Home > Committed : Brides of the Kindred 26(76)

Committed : Brides of the Kindred 26(76)
Author: Evangeline Anderson

“Well, I’m happy you were wrong.” Torri snuggled against him. “Because now that we’re bonded, I’m never letting you go.”

“But what if Commander Terex insists I go back into stasis?” Vic objected.

Privately, Torri was determined that wasn’t going to happen, but she didn’t say anything about that.

“If he wants you to go back into stasis, I’m going with you,” she promised.

“You will?” Vic sounded doubtful. “I do not know if that will be allowed.”

“Well, either way, I’m staying with you,” Torri said confidently. “You just leave it to me. Now…what about round two?”

And she wiggled against him to slide his still-hard shaft in and out of her pussy.

Vic groaned in her ear and reached up to cup her breasts and tug lightly on her nipples.

“Gods, sweetheart, you feel so good wrapped around me,” he growled hoarsely.

“And you feel good inside me,” Torri murmured. “So come on—let’s make sure this bond between us is nice and tight. I want you to make love to me all night, Vic.”

“Your pleasure is mine,” he murmured through their new bond and then Torri felt him draw nearly all the way out of her and thrust in again, deep and slow, and she knew their bond would last forever…






It was quite possibly the best night of Torri’s life—it certainly beat her extremely lackluster honeymoon with Chuck. And though she was somewhat sore the next day, she woke up with a smile on her face.

She and Vic had formed a bond—she had known they could! They had proved that Vic was a real person, not just a piece of machinery. Commander Terex might not like it, but he couldn’t deny it. And if he tried to, Torri was going to have something to say about it.

She felt nervous but confident as they stood in front of Commander Terex’s office, later that morning. Vic had insisted on taking her back to the Mother Ship for a quick exam at the Med Center first, but as Torri had expected, she was fine. Actually, the bump on the back of her head didn’t even hurt anymore, but she was touched that Vic was so worried about her well-being.

The Kindred doctor who examined her had looked strangely familiar. He was a Blood Kindred with spiky blond hair and pale blue eyes. Vic recognized him, too.

“We have met before,” he said to the doctor, after he finished examining Torri. “You and your friend were the ones who escorted me to my stasis chamber.”

The blond doctor looked up. Though he was extremely professional, he had an air of someone who was deeply worried about something.

“Oh, yes—I was given that honor along with my half-brother, Baird,” he said to Vic. “I’m pleased to see you’ve been released from stasis to be with the female you care for. I am Sylvan.”

“Thank you, Sylvan.” Vic nodded.

“Is your half-brother also a doctor?” Torri asked politely.

Sylvan shook his head, the corners of his mouth turning down.

“I’m afraid not. He’s a pilot and he was recently captured in a battle with the Scourge.”

“Oh, no!” Torri put a hand over her mouth. “I’m so sorry,” she told the Blood Kindred doctor. She remembered vividly how awful it was to be held aboard the Scourge Fathership with the horrible AllFather pawing at her brain with his corpse-cold mental fingers. She couldn’t imagine the agony Baird must be enduring right now!

“Thank you for your sympathies.” Sylvan lifted his chin. “But I will not count my brother out yet. He is very strong and I have reason to believe that he started Dream Sharing with a human female before he left. Hopefully his link to her will give him the will to hold on until he can be rescued when we attack the Fathership.”

“We will pray to the Goddess that it will be so, on his behalf,” Vic said formally.

“Thank you.” Sylvan nodded and then looked at Torri. “You are perfectly well—there is no concussion that my instruments can detect. So I’m going to let you go.”

“Thank you.” Torri had nodded gratefully at him and then she and Vic had made their final goodbyes and had gone to Commander Terex’s office.

Now she took a deep breath as they stood in front of the office door and she squeezed Vic’s hand.

“Are you ready?” she asked, looking up at her new mate. It was a Kindred term but it seemed to work more than “husband,” which didn’t quite go far enough in describing their new relationship. Chuck had been her husband, and he had betrayed her and left her for another woman. Vic was her mate and he would never leave her or betray her—it wasn’t physically possible for him to do so because of the bond between them and the love they felt for each other.

Vic nodded firmly.

“I am ready. I will tell Commander Terex that I have formed a bond with you and that we cannot be separated.”

“Exactly.” Torri said and Vic knocked on the office door.

“Enter,” Commander Terex’s voice called and then the door slid open.

Torri looked in to see the head of the Kindred High Council sitting at his desk and looking pensively down at a lighted screen with Kindred script scrolling across it. When they came in, he looked up at them without a trace of surprise.

“Ah, I wondered when you two would come to see me.”

“Commander,” Vic said, “I have bonded with Torri and taken her as my mate. This action cannot be reversed.”

“That’s right,” Torri chimed in. “And we know you’re not going to be happy about that, but it proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Vic really does have a soul because otherwise we couldn’t have formed a soul-bond. So that makes him a real person with the same rights as your other warriors. And if you want to send him back into stasis, you’re going to have to send me with him, because I’m not leaving his side!” she added, lifting her chin and looking the Kindred Commander square in the eyes.

But to her surprise, instead of getting angry or upset, Commander Terex simply nodded and said quietly,

“I understand.”

“What?” Torri stared at him in surprise. “You’re not angry at us?”

“No, if anything I owe the both of you an apology. The Goddess visited me last night, when she released you from your stasis chamber, Vic,” he said, looking at the big Kindred. “She informed me that you had a soul and that she had sent a mate for you and forbid me from interfering.”

“The Goddess is very kind,” Vic said.

“Sometimes her ways are…unknowable to us lesser beings,” Terex said heavily. He looked at Torri. “I am so sorry I wouldn’t listen to you before. I lost my own dear mate a little over a solar year ago and it is possible that colored my decision to send Vic into stasis, despite the connection the two of you had formed. Can you forgive me?”

Torri had gone into the Kindred Commander’s office prepared to do battle but now she just felt bad for him.

“Yes, of course we’ll forgive you,” she said, knowing she could speak for both herself and Vic because she could feel his emotions through their link.

“Thank you, you’re very kind.” Terex nodded and looked at Vic. “VIC Unit—I mean Vic—you have served the Kindred people long and well for which I thank you. I now release you from your service. You can live here aboard the Mother Ship, or on Earth with your new mate. Or you can take a long-range shuttle and go wherever you wish. I only ask that if you find a planet that seems to offer a good genetic trade for us that you’ll send the information back to the Mother Ship.”

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