Home > Saving Ren(19)

Saving Ren(19)
Author: Lesley Jones

“Right, I’m back, and I’m on my way. It’ll take me five minutes, tops.”

There’s silence for a few long seconds, and I panic that the phone has cut out.

“Jo? Jo?”

“I’m here. I’m right here. Are you hurt? Do we need to call the police or an ambulance, Lauren?”

“No. No police. I can’t. I won’t do that to my boys.”

“I’ve got a feeling he might need protecting from your boys when they find out what he’s been doing.”

I can’t even process an answer to that comment. The thought of my kids finding out about all of this hurts so much more than anything Jay could physically inflict.

“I can’t, I need time. I can’t let them see me like this. I need time before I tell them.”

“Are you hurt then? Has he marked you? Talk to me, Lauren.”

“I’m fine, I’m fine. No police, no ambulance. I don’t want to go to the hospital; they’ll call the police. I need time, Jo, time to talk to the boys.”

“Okay, okay. We’ll figure it out. I’m here. My lights are off, and I’m just pulling into the car park. Where are you?”

“In the alley.”

I watch as her car pulls up parallel to where I’m hiding. I’m so overwhelmed with relief that I can’t move. As Jo climbs from her car and approaches, the noise that escapes me doesn’t even sound human.

“It’s okay. It’s okay. I’ve got you; I’ve got you.”

Jo squats down to my level, but I can’t bring myself to meet her eyes. I don’t want to see in them what she’s thinking of me right now.

“Oh, Jesus. Fucking hell. Fuck. Can you walk? We need to get you to a hospital. Can you stand up? Let’s get you into the car, don’t even bother trying to argue with me, you need to get to the hospital.”

“I can’t. I pissed myself, I can’t get in your car like this.” I sob between almost every word. As I stand upright, I’m hit with a wall of pain but can’t pinpoint the source. Everything hurts, from my head, to my heart, to my toenails and fingertips, I hurt.

“I couldn’t give a fuck if you were covered from head to toe in shit, you are getting in my car, and we’re going to the hospital.”



Chapter 10





The lie comes so easily, and once I tell the first, despite the trauma, my injuries, the alcohol I’ve consumed, I manage to weave an elaborate and yet believable tale of a drunken girls’ night out, which results in me bouncing on the bed, losing my balance, taking a tumble and landing on the chest of drawers beside the bed. My fall resulting in bruising four ribs, dislocating my shoulder, a glued-up gash to my head, a bruised cheek and jaw, and various other bruises and contusions all over my body.

The nurse knew I was lying.

The doctor knew I was lying.

But I escaped the hospital without the police being called and am now settled in the front of Jo’s car with my ribs bandaged so tight I can barely breathe, my arm temporarily in a sling, a glued together head, lumps, bumps, bruises, and scratches to the entire rest of my body while wearing a hospital gown, my UGGs, and cardigan. My pissy sleep shorts were dumped in a surgical waste bin after I convinced the nurse I’d wet myself after laughing so hard at falling off the bed.

It’s eight in the morning when we pull up outside Jo’s, and my phone shows forty-seven missed calls and texts from Jay.

I have nothing to say to him. I don’t know that I ever will, but just in case, I’ve written a whole fucking speech in my head. One day I’ll be able to look him in the eye and convey the fear and terror he’s made me feel. But that day isn’t this day, nor will it be any day soon.

Right now, I’m just grateful that his car isn’t parked at Jo’s with him inside waiting for my return. I’m exhausted. Mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. I feel hollow. I’d like to think I had no tears left in me to cry, but they’re there, right below the surface and ready to breach the barriers of my eyelids the instant I let my guard down.

Jo cuts the engine of her car, but she speaks before I can move to open the door.

“I’m beyond pissed off at you for not getting the police involved tonight, but right now, I’m exhausted, you look like absolute shit, we both need a shower, and we both need to try and get some sleep.”

I turn and meet her light brown eyes, one of those tears I was keeping prisoner escapes and rolls down my cheek.

“But at some stage, we are going to talk about this, and you are going to tell me exactly what happened tonight. There is a bed at my house for as long as you need it. I will feed you. I will clothe you. I will lend you whatever money you need, but at some point, I will expect the truth.”

I nod, knowing if I even attempt to speak, the only sound that’ll escape me will be yet another sob.

“Right, let’s get you in and get you showered. Stay there, I’ll come around and help you out.”



An hour later, freshly showered, and with the blood washed from my hair—thanks to Jo’s help—I’m sitting at her bench wearing one of her hoodies and a pair of hammer pants while picking at a bacon sandwich.

“Eat that, you’re going to need to take some pain meds soon, and you can’t do that on an empty stomach,” Jo orders.

Before I can respond, my phone vibrates from where it’s plugged in at the wall. Jo removes the charger and slides it to me. Jemma’s name lights up the screen. I swipe to open and set it to speaker.

“What the fuck is going on? Where are you?”

“And good morning to you too, Mrs Wilson.”

“Cut the crap, East! Why is your husband ringing me looking for you? What’s happened?”

Jo’s phone begins to vibrate. “It’s Jay. Jem, we’ll call you back in a few and explain everything. Love you, bye.”

“Don’t you dare. . .”

I cut Jem off and end my call as Jo answers hers.

“Hey, Jay. You’re up bright and early. What can I do you for?” She winks at me and says before Jay even speaks.

“Morning, Jo.” My eyes close at the sound of his voice, my heart stutters in my chest, and just for a moment, a very short moment, I feel something. Opening my eyes, I instantly lock it down.

“I don’t suppose you’ve seen my wife, have you?”

“Lauren… no… not since last night. I shared a taxi with her. I don’t understand. She did come home, right?”

“She did, but I got home after her, and I’d had a little too much to drink. You know how she can be? We got into a bit of a blue, and she stormed off.”

My mouth drops open. Jo taps her pointer finger against her lips, telling me to shush.

“In the middle of the night?” she questions Jay.

“Yeah, I’m not exactly sure of the time.”

“And you didn’t go after her?”

“Like I said, I’d had too much to drink.”

“We had a bit to drink ourselves. Surely she didn’t drive?”

“Nah, that’s the kicker, when she stormed off, I thought she’d taken her car. I’d left my car at the club last night and thought I had no way of going after her.”

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