Home > The Jaguar Star(48)

The Jaguar Star(48)
Author: Bianca D'Arc

Ren’s singing voice was rich and resonant, and the musicians and onlookers seemed to enjoy the performance as much as she did. Katrina declined to do another number because it was clear there were many musicians in the room who were much better than she was. She’d enjoyed her turn—especially performing with Ren—but it was also fun to watch and be entertained by the others.

One of the young men was an operatic tenor with a clear, pleasant voice. He was favoring them with a famous aria from Rigoletto about the fickleness of women when Monty entered the room, with Sonia on his arm. He ushered her to a seat near the beautiful concert grand piano currently played by one of his adopted family.

When the aria ended to great applause, the pianist stood and motioned for Monty to take his place. The Immortal Prime Minister—Katrina was still thinking over that title—took the piano bench with alacrity and began to play. It was as if he’d spun a spell over the crowd with the first notes. To say Monty was a talented pianist was a gross understatement. He was a master of the keyboard, unlike anything Katrina had ever seen in person. Silence reigned throughout the hall but for the sound of the music. No one moved a muscle. They barely breathed, taking in the beauty of the notes as Monty spun a harmonic tale of magnificence and precision.

When Monty finished the piece, the silence was profound as the last vibrations of the piano strings died away. Monty didn’t allow time for those gathered to recover. He rose quickly and held out his hand to Sonia. She tilted her head, as if a bit uncomfortable, but complied with his unspoken request, taking his hand and allowing him to help her to her feet.

She moved to stand next to the piano, in the curve of the instrument, while Monty resumed his seat behind the keyboard. The room remained hushed, wondering what might come next.

“I will sing you the night blessing,” Sonia said in her lilting voice that touched every ear with effort. “And then, it will be time for my cast and crew to go to bed. We have an early start tomorrow, and I expect you all to be on time.” The teasing in her voice was clear, but the visitors to the house that had gathered in the large room nodded good-naturedly, smiling or comically groaning, at the reminder from their boss.

Monty began a haunting melody on the piano that Katrina had never heard before. As Sonia began to sing, Ren reached for her hand, and she was glad of the solid reminder of his presence, for Sonia’s song had begun to transport her to another place. A magical place of sound and almost…divinity.

The song was ethereal in a language Katrina did not recognize. Perhaps it wasn’t a language used in this realm, she thought, though she was still unclear on the exact geography of the complicated universe Ren had hinted at in his explanations. Katrina still had so much to learn about this new world that had been hidden from view all her life while existing simultaneously with all that she had ever known.

Sonia raised her hands, and gentle sparks fluttered out from her fingertips as Katrina watched in awe. The music rose along with her gestures, and the little lights spread out through the room, touching everyone within before dissipating. When a little spark touched Katrina and Ren’s joined hands, she felt a benevolent force fill her like a blessing.

Moments later, Sonia’s song ended, her amazing voice silent as everyone in the room bowed their heads at what had just transpired. There could be no applause loud enough to acknowledge what they had just heard. No accolade large enough to encompass the magnificence of Sonia’s gift to them all. Silence was the only sign of respect that would do, and everyone seemed to realize it.

It was Sonia herself that broke the spell, clapping her hands and smiling at everyone who jumped.

“To bed, my people. We have much to do on the morrow. Rest ye well and be blessed.”

Galvanized by her words, all the visitors to the castle rose and started filing out of the large room, leaving those who lived in the castle full-time behind. Katrina noticed that Sonia remained behind, as well, in conversation with Monty, who had reclaimed a seat beside her in the audience.

“Doesn’t Sonia need to sleep, too?” Katrina asked Ren quietly as they mounted the steps toward their tower room.

“The fey are not like us, and frankly, I don’t know enough about them to say for certain, but I believe our director has other means of replenishing her energies. The fey are way more magical than almost anyone else and their magic is of another realm entirely, so it’s hard for us to know their limitations. Plus, they’re very careful about keeping their secrets. They foster their air of mystery, and they do like to play games with us dwellers in the mortal realm.” Ren chuckled as he opened the door to their suite. “Plus, if she wants to befriend Monty, he’s only available at night.”

“Oh, yeah,” Katrina said, feeling her face flush at her own embarrassment.

She’d almost forgotten that their host was a vampire. While they’d been working all day, he’d been sleeping…somewhere. She just hoped it wasn’t a coffin, like in the old movies.

“What was that song Sonia sang?” Katrina asked as they entered their suite and began preparing for bed. She was so sleepy. It almost felt as if…

“She put the magical whammy on us,” he told her, smiling and then yawning. “I told you fey were very magical—and, at least in this case, very sneaky. Sonia ensured all of her people, as she called us, wouldn’t stay up all night roaming the halls of this creaky old castle.”

Ren shucked his shirt then his pants, heading for the bathroom while Katrina changed into a nightgown. She could barely stop from yawning every few moments. Ren emerged from the bathroom, naked and seemed completely comfortable with his lack of attire. Damn. Sleepy, naked Ren was just as sexy as persuasive, charming Ren.

“You know, I wonder if Sonia did this at Monty’s insistence? It is pretty odd for a vampire to let a bunch of strangers—even if we are shifters who are vouched for at the highest levels—into his home and then let us run around unsupervised.” Ren went over to the big bed and turned down the covers as he continued speaking. “During the day, we’re working, and the family is around to keep an eye on us all, but it’s always easier to sneak around at night. Maybe putting us to sleep magically is the deal she struck with him to let us stay here.”

“Do you think we’re in danger?” Katrina asked, suddenly wondering if being put to sleep magically was such a good thing.

Ren shrugged as he sat on the side of the bed and began laying out items from his bag that he would need in the morning on the night table. He also set the alarm on his phone and plugged it in to the charger he’d had in his luggage.

“I don’t think so, but either way, it’s too late to do anything about it now,” he told her, sighing heavily as he placed the phone on the night table and shook his head. “Sonia’s magic is potent, and the compulsion to sleep is getting the better of me.”

“Me too,” she admitted, then turned for the bathroom. “I just need to wash my face. I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t take too long. I have a feeling we’ll be asleep in the next few minutes whether we’re ready or not,” he warned.

His words at the forefront of her mind, Katrina rushed through her night routine of makeup removal and moisturizer. She brushed her teeth, used the toilet, and then went back out into the bedroom. Ren was still sitting on the edge of the bed, but his eyes were heavy-lidded.

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