Home > The Jaguar Star(42)

The Jaguar Star(42)
Author: Bianca D'Arc

“This is your honeymoon?” the older man seemed surprised, looking from Katrina to Sonia and then to Ren.

“Actually, yes. In a way,” Ren said, sounding a bit bemused. “We haven’t really discussed all the particulars, but I suspect my mate would like a human-style wedding for her family, and we’ll probably have to deal with the publicity surrounding our match.” Ren sighed, and Katrina almost gasped. She hadn’t really thought through the idea of joining her life to someone who was already so famous. “But my Clan welcomed her this past weekend, and in the eyes of my people, we are already mated.”

“Lord Montague Whittaker, at your service,” he said formally to Katrina. She felt her eyes widening at his old-world charm and the fact that the man was part of the nobility. She’d never met an honest-to-goodness nobleman before.

“Katrina Valiando,” she replied, flustered into giving her real name. “I mean,” she tried to fix her mistake, “Kat Valiant.” She shrugged and bowed her head slightly. “My agent suggested the change, and I’m still getting used to it.”

“Valiando…” The nobleman seemed to think. “I remember a knight of that name from Italy. A brave fighting man. Though small of stature, he was mightier than most of his kind, and he had strong ties to Rome and the Church. One of his descendants, the last time I bothered to check on the family, which is a hobby I indulge every few decades, was employed in the Swiss Guard, which didn’t surprise. That family was ever pious and military, with an odd engineering bent that showed up from time to time in the generations.”

“One of my ancestors was a Swiss Guard,” Katrina replied, somewhat breathless. “He’s the one responsible for bringing the family to America. He had some trouble in Italy and immigrated. At least, that’s the rumor passed down through the family.”

“Interesting. I wonder if it was Pasquale? He was young when I checked on him, and I noted then, that he had a bit more temper than the others of his line I had met.” Monty shook his head. “No matter. If you are one of the Valiandos I once knew, then it makes sense such noble blood would find its way to my jaguar friends.”

Katrina didn’t know what to say to that.

“Monty, don’t keep them standing out in the hall,” a voice shouted from the open doorway. Katrina looked up to see a young woman standing there with a look of indulgent exasperation on her face. She came forward, smiling.

“I’m Margarete,” she said, introducing herself to Sonia first, then shaking hands with Katrina before turning her dancing dark eyes on Ren. “I’m a big fan, Mr. Smith.”

Ren seemed to shift into movie star mode, smiling at the woman easily. “Call me Ren.”

“Forgive my niece,” Monty told them all. “She’s more impatient than most of my human family.” Monty held out his arm to Margarete, and she took it. “Come into the dining room. The staff has prepared a feast in your honor,” he said, as he led them back down the hall.

Katrina noticed that everyone fell in line behind the lead couple, walking quietly toward the open doors that had to lead to the dining room. Sonia held Ren’s right forearm while Katrina was on his left as they entered. The room took her breath away. It was Grade-A medieval castle with all the modern accoutrements.

Antique sideboards and a massive table that ran the length of the room with exquisite hand-carved chairs upholstered in rich red velvet. There was a massive fireplace at one end and a door next to it through which people moved, bringing out platters of food that smelled just heavenly.

A small crowd was already gathered around the table as Monty took his place at the head. He gestured for Sonia to take the opposite side of the long table as her place of honor, and little place cards told everyone else where to sit. Katrina was seated next to Ren, with Margarete on her other side. Ren was at the left-hand side of Monty himself. On Monty’s right was an older man, with a bit of gray in his hair, who looked solid and eyed the company with interest.

He was introduced as Monty’s adopted son, and Katrina soon realized that Monty had surrounded himself with a human family, adopting as necessary to bring trusted individuals into the fold. Half of the giant table was filled between the jaguars and Monty’s family. When Monty gave the signal, food was set at the center of the table on large platters, and when all was laid out, those who had served sat down in the remaining places at the table.

Katrina liked that. Monty might be ancient nobility, but he treated the servants as equals in this, at least. Everybody at the table seemed to be in on the big secret of vampires and shifters being real, and conversation flowed freely. Monty’s family was definitely interested in learning more about jaguars, and Monty kept up a lively conversation with his adopted son, Roderick, Ren, and a few others.

Katrina remained mostly silent, concentrating on the meal and the amazing conversations taking place around her. She was new to this world, after all, and was learning by leaps and bounds. Plus, the magnificence of the room and the building itself was a bit overwhelming. She’d never been in an honest-to-goodness castle before.

Margarete did her best to put Katrina at ease, including her in the discussion she was having with some of the staff farther down the table about the movie production. Katrina answered what questions she could about filming and the scenes she knew they would be doing on the estate and in the castle, also telling them about what they’d already accomplished back in the States.

All in all, it was a fascinating dinner. The food was plentiful, and Katrina was glad to be joined by the members of Monty’s family in eating strictly human portions while the shifters impressed everyone by clearing their plates and going back for thirds. Monty, she noticed, ate nothing, but watched all while he sipped at his goblet of wine. At least, it looked like wine. She hoped it was wine.

Sonia was holding court at the other end of the long table, clearly in her element. Katrina was just drinking it all in when Ren touched her arm.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked quietly, the others around them engaged elsewhere for the moment.

Katrina nodded. “It’s really impressive. The room, the building, the people.” She made a small gesture with one hand.

“Get used to it. You’re moving in different circles now,” Ren told her, smiling gently. She loved it when he looked at her that way, with the love sparkling in his green eyes.

“I know you two are newly mated, but I was hoping you might sit in on a security briefing after dinner, Ren,” Monty said, drawing Ren’s attention away from her.

“I’d like that,” Ren replied politely, then looked back to Katrina apologetically.

“We keep late hours here, and I know the others would welcome Kat into their company while we get business out of the way,” Monty told them, including Katrina in the conversation.

“I’d enjoy that,” Katrina insisted, sensing Ren wanted to be sure she was okay with him going off on his own. She’d miss him, but she’d be all right. There were plenty of people here, and she knew all the jaguars now. She could hang out with them and would enjoy meeting more of Monty’s family and staff, as well.


After dinner was over, Ren went off with Greg, Monty, Roderick and some of the others. Others left in groups, going in different directions. Katrina went with Margarete, who promised a tour of the castle. Franny, Deidre and Adela joined them, and they took off for a leisurely stroll around the massive house as Ren and the others headed for an interior room.

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