely, Jenna.” He stood from his seat and kissed my cheek.

“Thank you, Mr. Thorne.”

“Please, call me Lincoln.”

Just as I sat down, Lucas walked over and shot me a look.

“Son. I’m surprised you didn’t have Jenna drive with you since the two of you live in the same building.”

“I suppose it slipped my mind,” Lucas said as he looked at me.

“Well, I’m assuming it won’t slip your mind to drive her home.”

“No. It won’t.”

The waiter walked over and took our drink order.

“I’ll just have water. Thank you,” I said while Lucas and his father both ordered a scotch.

“So, Jenna, tell me about yourself,” Lincoln said.

“Well, there’s really not much to tell. I’m originally from Massachusetts, I graduated from M.I.T., and I moved here over a year ago.”

“Which big company lured you to the fine state of New York?”

“Actually, I moved here because my best friend lives here.”

“What about the baby’s father?”

“Dad, come on. That’s none of our business.”

“We aren’t together anymore. Things didn’t work out between us.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. How far along are you?”

“Almost seventeen weeks.”

“Being a single parent is hard. I should know. My son’s mother died during childbirth and—”

“Dad, that’s enough!” Lucas snapped.

“Anyway, I trust you’ll be able to handle it. You seem like a strong woman.”

“Thank you, Lincoln. I’m not worried.” I gave him a small smile.

After a stressful dinner, I said goodbye to Lincoln and climbed into the back of the car. Lucas slid in next to me and slammed the door shut.

“I think he suspects,” he said in an angry tone.

“Why do you think that?”

“Because he’s connecting all the dots, Jenna. I know my father.”

“You never told me your mother died.”

“Why would I?” He stared out the window.

“Your father raised you alone?”

“No. I had two nannies and servants that did a majority of the raising. The only thing he cared about was grooming me to take over the company one day. I feel like this is history fucking repeating itself.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Nothing. I’m done discussing this.”



I shoved my key in my purse and set it down on the counter as I took off my shoe. There were two sides to Lucas Thorne and that became clearer this evening. One side of him was a powerful rich man who had a caring nature when he decided to let it out. The other side of him was a frightened boy who never knew his mother and lived with a man he called his father whom he tried to please his entire life. But I got the feeling that no matter what he did, it was never good enough. I knew Lucas was damaged in his own way, but I didn’t know to what extent. We were opposites. While he was trying to show his father he could be the best, I was showing my parents that I didn’t want to be. I suspected he sought his father’s approval for everything, while I sought my parent’s disapproval.

At first when he told me he couldn’t be a father I thought it was because he loved his bachelor life too much. That he was just a selfish man who couldn’t be bothered. Maybe that was still the case, but after meeting his father and seeing the two of them together, I believed it was something much deeper.



Chapter 18




I was in the break room pouring myself a cup of coffee when Lincoln walked in.

“Good morning, Jenna. You’re just the person I wanted to see.”

“Good morning Mr.—Lincoln.”

“I’d like you to join me for lunch today. I have a couple things I need to discuss with you.”

“Okay. Will Lucas be joining us as well?”

“No. It’ll be just us. Don’t mention this to Lucas either. Understand?”

“Yeah. Sure. I won’t mention it.” I furrowed my brows.

“I’ll meet you downstairs in the lobby at noon and we’ll drive together,” he said as he walked out of the break room.

I stood there leaning up against the counter as I brought my cup up to my lips. What could he possibly want to talk about?

“Morning,” Lucas said as he walked in and interrupted my thought.

“Good morning.”

“Is everything okay?” he asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

“Yeah. Everything’s fine. Why?”

“You looked like you were in deep thought.”

“I was just thinking about all the stuff I have to do.” I gave him a small smile before I headed back to my office.

Looking at the time on my phone, it was eleven fifty-five. Grabbing my purse, I headed down to the lobby where Lincoln was already waiting. We climbed into the back of his limousine where he spent the entire ride to The Capital Grille on a business call. The moment we stepped inside the restaurant, we were immediately taken to our table.

“Good afternoon, I’m Clarissa, and I’ll be waiting on you today. May I start you off with something to drink?”

“I’ll just have water. Thank you.” I smiled at her.

“And I’ll have a scotch on the rocks, darling.” Lincoln gave her a wink.

“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of having lunch with you today?” I asked as I picked up my menu.

“Maybe I just wanted to have lunch with a beautiful woman.”

“Perhaps. But not today, Lincoln. Especially with a pregnant woman.” I arched my brow at him.

He let out a chuckle as Clarissa set our drinks down and took our lunch order.

“Down to business. I like that about you.” He took a sip of his scotch. “I know that child you’re carrying is my son’s.”

I inhaled a sharp breath, and I needed to play it cool.”

“What makes you think that?” I cocked my head at him.

“I’m not stupid or ignorant, Jenna. I can put two and two together.”

“Then enlighten me, Lincoln.”

“My son was very nervous last night. He was afraid you were going to slip after he told you not to tell me. Then there’s the timing of you coming into the company. I pulled your file, and you were hired after you fixed the coding for the project my son was working on. The two of you had a one-night stand because that’s all Lucas is in for, and you either got pregnant on purpose because you saw an opportunity, or my son was irresponsible. But in all fairness, I’m going with he was irresponsible because a woman like you and with your brain, you don’t need a man to take care of you.”

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