Home > Diamond in the Dust (Lost Kings MC #18)(99)

Diamond in the Dust (Lost Kings MC #18)(99)
Author: Autumn Jones Lake

“Not exactly.”

He slaps my back. “You did fine.”

He ends up taking Angelina and Shelby around the room to introduce them to people. Relieved, I pull up a seat at the bar and watch them work the room. Shelby’s stiff posture and frozen smile betray how nervous she is—to me, I doubt anyone else would notice— but she handles the pressure well. She shakes hands, chats, and generally seems to charm everyone she comes into contact with.

“You’re Shelby’s White Knight, correct?” a soft voice says next to me.

I glance down at a wisp of a woman in a short, strapless, glittering, light green dress. Hair piled high on her head. She reminds me of someone who just stepped off the set of an Eighties soap opera. Something about her face clangs an alarm bell in my head.

Glenna Wilson.

My fist curls around the glass in my hand and I set it on the bar before I shatter it.

“You’re lucky you’re still breathing,” I say in a low, controlled voice. “But that luck can change.”

She blinks, long spiky lashes looking like little twigs stuck to her eyelids. “You’re not bothered Dawson’s showing her off like his prized puppy?”

I unload a murderous biker stare on her. “You’re not concerned I might drag you out back and slit your throat?”

She scoffs and gestures toward the security guards stationed by the door, but one of her trembling hands strays to her neck, undermining her confidence.

“Lady, you don’t know me or what I’m capable of.”

Her mask of bravery slips another notch. “Is the girl in red with Dawson?”

“All you need to know is she’s someone you don’t want to fuck with.”

She lifts her pointy chin in defiance. “Are you so sure Shelby’s not sleeping with Dawson?”

It’s been a while since this bitch has lived in the real world. Her fame and wealth must prevent her from sensing danger.

“Didn’t you fuck his best friend?” I make an exaggerated show of searching the area behind her. “What’s wrong? That relationship didn’t stick?”

Her jaw tightens. Guess I poked a soft spot. She spins around, but I grab her arm right above the thick diamond cuff encircling her wrist and yank her back. Not hard enough to harm. But enough to get her attention.

She wobbles in her heels for a second before slapping her free hand against the bar to maintain her balance.

With my fingers wrapped tight around her wrist, pinning her arm to her side, I lean in close. “Listen and hear what I’m saying. You and I both know what you did. You got off lucky when Suggs died. Seek counseling, shock therapy, a spirit cleansing, or whatever the fuck your type does to get over your obsession with Dawson and every female he comes into contact with.”

Her blazing eyes meet mine and she jerks her shoulder, but my grip is relentless.

“You’re hurting me,” she whines.

“Good. That’s a fraction of the pain Shelby suffered.”

Her eyes widen.

“Never crossed your mind that she’d get hurt, did it?”

“No,” she whispers. “I thought he’d send her some letters. Scare her off the tour, maybe she’d go back to Texas…” her voice trails off as her eyes dart around, seeking an escape or someone to intervene and rescue her from my bruising grip.

“You’re stupid and dangerous.”

Her face screws into a scowl. Bet no one’s insulted her to her face in a while.

“I don’t give a fuck who you are.” I yank her arm, gaining her full attention. “If you ever harm Shelby again, in any way, I will come for you. All the security in the world won’t matter. I’ll hunt you down and rip out your fucking throat. End you like the rabid she-wolf you are.” I give her a shake. “You hear me?”

“I hear you,” she whispers.

“Good.” I release her. “Stay the fuck away from Shelby.”

“I promise.”

“Not you again,” Shelby drawls behind us. “Shouldn’t you be raiding a chicken coop or somethin’?”

I snort and wrap my arm around Shelby’s waist, pulling her to my side. Shelby slides her arm under my jacket around my back, and rests her other hand on my chest.

“Hey, baby,” she says, planting a kiss on my cheek.

Glenna’s gone absolutely still.

Funny, I thought she would’ve run away screaming by now.

Shelby continues glaring at Glenna. “Why are you standing there with your mouth hangin’ open like a dead trout?”

Glenna snaps her mouth shut. She rubs her hand over her arm where I’d grabbed her. “I know you don’t believe me, but I am sorry, Shelby.”

“Fine. Okay,” Shelby huffs, her body trembling with anger and frustration. “What do you want from me? Forgiveness? I don’t have any to give yet.”

“I understand.” Glenna’s gaze drops to the floor. It’s hard to tell if she’s putting on an act or she’s genuinely contrite. I honestly don’t care either way. “Good luck tonight,” she says.

Before Shelby has a chance to respond, Glenna spins on her heel and melts into the crowd, shoulders and head down. Less uppity than when she arrived.

“Good riddance,” Shelby mutters, watching her leave.

“How’d it go?” I ask, squeezing her hip.

Slowly, Shelby turns my way. Fury still burns in her eyes. “Fine until I saw her talking to you. Never wanted to set someone on fire with the power of my mind so bad in my life. What’d she say to you?”

“Nothing useful.” I tug her closer until she’s standing in front of me and cage her in between my knees, then drape my arms around her waist. “Put her out of your head. Tonight’s about you.”

With my big hands resting over her butt, I’m able to brush my thumbs over her bare back. She shivers and drops her gaze.

“Stop,” she whispers.

“Stop what?”

“Touching me there when you’re staring at me with those savage eyes.”

I lean in closer, brushing my lips against her jaw. “Savage. How so?”

“Like you want to find a dark corner and do dirty things to me.”

“I need more than a dark corner to do what I want to do to you.”

She shudders. “I hope you’re happy. My panties are soaked now.”

It requires monumental effort on my part not to slide my hand through one of the slits in her dress to confirm. I kiss her forehead. “As soon as we’re alone, I plan to verify that.”

She laughs softly.

The lights blink.

Dawson and Angelina join us. “Time to find our table,” Dawson says. He slides his gaze between Shelby and me. “Everything all right here?”

“Glenna stopped by to spread her cheer,” Shelby says.

He growls and turns to search the area. No sign of her though.

“Come on,” he says. “Let’s go.”

Dawson leads the way, while Angelina hangs back with us, talking to Shelby. Our seats are in the front row, thank fuck. I wasn’t looking forward to having my knees up around my ears for the next however many hours.

Maybe the placement is a sign Shelby won her categories?

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