Home > Breaking Free (Colorado High Country #8)(6)

Breaking Free (Colorado High Country #8)(6)
Author: Pamela Clare

When the monitor finally gave its result, it put a knot in Winona’s chest.

Much too high.

Ellie gave them the news. “Your blood pressure is dangerously high. I’m going to start an IV and page the on-duty OB. We’re also going to need to draw some labs. In the meantime, try to rest. We’ll take good care of you and your baby, Naomi.”

Naomi’s eyes filled with tears, her fingers twining with Chaska’s. “Thank you.”

Chaska kissed Naomi’s cheek, smiled, his voice projecting calm strength. “It will be okay, Tanagila. They’re not going to let anything happen to you or the baby.”

Tanagila was their Lakota nickname for Naomi. It meant hummingbird.

Ellie returned quickly and set up the IV, stepping back for the lab tech, who drew four vials of blood. “We’re checking your kidney and liver function and several other things, too. We should have the results soon.”

A few minutes later, a woman in a white lab coat stepped in. “I’m Dr. Peterson, the OB-GYN. You must be Naomi. And you’re the baby’s father?”

“Yes. Chaska Belcourt.” Chaska shook the doctor’s hand.

“I’m Winona Belcourt, Chaska’s sister.”

“Nice to meet you all.” Dr. Peterson glanced at the blood pressure monitor. “It looks like you’ve developed severe preeclampsia, Naomi. While we wait for the results of your blood tests, we’re going to give you IV medication to bring down your blood pressure and prevent seizures. Then it will be time to have this baby.”



Chapter 3



Jason had no idea what had just happened, but it was clear that people needed to step up to keep things moving. He helped McBride and Rossiter clear what was left of lunch off the picnic table and carry it into the Mess Hall.

They found Kat talking on the landline. “Tell Naomi not to worry about anything, Win. We can manage. Let us know how things go. If you need anything… Okay. Thanks for keeping me in the loop. Bye.”

She hung up, a worried expression on her face.

Rossiter set an armful of condiments on the counter. “What’s going on?”

“Naomi has preeclampsia. Her blood pressure is so high that it’s life-threatening to both her and the baby. The doctor wanted to induce labor, but her blood tests showed her condition was more serious. They’re doing an emergency C-section.”

“Ah, hell.” Rossiter shook his head. “Is there anything we can do?”


Jason nodded. “I’ll gather everyone into a circle.”

Most of the volunteers were already back at work, their mood somber.

Jason raised his voice, shouting to be heard. “Listen up! Gather around!”

When everyone had formed a circle, Kat shared the news and then led the prayer, holding her husband’s hand. “Creator, we thank you for the gift of life and ask for strength for our sister Naomi as she gives birth to her child. Keep her and her baby safe. We also pray for our brother Chaska, her husband, that he might be strong for her. May they walk in beauty always.”

There was a moment of silence afterward.

Then Jason led the volunteers in a quick strategy session. Rossiter offered to help Kat in the kitchen. Chaska’s team needed someone with construction experience to take his place. The three teams that were shorthanded would do their best. Any team that finished quickly would divide up to help the others.

He did his best to encourage them. “I know most of us don’t know Naomi and Chaska well, but we came to help anyway because of what this camp represents. They can’t be here, so let’s put our hearts into this for their sake and get it done.”



“Let’s do this!”

They went back to work with a new sense of urgency, Adam joining Jason and McBride, apparently feeling better now.

Jason pointed to the rolls of insulation with his hammer. “Let’s insulate the corners before we put on the sheathing.”

Roof rafters would come next and then the front wall, which was already framed.

They were halfway through getting the sheathing onto the cabin when Kat and Rossiter walked out of the Mess Hall, both smiling.

They came to stand in the center of the cabins. “We’ve got news from Winona. It’s a boy!”

A cheer went up.

“The baby weighed seven pounds three ounces and is healthy and doing well. Naomi isn’t out of danger yet, but she…” Kat’s words trailed off as three vehicles drove up the dirt road and parked, a small army piling out. “Oh!”

“Nice of you all to show up,” Rossiter called out to them.

“Who are they?” Adam asked.

McBride grinned. “They’re friends. Remember the Rocky Mountain Search and Rescue Team I mentioned, Chiago? Chaska and Winona are both Team members. It looks like some of them have come to help. In Scarlet, folks take care of their own.”

Jason watched as they put on hard hats.

“What?” McBride shot him a look. “You seem surprised.”

“I guess I didn’t expect this kind of community off the reservation.” Jason had never gotten to know his neighbors in Phoenix.

Then again, maybe he hadn’t tried.

McBride seemed to study him, as if trying to understand this. “There are only about fifteen hundred people in Scarlet, so everyone knows everyone.”

Jason followed McBride down to meet the new arrivals, the volunteers stopping work to listen. Kat, Rossiter, and McBride hugged the newcomers or shook their hands, Kat sharing the news about the new baby.

Then an older woman turned toward the volunteers. “I’m Megs Hill, director of the Rocky Mountain Search and Rescue Team. We heard about Naomi and the baby and came to help. This is Mitch Ahearn, my quieter half. This is part of our motley crew. Sasha Dillon. Creed Herrera. Bahir Acharya. Conrad and Kenzie Harrison. Someone give us hard hats and hammers and show us what to hit.”

As it turned out, Creed and Conrad had both worked in construction. They focused on making roof rafters for the cabins, while the others were divided up and kept busy helping in the kitchen, carrying plywood sheathing, hauling lumber, fetching nails or house wrap, or doing whatever else needed to be done.

When it came time to put sheathing on the roof rafters, these Team members seemed to have an advantage, especially Sasha, the young blond woman, and Megs.

Jason took a water break, watching as the two walked like cats along the edges of the wall frames, helping settle the roof sheathing into place. “They’re all like Rossiter, aren’t they?”

McBride nodded. “Yep.”

“They’re not afraid of heights at all.”

“Nope.” McBride chuckled. “Sasha is a five-time world champion sports climber. Megs Hill is a climbing legend, one of the first women to make it in rock climbing. Mitch, her partner, was a big name in climbing in the Seventies. Conrad Harrison has climbed Mount Everest more than once and had his face all over magazines.”

Jason crossed his arms over his chest, watched Sasha jump, catch the top of a wall frame, and pull herself up with seemingly little effort. “The only climbers I’ve met are the ones who trespass on our land and want to climb at sacred O’odham sites. They don’t care about our customs or beliefs. They think they should be able to climb anywhere.”

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