Home > Maybe We Will (Silver Harbor #1)(89)

Maybe We Will (Silver Harbor #1)(89)
Author: Melissa Foster

“Oh, yes. What a bastard, doing all those things to help you.” Shelley leaned closer and said, “If you don’t want him, can I get his number for Sutton or Leni? Because thoughtful men are hard to come by.”

“Ugh!” Abby threw her fists in the air. Shelley was looking at her like she’d really lost her mind, and that was exactly how she felt.

“Come here, sugar.” Shelley took her by the shoulders and guided her into a chair. She sat beside Abby and said, “Now, how about you take a deep breath and tell me why those things are so horrible.”

Abby told her the whole story, every little detail, and then she slumped against the back of the chair, depleted. Shelley didn’t respond. “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

“Yes. But before I do, honey, you’ve always trusted your heart. What does your heart want right now?”

“That’s not a fair question.”

“Love isn’t fair, honey.”

“So I’m learning. I love him, Shelley. I love him so much I can barely breathe when I think about not being with him. But I don’t want to spend my life wondering if I’m being told the truth or not.”

“I understand that. But to be sure we’re on the same page, you’re not talking about if he’s with other women or has a criminal background, right?”

“He’d never cheat, and he’s not a criminal.”

“Okay, then we’re talking about wanting him to tell the truth about if he does something special for you, right? Like having the chandeliers made and paying for most of them?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“Then, honey, don’t let yourself fall in love with anyone, because the very nature of being in love is wanting to do what no one else can for the person who means the most to you. And if you don’t want that, then maybe you don’t want to be in love.”


“Hear me out, Abby. For some couples the stakes are different, because they might not have much in the way of money. The guy might buy his girlfriend a dress she’d had her heart set on, or a pair of earrings. Let’s say you’re dating one of those guys, and they want to buy you earrings, but they’re pricey, so you say no thank you, and you go on your merry way. Then one night you’re getting ready for bed, and lo and behold, you find this pretty little gift box on your pillow with no note. You know who put it there, but when you ask him, he says he didn’t do it. Do you end the relationship over that?”

“No, but we’re not talking about hundred-dollar earrings.”

“You’re right. We’re talking about a man who has much more to give than most men. I understand why you’re upset. He made a big mistake, and he made it to you. Trusting doesn’t come easily for you because of what you went through with your mother, which is completely understandable. I love you like my own child. You know that. If I thought Aiden did something malicious, I would tell you. Actually, I’d hunt him down and make him wish he’d never set foot on this island. But nothing you’ve told me changes my opinion of him. He didn’t try to steal your money or lead you astray. He found a way to give you the earrings that had mesmerized you from the time you were a very little girl.”

“But what if it’s not just lights and money? What if there’s something more he’s after?”

“Oh, believe you me, honey. There is. What that man is after is worth a lot more than lights or money. Aiden Aldridge is after your beautiful, stubborn, scared—and rightly so—heart. That man wants forever with you.” She touched Abby’s leg and said, “I think the real questions are, do you want forever with him, and can you forgive him for his mistakes?”

Abby lowered her eyes and said, “Other than these flowers, he hasn’t even reached out to me to try to fix things since our fight. Maybe I ruined us by being such a hothead, and he’s done with me.”

“Or maybe he’s giving you time to figure out what you really want.” Shelley pulled Abby up to her feet and said, “I can still see you at five years old following your daddy around the restaurant and gardening with your mama. Your gorgeous hair all wild and tangled, wrist deep in dirt, and always a smile to make everyone’s day. You were a special girl, Abby, and you’re an extraordinary woman. Listen to your heart, darlin’, and you can’t go wrong.”

“I’m trying,” Abby said, drying her eyes.

“I didn’t get to tell you how great this place looks. You’ve really outdone yourself. Your parents would be proud of you and thrilled for you.”

A sliver of guilt hit her. “I still haven’t read my mom’s letter.”

“That’s okay, sweetheart. You will when you’re ready.”

Abby looked at the roses and the lights, and her eyes filled with tears again.

“What’s wrong, honey?”

“You said the very nature of being in love is wanting to do what no one else can for the person who means the most to you.” She swiped at a tear. “Aiden did so much for me, but I didn’t do anything for him. We checked off things on a list he had, but they were silly things like bike riding and going to the beach. I didn’t do anything big.”

“Honey, Aiden has had a lifetime of big. You gave him the one thing money can’t buy. You gave him love with no strings attached.” Shelley drew her into a warm embrace and said, “Now, you have to promise me something.”


“This is your special day, and I know it will be hard, but you have to put these worries about Aiden aside and allow yourself to focus on making the best damn meal of your life. We’re all counting on you to win this one.” Shelley lowered her voice and said, “I love Wells Silver and I always will, but it’s time a queen wore the best restaurant crown.” She hugged her again and said, “We’re all pulling for you, sweetheart, and those roses tell me Aiden is, too.”


Cait showed up shortly after Shelley left, which was luckily enough time for Abby to do as Shelley said and tuck away all of her heartache and pull herself together. Abby and Cait pulled out all the stops, draping the tables with linen, using their best place settings, and thanks to Aiden, they used roses for centerpieces. Abby cooked like her life depended on it, using her father’s recipes with her own touches, and Cait was right there by her side, keeping her company and helping her with anything she needed—including talking out her feelings. Cait was much better at it than their overprotective attorney sister, whose parting words yesterday had been Call me if he needs his ass kicked, and if you two make up, he’d better do some big-time groveling.

Sometimes Abby wondered if Deirdra ever let her guard down.

Abby and Cait changed into nicer clothes before the judges arrived. The four highly acclaimed food critics from Boston and New York hardly said a word before sitting down to eat. Abby served the meals wearing her chef’s coat and hat, and then she and Cait stood off to the side watching anxiously as the judges ate. The two impeccably suited older gentlemen with salt-and-pepper hair stared straight ahead as they ate, their stoic expressions giving nothing away. The two women, one older, tall, and thin with short gray hair, the other a middle-aged, short, stout blonde, wore conservative dresses and slightly less unyielding expressions. Abby felt like she was eight years old again, waiting for her turn to see the principal after she and Leni got caught passing notes in class. She was glad Cait was there, but Aiden had become such a big part of her life—of their lives—and of the restaurant, she felt his absence like a missing limb.

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