Home > The Seat Filler(20)

The Seat Filler(20)
Author: Sariah Wilson

It might have sounded a tad melodramatic, but as busy and big as this party was, it was probably a valid concern.

“Let’s get you off your feet, then!” There was a group of young women in a corner seat next to us. They were preening for their camera, making the same movements and faces over and over again, obviously filming it for an Instagram story or something similar.

“Excuse me!” I came close to them, and they all glared up at me when I spoke. “Would you guys mind scooting over? My friend is pregnant and needs to sit.”

They looked me up and down and obviously found me lacking. Their ringleader said, “So? How is that our problem?”

These entitled little . . . Something inside me cracked with anger. “Listen, you look like you’ve never even sniffed a pizza, let alone eaten one, so I could probably snap you like twigs. But even worse, I will get my phone out and film you refusing to let Chase Covington’s pregnant wife put her swollen ankles up. What will happen to your likes then?”

I’d only wanted them to move over, but at my threats they up and left, shooting me dirty looks. I did a “ta-da” gesture with my arms, and Zoe laughed as she sat down.

“I have to get your number. You are definitely someone I want to be friends with.” She sighed with relief as she settled onto the seat.

This was a Cinderella fantasy. No way would she want to be my friend when I went back to my regular life. So I smiled at her. “Where’s your husband?”

“I sent him off to get me food. They have In-N-Out at this thing, and I’m starving.”

“Don’t you have people for that?” I asked with a laugh.

“We do. But sometimes I make Chase be the people so his head doesn’t get too big.” There was a small table at kneecap level, and she put her feet up on it and sighed again. “I thought you said you were a seat filler. Who brought you to the party?”

“Well, Noah Douglas did. But not like on a date. He’s just going to give me a ride home after he makes the rounds.”

“Oh. Interesting. The Vanity Fair party is not really a place to bring a not-a-date. I mean, companies pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to be advertisers at this event just to score tickets to it.”

Wow. I had not known that. “Honestly, we’re not even really friends. I groomed his dog once.”

Her eyebrows flew up, and I felt the need to explain. “That’s not a euphemism. I have my own dog-grooming business and he has a dog.”

“We just got a dog. His name is Nemo. If I had my phone, I’d show you a picture. He’s a little cocker spaniel and the sweetest thing. My twins adore him, and he’s so patient with them. We should probably have a groomer, too. Do you have a card?”

Shelby was going to punch me. “I don’t have it with me. If you want to look me up online, my company name is Waggin’ Wheels. Or I’m sure you can have your people call Noah’s people and track me down.”

“Sounds like a plan.” She let out another big sigh.

While I knew about Chase, I realized I’d never read anything about his wife or kids. “Are you an actress, too?”

“Definitely not.” Then we spent a long time chatting as she filled me in on how she ran an ocean conservation nonprofit with her husband and that they did their best to keep their family out of the spotlight. She said they’d met over Twitter, of all places, just before she graduated from college.

“Is it hard?” I asked. “Being married to a movie star?”

“It is. I wouldn’t undo any of it because I adore him, but it is hard. Especially at first when you’re not used to it. It felt like we came from two completely different worlds. There’s fans and then there’s groupies, which are at another level, and then you have stalkers. We’ve had to hire a lot of security. This isn’t what I would have chosen for my life, but he’s so good at what he does, I’d never want him to give it up.”

“I know this is personal, and you don’t have to answer,” I said, “but do you worry about him cheating on you?”

“Never. I mean, when we started dating, yes, but that was because I was so insecure. And it’s very common in Hollywood for that to happen. There are so many actors who cheat on their spouses while they’re filming and think it’s normal and then just go back to their regular lives. Chase doesn’t do that because he knows I would murder him in his sleep. And I do trust him. There are trade-offs in any relationship, and this is what we have to deal with.”

“What do we have to deal with?” Chase asked, handing his wife a cardboard box full of six cheeseburgers.

“People who think they’re in love with you and all the other nonsense that comes with fame. But never mind that because I so love you right now. Thank you for all this protein,” she responded, taking a burger out. “This is Juliet. From the ceremony?”

“Congratulations!” I told him.

He beamed at me. “Thank you!” He settled in beside her, and his demeanor changed. “Wait. Aren’t you the one who is here with Douglas?”

“I’m not. Here with him. We’re not dating.”

Chase muttered “Noah Douglas” under his breath. I looked at Zoe questioningly.

She leaned in. “There’s this guy I used to work with named Noah, and Chase never liked him, but I think this is more about the fact that Chase is jealous of your Noah’s talent.”

He wasn’t my Noah, but I didn’t correct her. “Why? Chase just won for Best Actor.”

“Which he’s obviously thrilled about. But he feels like this is more of a popularity / which studio paid the most money / which actor did the best press tour kind of award. Noah is the one winning all the film critics’ awards at the festivals.” She held the box of burgers toward me. “Would you like one?”

I’d been sitting here for a long time, which had allowed my appetite to return. I also didn’t know how much longer I’d be waiting, so I thanked her and took one. It was a bit cold but still delicious. An entire multitude of people had apparently been waiting to talk to Chase, as they kept coming up to him and preventing him from eating. I felt bad for him, watching him smile and shake hands instead of getting to consume this deliciousness. I did note that Chase was holding Zoe’s hand the entire time, which I thought was too sweet. Right when I finished my burger, I felt my phone buzzing. When I opened my clutch to check it, I spilled the contents all over the floor. Grumbling, I picked everything up and shoved it back in my purse except for my phone. I had a text from Morgan.


Like some sort of spy operation. I texted back okay and put away my phone.

I wondered if we’d be leaving soon.

Zoe saw him before I did. She nudged me with her arm. “Your not-a-date is coming over.”

Again, he was easy to spot, as he seemed to be a literal head and shoulders above everyone else around him. His gaze caught mine, and I swallowed hard at his expression.

“There’s nothing going on between us.” But whether that was for her benefit or mine, I wasn’t sure. I felt like I’d said those words so often that they were starting to lose their meaning.

Or maybe it was that they weren’t actually true.

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