Home > Committed : Brides of the Kindred 26(38)

Committed : Brides of the Kindred 26(38)
Author: Evangeline Anderson

Torri cried out helplessly and obliged him with a second orgasm as her pleasure spiked again. This time she felt two long fingers slide down and enter her, thrusting smoothly to the end of her channel and making her gasp and moan again.

“Gods, sweetheart—I can feel you squeezing all around me,” Vic growled hoarsely. “Wish it was my shaft inside you, instead of my fingers.”

Leaning forward, he took her mouth in a hot, breathless kiss as he pumped deep into her pussy, penetrating her to the core as the waves of pleasure rolled over her…

Torri came again somehow—though she had never been multi-orgasmic before. She wasn’t sure if it was due to Vic’s clever fingers or his dirty talk or his deep, delicious kisses or a combination of all three. But the pleasure seemed to go on and on.

At last, though, she collapsed, panting in his arms, her forehead resting on his broad shoulder.

“Oh…Oh, Vic,” she moaned softly. “That was so, so good. I can’t believe you’ve never touched a woman before!”

“I haven’t, though,” he promised earnestly. “But I do have Kindred DNA—we are good at three things: alien languages, transportation systems, and knowing how to pleasure a female. These are our Goddess-given gifts which we try to put to good use.”

“You certainly put your gifts to good use tonight.” Torri was still panting with the aftermath of her orgasms. “I don’t know if I can take anymore right now, though,” she admitted.

“Your pussy is swollen and sensitive with pleasure,” Vic agreed, gently withdrawing his fingers. “You need some time to recover.”

Then, to her surprise, he put his fingers in his mouth and sucked off her juices with obvious pleasure.

“Gods, you taste as good as I imagined you would,” he growled hoarsely. “I wish I could trust myself to lap your soft little pussy.”

“Why…why can’t you?” Torri asked breathlessly. She liked a man who wasn’t afraid to go down—though she hadn’t been with many of them. Chuck certainly hadn’t enjoyed it, though he would do it grudgingly at the beginning of their marriage. It had been years now, since she’d had a man taste her and the idea of Vic between her legs gave her a hot little thrill.

But the big Kindred sighed sadly.

“I am afraid if I allowed myself to taste your pussy, I would want to bond you to me—or try to bond you. And I can’t do that.”

“You can’t? Why not? I mean, not that I’d want you to,” Torri said quickly. “I mean, we still don’t know each other that well.”

“We know each other well enough that I wish I could bond you to me,” Vic said quietly. “But even if I was physically able to bond you—which I am not sure I am—I still couldn’t do it. After this mission is over, I will return to my hyperbaric stasis chamber in the Mother Ship. There, I will close my eyes and sleep until the next time the Kindred warriors need me and awaken me. So you see,” he added sadly, “It’s better if I don’t allow myself to taste you—it would only make me want you too much.”

“Oh, Vic…” For some reason, Torri felt like crying. She told herself not to be silly. It wasn’t like she’d been expecting him to propose or anything like that. But the thought that it was completely impossible for them to end up together, made her heart ache for some reason.

Slowly, she climbed off his lap and lay on her side with her back to him.

“Torri? Are you all right?” He leaned over her anxiously. “Are you upset that I cannot call you as my bride and bond you to me?”

“No…maybe. I don’t know.” She sighed and curled tightly into herself. “I guess it just makes me sad that there’s not even any possibility of us being together. I mean, I know we haven’t known each other for long, but it just feels right with you. I mean, righter than it ever did with Chuck or anyone else I’ve ever been with, for that matter.”

“It feels right for me too, sweetheart.” Vic put an arm around her and pulled her close, so that his big body spooned hers. “So right it’s almost frightening,” he murmured. “I never knew I could have these emotions—they’re so strong they overwhelm me.”

“I’m feeling kind of overwhelmed myself,” Torri admitted. “Why don’t you turn out the light and just hold me, okay? I just want to feel close to you right now. While…while we still can. Since we go to the Mother Ship tomorrow and then you’ll go back to sleep and I’ll never see you again.”

The last word ended on a little sob that caught in her throat. She told herself again not to be silly, but she couldn’t help the feeling of loss that filled her at the idea of losing the big Kindred and never seeing him again.

“I want to feel close to you, too,” Vic murmured. He reached out and turned off the lamp, plunging the bedroom into darkness. Then he curled up around her again, making Torri feel completely surrounded and protected by his big, warm body. “Good night, sweetheart,” he murmured and kissed her gently on the cheek.

“Good night, Vic,” she whispered.

But knowing that it was both their first and last night together, it was a long time before she could get to sleep.






“You have failed!” the voice of the Dark Father growled, from the parallel universe. “They are about to leave Earth and contact the Kindred Mother Ship. Soon the Kindred will come to rescue Earth and all will be as it was!”

“Forgive me, Father!” the scion within the Eye of Ten’gu begged. “But how was I to know the Kindred scout would be capable of healing itself?”

“I do not want excuses!” the Dark Father roared. “I sent you to that universe to hurt the Kindred—which you have completely failed to do!”

“Let me try again!” the scion begged. “I have been gathering power and the time-vortex around me still allows me to reach backwards into their timeline. Give me another chance to please you.”

“I will consider it,” came the grudging reply. “And what would you do with this power you have gathered?”

“I could incapacitate the scout’s ship in some way,” the scion suggested. “To make the scout unable to communicate with the Mother Ship.”

“Do so,” the Dark Father commanded. “And do not disappoint me again!”

The Eye blinked in acknowledgement. Then it focused on the past, reaching backwards a second time to do as much damage as it could…






Strangely, when she finally fell asleep, Torri didn’t have any Seeing Dreams that night. She missed finding Vic in her dreams and spending time with him in the meadow, but it was refreshing to have a dreamless night for once. She woke up feeling rested and renewed, though at first she was confused.

Wait—where am I? she wondered, looking around the room in the dim gray light of morning coming through the window. How did I get back to Nana’s house?

Then she remembered the crazy escape from St. Elizabeth’s with Vic, finding out that her dreams were real, and making their way to Nana’s cabin. Last, she remembered the sensuous experience of the night before and the way the big Kindred had touched her so gently and made her come so hard.

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