Home > Imperfect (Triple Canopy #3)(24)

Imperfect (Triple Canopy #3)(24)
Author: Riley Edwards

“Do you know your sister?”

“Come again?”

Maybe he didn’t know his sister as well as he thought he did, and as much as I wanted to call him out on it something inside of me knew Shiloh would be right mad if I told him what she’d said about everyone leaving her.

Shiloh played the part of Sunny well. She had the teasing, light disposition down pat. But the woman was full of darkness and holes.

“Shiloh’s a great many things, easy isn’t one of them. Now, why are you here?”

“Wanted to size you up,” he said and shrugged.

At least he was honest.

“Right. And you thought it best to do that while I was at work and piss me off in the process?”

“Actually, I was here to talk to Jason about an old case he worked when he was with the DEA. You being here was a bonus. Two birds and all that.”

“Great. You get what you need or do you have more to say?”

“You gonna tell Sunny I was here?”

Was this guy for real?

“You’re worried I’m gonna run and tattle to my woman that her big brother stopped by for a chat?” I didn’t miss the way Echo’s eyes flared when I called Shiloh my woman. Best for him to get used to it now. “Brother, as you said, I got balls. Seeing as I do, I don’t tattle. But I also won’t lie to her if she asks me straight out if you’ve been here. And if you gotta problem with her knowing then you should’ve thought twice before looking for me.”

“Twice a month, Sundays, we get together for dinner. Next one’s this weekend. I expect you there.”

Seriously, who the hell did he think he was?

“Two things, you want me at your table, you ask me and I’d be happy to share a meal. This Sunday’s TC’s company picnic—Shiloh and I have plans. You and your brothers want to stop by that’d be cool. Carter ordered two huge-ass pigs to roast and I heard Addy and Quinn talking about needing an extra table for all the food so there’ll be plenty. The invitation comes with a warning; when the Lenoxes, Walkers, Clarks, and McCoys get together anything goes. It will be bedlam. You’re up for that and don’t mind kids, come hungry.”

Echo studied me a minute and gave me a chin lift.

“I think I might like you.”

“That’d be good seeing as I’m falling in love with your sister and it’d suck I’d have to explain to her why her brother’s got a black eye and I got blood on my tee.”

I startled—actually jerked back when Echo Kent let out a roaring laugh. It was loud, it sounded menacing, and I wondered how many men he’d scared away from his sister using that maniacal cackle.

I’d venture to say all of them.

“Yeah, I think I like you. Which is gonna suck if I have to break you if you hurt my sister.”

“Just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”

“Something you’ll learn. I love my sister more than anything else. More than River. More than Phoenix. More than my own life. I will fight and die for her. That girl’s had enough heartache and I’ll make damn sure she never feels it again. If you can survive her Killer Frost freeze-out then you’ll understand where I’m coming from. And if after that you learn what she’s been through, if you think what I’m saying is a threat and for the promise it is, then you aren’t very smart.”

There it was. He knew his sister.

“She tried the freeze-out,” I told him. “Landed a few good hits when she was throwing her barbs. Had me so fucking pissed I walked out. Sat in my truck and caught on to her play, walked back into her house. She was surprised I came back and told me everyone leaves. She learned fast how I am and I suspect you will, too, I’m not gonna be one more person in the long line of people who she’s successfully pushed away. And she straight out told me she does that, too. So the threat isn’t necessary.”

“She told you that?”

“She’s told me a variety of things I won’t be sharing with you. When I told you I knew Shiloh wasn’t easy, what I meant was, I know she’s shit scared and I’m doing everything I can to move us forward in the least painful way possible. To clear something up, I’m not stupid. I know I haven’t seen the last of Killer Frost. I’m just not gonna play her game. We’re playing mine and doing it with the finish line in sight.”

“And her nightmares?”

“I’m not breaking the trust I’m building and I hope you can appreciate why that is and leave it there.”

“Fuck,” Echo grunted and shook his head. “She got up in my shit last night before the takedown. When I asked her about you, thought she was gonna punch me or alternately shoot me. I should know better than to pick a fight with her when she’s armed. Though FYI, she’s got a mean right hook.”

I doubted Echo asked about me. He likely gave her shit which led to her returning the favor.

“You gave her shit before she had to kick in a door?”

Fuck no. Hell to the no. Shiloh didn’t need that shit when she needed her head straight.

Echo gave me a placating hand gesture that did not do a single thing to calm my anger.

“She’d been dodging me. It was the first chance I got to see her.”

“I think you’re beginning to get a read on who I am. But just in case I’ll let you in more. I don’t give the first fuck you’re her brother, don’t ever pull that bullshit with her again. Especially right now. She was almost asleep last night when she got that call out. She’s fucking exhausted and needs to keep sharp, not you pissing her off and making it more difficult.”

“Yeah, Luke, I’m reading you clear.”

That was the best I was going to get and I wanted this over so I could get back to work.

“I got shit to do. Hope to see you Sunday.”

“You will.”


I started back toward the office when Echo called my name. I turned, and gone was the pissed off, mean, big motherfucker, and in his place was a man who loved his sister.

“’Preciate you taking the time to talk to me.”

“Any time. But it’d be best if you called next time. If you want, I’ll get your number from Jason and send you mine so you have it.”

“I want that.”

Fucking Echo Kent.

He loved his sister, and like his sister, he was open when he wasn’t being a dick.



I was at my desk shuffling papers and getting ready to leave when my cell beeped with a text.

How do you feel about fish? That was Shiloh to me.

I’m unclear how to answer that. Cooked fish, yes. Raw fish, hell no. Fish smell, that’s a hard pass. Fish in a tank, as long as it's saltwater. Catching fish with a pole, yes as long as it’s warm outside and I have a cold beer in hand. That was me back to Shiloh.

Apparently, my response required a call because it was now ringing in my hand with Shiloh's name on the screen.


“You don’t like sushi?”

“Before I answer that are you one of those people who think it’s a challenge to get someone to eat something they say they don’t like?”


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