Home > The Screw Ball (Indianapolis Lightning #3)(26)

The Screw Ball (Indianapolis Lightning #3)(26)
Author: Samantha Lind

“What’s sweet?” Zach asks.

“Oh, sorry. We just scored two runs and have a runner on second to take the lead,” I tell him.

“Cool, hope y’all win tonight,” he says.

“Me too,” I tell him, a smile tugging at my lips.

“I’ll let you know the exact dates once I have them, but know it’s on the horizon.”

“Sounds good, Zach, give my love to Heather and Simon. Love all of you,” I tell my brother.

“Love you, too, sis. Talk soon,” he says before we end the call.

I’m all giddy, knowing that I’ll be seeing my brother and his family soon-ish. It’s been months since I was able to, and I know that my nephew is going to be huge compared to how little he was the last time I got to hold him.

I turn my attention back to the game, watching as the guys pull off the impressive win for game one of the series.









The last few weeks have flown by in a blur. From games, to nights in with Carmen, it has all been a whirlwind. We were eliminated from the playoffs in the conference championship. It sucked, but it was an experience I’ll never forget.

All the time that Carmen and I get to spend together just makes me crave her more. I love just laying in bed talking. Sharing about our pasts, talking about our future and things we want to do, or places we want to visit.

I’ve finally convinced her to meet my sister, so we’re headed over to her place this afternoon and evening. I just know that Tiffany will love her and I’m sure will have fun trying to bust my balls and embarrass me with stories from our childhood.

“Hey, babe,” I call out from Carmen’s living room. While we both have our own places, one of us usually ends up at the other’s place probably five nights of every week.

“Yeah?” she calls back.

“Will you be ready soon? Tiffany has texted me twice already, asking if we’re on our way,” I tell her.

“Oh, shit. Yeah, I’ll be right out,” she says.

I walk down the hall and into her bedroom and then the bathroom attached. I lean against the doorframe as I watch her messing with her makeup.

“Babe, you look gorgeous and she’s going to love you, so quit worrying that everything isn’t perfect.”

“I just want to make a good impression,” she says, looking at me through the mirror.

“And you will,” I say, stepping up behind her and wrapping my arms around her torso. I bury my face in her neck, placing a kiss on the sensitive skin just beneath her ear. She shivers in my arms and I can feel the goosebumps appear on her skin.

“Fine, I’m ready,” she breathlessly says. I press against her, showing her what the little sighs and moans do to me.

“Fuck. Now I’m going to have blue balls all day,” I jokingly tell her.

“I promise to take care of them when we get back, how’s that sound?” she asks, turning in my arms and sliding her hands up my chest and around my neck until she can clasp her hands together behind my neck. She pulls me down and into a kiss. One that I deepen. I don’t ever get enough of her. As soon as I have her, I just want her all over again. She’s my drug of choice and I’ll happily take hit after hit from her.

“Now, I’m really going to be hard this entire time. When you look over and always see a bulge in my jeans, you’ll know it’s your fault,” I say, smacking her ass before I pull her out of the bathroom.



“Are you sure this is her favorite?” Carmen asks, reading over the label on the wine bottle we stopped and picked up on our way.

“Yep, I’ve had to stop and get that exact kind many a times for her,” I assure Carmen. She insisted she couldn’t show up to meet my sister for the first time empty handed, so we settled on wine.

“Will you be this nervous when my brother comes to town next week and you get to meet him?” she asks from the passenger seat as I pull into my sister’s neighborhood.

“Nope,” I tell her confidently. “But I’m a guy, we don’t stress over meetings like this like girls do.”

“Must be nice. I’ve been a ball of nerves for a week,” she says.

“I know, babe. Apparently, my attempts at relieving that stress haven’t worked like I’d wanted them to,” I tell her, referring to all the sex we’ve had.

“You’re incorrigible.” She laughs, smacking my arm. My teasing worked, since it got her smiling and laughing.

I pull into Tiffany’s driveway and the front door flies open. She steps out, Milo at her side. They stay on the porch while we grab our things and exit my car.

“About time you got here,” Tiffany calls out from the porch. “You are allowed to let her out of the bedroom every once and awhile,” she teases.

“Sorry we’re late, it was totally my fault,” Carmen says once she’s out of the car.

We make it up the stairs and I scoop Milo into my arms. “Hey, buddy, miss me?” I ask my nephew before I blow a raspberry on his neck. I just saw him a couple days ago, but I still miss him when we’re not around.

“Uncle Lucas.” He giggles. “Stop,” he insists, pushing against my face.

“Tiff.” I lean in, kissing my sister on the cheek. “I’d like to finally introduce to you, Carmen. Carmen, this is my pain in the butt sister, Tiffany.”

“I don’t know how you put up with him, but bless you,” Tiffany says as she pulls Carmen in for a hug. The way Carmen’s eyes bug out in shock has me biting back a bark of laughter.

“It is so nice to meet you, as well. Thank you for having me.”

“Of course, you are welcome here anytime. With or without this one,” Tiffany tells her, pointing at me. “If you need someone to complain to when he’s being an a-s-s,” she says, spelling out the word so that Milo doesn’t repeat it like he’s done in the past with cuss words, “I’m your girl. I can relate. Plus, who doesn’t need another girlfriend to meet up with over wine and appetizers.”

“That does sound like a good time,” Carmen muses.

“Can we take this party inside?” I ask, smirking at my sister.

“Oh, yes, sorry! I was just so excited for you to get here,” Tiffany says as she opens the door and steps inside. I drop a hand to the small of Carmen’s back, escorting her inside with Milo on my hip.

Tiffany leads us inside and to the living room that is filled with Milo’s toys. I immediately set him down and drop to the floor with him.

“Speaking of wine, this is for you.” Carmen hands the bottle over to my sister.

“Thank you, this is my favorite!”

“See, I told you!” I chime in, winking at Carmen as Tiffany takes the bottle into the kitchen. “This is my special friend, Carmen, can you say hi to Miss Carmen?” I ask Milo.

He shakes his head, trying to hide into my arm. He’s often shy around new people, but I’m sure before we leave today, he’ll be just as smitten with her as I am.

“Milo, do you have a favorite toy?” Carmen asks him, getting down on the floor with us.

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