Home > Baby Drama(40)

Baby Drama(40)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“I guess the piano is staying,” he said to the realtor.



“Are you okay?” I asked Lucas as I hooked my arm around him when he walked out of the room at the doctor’s office.

“Just dandy, babe. Just dandy.”

“You’ll be fine as long as you follow the doctor’s instructions.”

“I just want to get home and lay down.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll have plenty of time to rest. My parents are taking Scarlett for a couple days.”

“Sounds good. I just want you to know I hate you.” He took in a sharp breathe.

“Aw. That makes me feel so much better now that we hate each other.” I reached up and kissed his cheek.

He shot me a look and I let out a snicker.

The moment we got home, he reclined back in the recliner in the living room while I went and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer.

“Here’s your ice pack. I also brought you some Motrin.”

“It hurts really bad, Jenna.”

“Yeah. Well. Until you’ve experienced labor pains and pushed a 7lb 10 oz human out of your hole, I really can’t sympathize with you. Not to mention the fact that I may be pushing out two humans from my vagina or having my stomach cut open to deliver them.”

“Fine. You win.”

I gave him a smile and kissed his lips.

“Take your Motrin like a good boy, and I’ll make you a sandwich.”



One Month Later




I had made a full recovery and I was back in action. I really had no right to complain after what Jenna went through and will be going through with the twins, but damn did it hurt. Yesterday was moving day and we couldn’t wait to be fully settled in our new home. We had hired Jimmy and Wes to repaint Scarlett’s room and the twin’s room. We kept Scarlett’s room the same color as in the penthouse, and we painted the twin’s room a light gray with all white furniture. One crib was decorated in pink bedding and the other was decorated with blue. We wanted to make sure we were prepared early just in case.

Scarlett was up the entire night, even when we brought her to bed with us, she wouldn’t sleep. Jenna said it was because her mind was too stimulated from the move. Like I said, I loved having a daughter who was a genius, but it sure as hell was utterly exhausting at times. She wouldn’t let us put her down and she wanted nothing to do with her toys.

Jenna was upstairs trying to organize things while I walked around the house with Scarlett as she continued to cry.

“Maybe this was a bad idea. The penthouse hasn’t sold yet. Let’s just move back there,” I said.

Jenna thought that was hysterical and she couldn’t stop laughing.

“What is wrong with you? She’ll get used to it. Here, let me take her.”

She took Scarlett over to the piano and set her on her lap. Jenna started to play a classical piece and immediately, Scarlett stopped crying.

“You are amazing,” I said as I sat down on the bench next to her.

“Thanks. My parents forced me to start playing when I turned two. But I didn’t mind. I liked it.”

“Scarlett seems to like it too.”

“I have an idea. Go get her booster seat. It’s in the closet off the kitchen.”

I got up, went to the closet, grabbed her seat and set it next to Jenna. She set Scarlett in the seat, buckled her in and got up from the bench, pushing it closer so Scarlett could reach the keys. She started hitting them with her tiny hands and laughed.

“Phew.” I let out a sigh as I hooked my arm around Jenna and placed my hand on her large belly. “The babies seem very active today.” I smiled at her.

“Tell me about it. They’ve been kicking all morning.



Six Weeks Later




“Well, Jenna. I’m sorry to say that Baby A has turned herself back around the wrong way. You’re going to need a c-section.”

“I guess she’s a stubborn little girl like her mother.” Lucas smirked and I smacked his chest.

“It happens all the time. I’m going to schedule your c-section for next Thursday since you’ll be thirty-seven weeks. So whatever preparations you need to make, make them now. Of course, if you happen to go into labor before then, we’ll take the babies then.”

“Next Thursday is Lucas’s birthday, so I think they can wait.” I smiled at Lucas.

As the week went by, I started to get scared. Come tomorrow, I would have twin babies. As I lay in bed, Lucas wrapped his arm around me and softly stroked my belly.

“Soon we’ll become a family of five,” he said as he softly kissed my shoulder.

“I know. Who would have thought when we first met, we’d end up like this?”

“I’m happy you spilled your drink on me at the club,” he said.

“And I’m happy you called me.” I turned on my back.

“You know what really makes me happy?” he asked as he stroked my cheek.


“That the condom broke, and you screwed up your pills.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

“I’m scared, Lucas. I’m really scared.”

“Scared of what, babe?”

“That I won’t be able to do it and fail my children.”

“I think every parent feels that way. You are an amazing person and an amazing mother to Scarlett, and you will be just as amazing to Serena and Samuel. I love you more and more every day, and I will be by your side forever.”

Bringing my hand up to his face, I softly stroked it as I stared into his eyes. His lips were mere inches from mine until…

“Holy shit!” I placed my hands on my belly.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think I’m in labor.”

“Shit.” I’ll get dressed and grab your bag.

The pain was unreal and worse than what I had with Scarlett. I climbed out of bed and instantly fell to the floor. Lucas came running over and grabbed my arm.

“Babe, are you okay?”

“I was so looking forward to not experiencing this again.”

“I know, babe.” He helped me up.

“I already called a cab, and it’ll be here in five minutes.”

“What about Thaddeus?”

“He won’t get here in time.”

We took the elevator downstairs, so I didn’t have to walk down, and when we stepped out the front door, the cab was waiting for us at the curb. I climbed in the back just as a contraction hit and let out a scream.

“Where to?” the cab driver asked.

“WHERE DO YOU THINK!” I shouted at him.

“Mount Sinai, please. And if you can really step on it, there will be a very big tip for you.”

“Got it,” he said as he pulled away from the curb and took off.

The guy was a total maniac and for a second I forgot about my contractions because I was too busy thinking about how I was going to die, pregnant with twins, in the back of a cab.

“Fast enough for you?” The cab driver asked with a smile as he pulled up to the emergency room.

“Yes. Thank you,” Lucas said as he handed him some cash.

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