Home > With This Cake (Meet Me at the Altar #2)(52)

With This Cake (Meet Me at the Altar #2)(52)
Author: Samantha Chase

“So? Was it him?” Josie asked.

“Um…yes. He was thanking me for the cupcakes I sent over for his mother,” she said quietly.

“That was very nice of you. So was sending food over the day his father had surgery. Sometimes you’re too good for your own good.”

Shrugging, she replied, “I know. But his mother was always nice to me and I felt like I should do something.”

“I don’t know why. His father was awful to you and it’s been two weeks and Brody’s made no attempt to see you or talk to you other than by text. If you ask me, it’s cowardly and wrong.”

It was the same thing she’d been telling herself, but it didn’t do anything to put her mind or emotions at ease. Eventually, they were going to have to see each other–if for no other reason than because she still had some of her things at his home that she’d like to have back. Several times she thought of asking for them but she knew he had far too many other things that he was trying to deal with. Why add one more?

There wasn’t anything she really had to say to him that she wanted to say in a text so she simply put the phone down and went back to her work.

Only to realize she was done.


“How about some lunch?” Josie asked. “Skye should be on her way here. Why don’t we call her and ask her to pick up something and we’ll eat together? Maybe we can even set up a table in the tasting room rather than eating at our desks or in the conference room. What do you say?”

“That actually sounds fantastic. You want to call her or should I?”

“I’ll do it.” They discussed food options and then Josie grabbed her phone and walked out of the room. “Hey, Skye! Big favor to ask…”

Smiling, Leanna busied herself by looking over her calendar. This week was finally quiet. The only events they were handling were small and all of her cake orders were being picked up. She let out a long breath and wondered what she was going to do with all her free time.

Josie breezed back into the room. “We’re all set! Come on. Let’s go set a nice table for ourselves!”

They laughed as they worked and she was so thankful that her friends had the ability to do that for her and keep her from going too deep into her own thoughts. Skye showed up twenty minutes later and it felt so good to just sit and talk about something that wasn’t about her.

“The doctor said the baby is a little bigger than she originally thought, so we might move up the due date!” Skye told them. “And believe me, I am all for it. Any time we can take away from walking around with a beach ball in my belly will be great!”

“That’s amazing, Skye!” Leanna said, feeling nothing but joy for her friend. “So you’re further along than you thought, which means…”

“We were pregnant sooner than we thought and honestly, none of that even matters. As long as this baby is healthy, Elliott and I will be thrilled.”

She was about to comment when Emilie came in. “Um…sorry to interrupt, but there’s someone here to see you, Lea.”

Her heart stopped because she knew it was Brody. Glancing at her friends, she gave them a curt nod and saw their concern.

“Do you want one of us to go with you?” Josie asked. “Just for moral support or to kick his ass?”

That made her chuckle. “I’ll be fine. But don’t go too far. The butt-kicking isn’t off the table yet.”

“Oh my God, can you please say ass? Just once?”

Rather than say it, she stood and calmly walked down the hall to their office.

And froze.

It wasn’t Brody.

It was his father.

“Mr. King?” she said softly as she walked farther into the room. “What are you doing here? I thought you were going home today.”

He looked a little tired, but other than that he still seemed to command attention.

Well, this is my turf, buddy…

“Please, have a seat,” she said as she walked around her desk to do the same. “Is Sylvia with you?”

He shook his head as he sat. “No. I had my driver come and pick me up after my last round of physical therapy this morning. She’s expecting me, but I told her I had a stop to make.”

All she could do was nod, but then decided to ask, “How are you feeling?”

With a shrug, he said, “Tired. Ready to sleep in my own bed and eat something other than hospital food.”

All very typical answers, she thought as she gave him a small smile. “What can I do for you, Mr. King?”

His small laugh was soft but there was no mistaking his amusement. “I like a person who believes in getting right to the point.” He straightened slightly before meeting her gaze. “I owe you an apology.”

Color me surprised…

“My behavior the day you came for lunch was abhorrent. You got caught up in a situation that had nothing to do with you and for that I am truly sorry,” his words were spoken softly and Leanna could see the remorse in his eyes.

“I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to say to that,” she admitted.

“I’ve been a little out of the loop these last few weeks so I have no idea what happened after I went to the hospital, but I do know that my son is miserable. And embarrassed,” he quickly added. “And that’s all my fault.”

No argument there…

“It was important for me to talk to you alone and in person so I could truly apologize to you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Brody.” Then he shook his head with a small laugh. “To our whole family, if I’m being honest. You’re like a breath of fresh air and I would hate it if I ruined that–and not just for Brody, but for all of us.”

She had two choices here. First, she could unleash on him all the frustration she felt. But that didn’t feel right. Or…she could simply listen to him, thank him for coming by, and send him on his way.

It was a no-brainer.

She did both.

“I do appreciate you coming by and apologizing,” she said before letting out a long breath. “But there are some things I need to say.”

He nodded.

Here we go…

“I don’t think you realize how blessed you are,” she began, her voice was soft but firm. “I can’t speak for Travis or Daren because I don’t know them, but I do know Brody. He is an amazing man who has gone to great lengths to gain your approval. He works until he’s exhausted and gives you one hundred percent of himself. And what do you give him in return? Hoops to jump through. Conditions.” Pausing, she shook her head. “A parent should love their child unconditionally. I’ve seen so many sides to Brody and he’s so hard on himself because he wants your approval and shame on you for making him work so hard for it.”

He nodded again.

“All that being said, you’ve raised a remarkable man–one who is worthy of being loved simply because of who he is. Faults and all.”

His phone rang. “Excuse me for one moment,” he said before answering it. “Hello, my darling.” He paused. “Yes, I promise I’m on my way home. There was a stop I needed to make.” Another pause. “Yes, I do remember what the doctor told me and I promise I’m not doing anything that will cause me stress.” One last pause. “I love you too and I’ll see you soon.” Smiling, he slid his phone back into his pocket. “My apologies again. I normally would have ignored a call during such an important conversation, but that ringtone is only for my Sylvia and I didn’t want her to worry.”

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