Home > Frightfully Fortune (Miss Fortune Mystery #20)(23)

Frightfully Fortune (Miss Fortune Mystery #20)(23)
Author: Jana DeLeon

I grabbed the parabolic microphone from the back of the SUV and Ida Belle handled the suitcase with the receiver. Gertie peered around the gigantic pickup truck and declared us clear, so we set off down the side of the building for the woods. I scanned the back of the building as we went and was relieved to see only one door and no windows. No one would see us pass.

We hiked it through the woods parallel to the road until we reached the point across from Liam’s house. Ida Belle indicated which one it was, and I recognized the truck from behind the butcher shop as the one in the driveway.

“At least he’s home,” I said.

“Alone, though,” Gertie said. “So unless he’s talking to himself, we’re not likely to get anything.”

I pulled out the receiver and got it all attached to the microphone, then slipped on the headphones and pointed it at the big window on the front of the house to see if we were close enough to get anything. The signal crackled a bit at first, then I could hear a television playing car racing.

“I can hear the television,” I said and pulled the headphone off one ear. “If he takes a phone call in the front room, we might be able to get something.”

Gertie located a tree stump and plopped down, then opened her handbag and pulled out a sub sandwich. “Roast chicken, anyone? I also have peanut butter and jelly.”

“That sounds good but not without something to drink,” I said.

Gertie stared. “What am I—an amateur?”

She hauled a soda out of the bag and passed it to me.

“I have another soda, water, orange juice, and some mini vodka shooters,” Gertie said to Ida Belle.

“Water please,” Ida Belle said. “You know that’s why your shoulder always hurts. Between ammo and half your kitchen, that thing probably weighs thirty pounds.”

I propped the microphone up against a log and made sure it was pointed in the right direction. Since the television was still coming through loud and clear, we were good. I was just about to ask for that peanut butter sandwich when a truck pulled up in Liam’s driveway. I lifted my binoculars.

“That’s Judith,” I said.

“I’m glad she’s finally visiting Liam,” Gertie said. “She always had a soft spot for the boy, and you could tell he really liked her.”

“Should we be listening in on their private moment?” I asked.


“Heck yeah.”

“Alrighty then,” I said. “Just thought I’d ask.”

I didn’t figure there would be anything to learn in a conversation between Liam and Judith but I suppose it didn’t hurt to maintain position. It wasn’t like they were going to have sexy-time or anything. But I’d really been hoping that Tiffany would show up, even though I knew it would have been the dumbest thing ever. Still, criminals often indulged me.

“Judith,” Liam said when he opened the door, and I could tell he was surprised.

“Hi, Liam,” Judith said. “I’ve been meaning to come by since…well, since everything, but I chickened out every time because I didn’t know what to say.”

Liam reached out and hugged Judith and she wrapped her arms around him.

“Please come in,” Liam said when he broke the hug. “You know you’re always welcome here.”

Judith went in and he shut the door behind her. Now, as long as they stayed in the front of the house, I could continue to pick up what they were saying. I filled Ida Belle and Gertie in on what was said so far, then I heard Liam offer Judith some iced tea, then silence. If he went to get the iced tea and served it in the living room, we were still in business.

It wasn’t long before I heard Judith thank him for the glass. There was a long silence and for a minute, I thought they’d moved to the back of the house, then Judith cleared her throat.

“I thought you were supposed to be out of town,” Judith said. “Some conference?”

“Fell through. The boss got sick at the last minute and we had commercial accounts to be delivered this week.”

“I see,” Judith said. “Look, I know how you felt about your father and I’m not about to try to change your mind. The past is what it is and he’s dead and gone now and nothing could change any of it anyway. But I wish you’d consider forgiving him. For yourself. Living with a grudge is hard work. I had one for my daddy and it weighed on me until it almost broke me. I don’t want that to happen to you, Liam. You’re the closest thing to a son I’ve ever had and ever will. I don’t want you carrying that burden around like I did for so long.”

“I know you don’t,” Liam said. “You’re the only person who’s ever cared about me except my grandma. But I still don’t know that I can get there. Hell, he’s causing me more trouble dead than he did alive.”

“What do you mean?” Judith asked.

“The cops have come twice already—once to my house, once to the business. They asked to search both places. I let them search my house but said they have to have a warrant for the business or permission from the owner.”

“You shouldn’t have let them search your house,” Judith said.

“What difference did it make? There’s nothing here to find. Nothing at the butcher shop either but since I don’t own it, I can’t say what’s done there, even though the owner will agree to anything to keep the shop’s name out of the papers. And even if he doesn’t, they’ll just come back with a search warrant anyway.”

“Is your boss giving you any trouble?”

“He’s not happy. He hasn’t said anything about firing me or cutting out of our deal, but the bad publicity something like this might bring could put him out of business. If my name heats up with the cops, he won’t have a choice.”

“Oh, Liam. I’m so sorry,” Judith said, her distress clear.

“It just pisses me off. What the heck do they think—that my father screwed me over years ago, so I waited this long to get back at him? And what sort of revenge was that anyway? He would have loved being the center of attention. I bet there’s not a person in Sinful who isn’t talking about him today. He’s probably smiling in hell.”

“I agree that it is all very strange. I can’t really see the point to any of it. But Liam, I came today because I wanted to let you know that I’m always here for you but also to tell you something important. I don’t want you to be surprised by it.”

“What now?”

“Your father changed his will a year ago. He split everything between you and Tiffany.”

“What?! No way!”

“I witnessed the document myself down at the attorney’s office. He said he knew it wasn’t enough but it was the least he could do.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t want his dirty money.”

“Come on, Liam. He earned his money and your grandfather earned it before him. His personal decisions might not have been aboveboard but his business decisions were. Hell, I wasn’t even happy with him only leaving you half and told him so. Most of it belonged to your grandmother and I see no reason that Tiffany should take away a huge chunk of it, especially after what she did.”

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