Home > Love Me Like I Love You(377)

Love Me Like I Love You(377)
Author: Willow Winters

I smile up at him, allowing my eyes to trace his features. The way he always looks at me as if I’m something precious. The way he smiles at me, not just with his lips but eyes, too. The comfort of his hand holding mine.

“Let’s do it.”






“This is the best night ever!”

Magnolia swings her arms out in childlike glee like only a person with low—wait, who am I kidding? More like zero—tolerance can. She nearly knocks over Mr. Ted’s beer.

I’ve been watching over her the entire time. She’s had a total of two screwdrivers which she happily announced didn’t “look like urine, unlike beer.”

She even made friends with the scary biker sitting at the far end of the bar giving off serious loner vibes. She managed to get him to dance to Toby Keith’s “I Love This Bar,” to everyone’s amazement.

Mr. Ted and I exchange an amused look above her head. She sits on the barstool between us, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the worn bar.

“Young lady, I reckon it’s time for you to start headin’ home before you end up howlin’ with the coon dogs later on.”

Mr. Ted’s right. I need to get her out of here and back in her bed. Otherwise, she’ll be hating life in the morning.

She sways slightly in her seat. With a bright and carefree smile, her expression is an extreme contrast from earlier. “Mr. Ted?” Her expression sobers, and she leans closer to the older man, lowering her voice. “Isn’t Hollis just the best?”

I look away and take a long drink from my bottle of water because even though I know she’s tipsy, I don’t do compliments well.

“He’s a good one, all right,” the older man agrees.

“He’s my best friend,” she continues as if I’m not right beside her, listening to every word. “Do you know he was my first kiss?”

My entire body freezes. We’ve never brought it up since that day long ago. I can’t help it. I turn my head to the side to watch her. She doesn’t pay me any attention, but her eyes take on a faraway look.

“I wasn’t his first, mind you, but he was mine. And it was one of the sweetest things anyone’s ever done for me. I thought I was fixin’ to be like that girl in that movie…” She snaps her fingers a few times, brow furrowed in thought, and I swear she’s the cutest thing I’ve seen. Suddenly, her entire face lights up. “Never Been Kissed! That’s it!” She grins and props her chin on her hand with a loud sigh. “But Hollis saved me.”

Mr. Ted eyes me over her head, and it’s easy to detect the humor in his voice. “Good thing he was around.”

“That’s the God’s honest truth.” She lets out another sigh before she straightens abruptly. “Hey, Mr. Ted?”

“Yes, Magnolia?” he says with the practiced patience of someone who’s dealt with countless inebriated folks.

I take another drink of water just as she says, “You reckon he’d help me get rid of my virginity, too?”

I choke and sputter so much the guy beside me thumps my back. Finally, I get myself under control and use one of the bar napkins to wipe my mouth. I draw in a deep breath, trying to ready myself to face her after that.

“Time to head out, Shortcake.”

I need to get her out of here. Especially if she plans to keep spouting off questions like that last one.

Relief floods me when she nods with an “Okay,” before turning back to her new friend. “Now, Mr. Ted. Don’t you forget about me, ya hear? Because if I play my cards right, Hollis’ll bring me back.”

I gently take hold of her arm and guide her off the stool and a few steps toward the door. She continues talking to him.

“And don’t forget to add a little sugar to your collard greens next time you make ’em,” she calls out while I walk her, step by step, until we’re at the exit.

Because, of course, Magnolia would be the one to trade recipe secrets in a bar.

“It’ll take out the bitter bite of the collards!” she finishes a split second before I lift her by her waist, carry her outside, and plant her on the sidewalk.

As soon as her feet touch the concrete, she stamps her hands on her hips. Her stern features match her scolding tone. “Hollis Barnes, that wasn’t very polite.”

“Yes, ma’am, I know. But I’ve gotta get you home before you regret tonight and hate me in the mornin’.”

Her expression softens. “Don’t you know I could never hate you?”

I sling an arm over her shoulders, allowing her to lean her weight on me, and guide her along the sidewalk. She slides an arm around my waist. “I sure hope you feel that way tomorrow.”

Her head rests against me. “Always,” she says, just shy of a whisper, and I hold her tighter.

A few girls pass by us, arms linked, the one in the middle a little unsteady on her feet. When her eyes lock on us, she calls out as her two friends help her past, “Aww! I love love toooooo!”

A small laugh escapes me, and Magnolia’s arm at my waist tightens. I glance over at her. “You okay?”

“Mmhmm,” is all I get in return.

I frown. “If you feel sick, just let me—”

“I’m fine, Hollis,” she mumbles in a weary voice. “Just tired.”

Less than a minute later, we’re stepping up to the dorm. I think she’s sobered up a little on the walk back, but I wish I could keep an eye on her through the night just the same. But, well…I reckon she wouldn’t want me hovering over her tonight of all nights and—

“Can I spend the night with you?”

I jerk my head to stare at her in surprise. She lowers her gaze as if she suddenly feels shy and quickly rushes on with, “Never mind. You’ve helped me enough.” She tries to draw away from me, but I hold tight to her. “I’ll be fine.” She tries to inject firmness to her words, but I can hear the vulnerability clear as day.

“Shortcake.” I wait for her to raise her eyes to mine. “I told him not to come back tonight, and after what went down, I know he won’t. So…” I tip my head to the side and try to offer her a comforting smile. “You’re welcome to stay with me.”

She holds my gaze for a long beat before nodding slowly. “Thank you.”

A moment later, we’re inside my dorm room, the entire building so quiet you could hear a pin drop since the designated quiet hours are enforced.

I don’t know what has me feeling antsy, but I scramble to pull out clothes for her to change into. After she disappears into our Jack-and-Jill-style bathroom we share with the guys next door, she returns with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. The scent of mint lingers as she gets closer. She must’ve used toothpaste on her finger to rid herself of the taste of liquor.

She appears almost shy, her clothes clenched in her hands in front of her, dressed in my T-shirt and a pair of my boxers. I’m not sure what to make of it, but deep down, something about seeing her in my clothes is strangely satisfying.

“Can I set these somewhere out of the way?”

I tip my head to the area near my desk. Then I quickly head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and change into a pair of pajama pants and an old T-shirt. Once finished, I pull the door closed behind me.

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