Home > Better If He Goes (Always You #1)(36)

Better If He Goes (Always You #1)(36)
Author: Allie Everhart

He laughs. "Are you kidding? People with money are even worse. You should hear my mom's friends at the country club. They're constantly gossiping. They even say shit about us when they're at our house, with my mom in the other room. I've learned to just tune it out."

"What do they say?"

"Doesn't matter." He checks his phone. "We need to get in there. The movie starts in five minutes."

We go inside and get the tickets. Brad holds my hand as we go in the theater. I look around to see if there's anyone here I know. If they see me with Brad, they might tell Nate.

"Let's go to the top," I say, taking my hand from Brad's and racing up the steps to the top row of the theater.

"Hiding?" he asks as he sits beside me.

"No, I just like the back row."

The lights dim and he leans over to me. "We're on a date. And I want to hold your hand." He reaches over and takes my hand.

My nerves relax as he slides his fingers between mine. The feel of his hand linked with mine makes me forget about who might see us and focus on the fact that I'm on a date. With Brad, the guy I've been dreaming about since I met him. I don't know why he likes me so much. We have almost nothing in common. He's rich. I'm poor. He's smart. I barely made it through school. He comes from a good family. I have a mom who acts like a teenager. He's popular. I hardly have any friends. So why me?



Chapter Fourteen




After the movie, we go to dinner at a place I've never been. It's new, but also expensive, so not a place I'd ever go.

"This okay?" Brad asks as we're waiting to be seated. "Giada went here last week and said it was good. I wanted to try it."

"It's great!" I say, looking at the sleek design and modern decor. It's a nice place but doesn't really fit in this town, which has mostly breweries and barbecue joints.

"Right this way," the hostess says, smiling at Brad. With her flawless makeup and perfect hair, she looks like the type of girl I'd picture Brad dating. Not that I don't look nice tonight, but this girl seems sophisticated, something I'm definitely not.

As we sit down, I look around the restaurant.

Brad sighs. "Are you going to do this everywhere we go?"

"Do what?"

"Look for Nate, or anyone who knows him and would tell him we're going out."

"Maybe." I pick up my menu. "It's just until I know he's going to be okay."

"Riley, it could be months before he's over you. Maybe longer. You can't stop living your life because of Nate."

"I'm not." I smile. "This is proof. I'm on a date. With Nate's cousin." My smile falls as guilt comes over me. I set my menu down. "Maybe we shouldn't be doing this."

"Riley, c'mon. We already agreed to at least try this. And so far, you're having fun, right?"


"So stop denying yourself what you want just because of Nate. He'll get over this, Riley. I promise you, he will." He hands me my menu. "Now can we continue our night without you looking everywhere but at me?"

I smile, lifting my eyes to his. "Sorry."

"Hey." He reaches over for my hand. "I understand. I don't want to hurt Nate, either, but we're not doing anything wrong here. You're single, and you were never interested in dating Nate. He needs to accept you're going to date other guys."

"Which he will, but I don't think he'll ever be okay with me dating you."

"Which isn't fair. You should be able to date whoever you want."

"I guess I just feel bad that I might hurt Nate for something that's not even going to last. I mean, this could turn out to be nothing more than a few dates."

"I'd like more than a few," Brad says, rubbing my hand as he gazes at me.

"I would too, but it still ends when you leave."

He doesn't disagree, which makes the happiness I was feeling about tonight fizzle out. I know our time is limited, but I've been trying not to think about it.

He lets go of my hand and looks at his menu. "I think I'm getting the steak. How about you?"

"I still need to decide." I pick up my menu.

After we order, I find myself looking around again.

Brad nudges my foot under the table. "I'm over here."

I sigh and look back at him. "Sorry. Bad habit."

"Anything I could do to help? I could take my shirt off," he says, trying not to laugh.

"Why would that help?"

"You seem to have trouble looking away when I'm not wearing a shirt."

"I don't stare, if that's what you're implying."

"You do." He smiles. "But I like it. Stare all you want. I don't mind."

I review the menu again. "I don't stare."

"You do."

"I'm having the bicep burger."

"Bicep?" he says, laughing.

"I mean bison." I set my menu down. "You knew what I meant."

"So you like my biceps, huh?"

My eyes dart to his arms. "They're okay."

"Good enough to eat?" he kids.

"Okay, stop. I didn't mean to say that."

We both start laughing. I don't know why, but when Brad teases me it's funny, and when Nate does it, it's not. Nate's teasing always seems like he's criticizing me, pointing out my flaws.

When our laughing dies down, Brad reaches over and holds my hand. "I'm having a really good time tonight."

"Me too."

"I don't want to just take you home after this. Is there anything else you want to do? Maybe go somewhere and get a drink?"

"I think I'd rather just go home. It's been a long day."

"Yeah. Okay." He seems disappointed.

"No, wait! I meant with you. I was inviting you over." I roll my eyes. "God, I'm so bad at dating. I always say the wrong thing. Anyway, do you want to come over?"

"I do, but isn't it going to be kind of crowded with your mom there with her boyfriend?"

"They won't be there. She's staying at Dave's tonight."

"So we'll be alone," he says slowly.

"Yeah." I see the hesitation on his face. "Oh, I'm not implying anything. I was just thinking we could watch TV. Or talk." As soon as I say it, I see an image of us making out on the couch. "On second thought, maybe that's a bad idea. We kind of have a hard time, um..."

"Controlling ourselves."

"Yeah." I bite my lip. "Maybe you should just drop me off."

"Riley." He gives my hand a squeeze and waits for our eyes to meet. "Despite what's happened before, I can keep it from happening again. If you just want to talk or watch TV, I'm good with that. I just don't want the night to end yet."

"It's not really you I'm worried about," I mutter.

He smiles. "Are you saying you can't resist me?"

"Maybe." I smile back.

"I can't resist you either, but I'll force myself to if it means I get to spend more time with you."

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