Home > The Brentwood Boys (The Brentwood Boys #1-3)(130)

The Brentwood Boys (The Brentwood Boys #1-3)(130)
Author: Meghan Quinn

“For the record,” Milly steps in, easing her brother, “Jerry was being a dick and inadvertently told Carson how much he sucked and how I was the one person who could help him.”

Cory nods and motions for me to continue. Jesus, I feel like I’m being interviewed by the head of the mob. All we’re missing is some gold rings and a dead horse’s head . . . well, and I guess some serious weaponry. But the intimidation is there.

“Just wasn’t in the right headspace. Then after a game, Milly was still in the stands when I was walking back to the dugout. She told me I’d never hit the ball with the swing I was taking to the plate.”

The boys laugh as Cory says, “That’s my girl.”

“That was the moment.”

“Really?” she asks, turning toward me.

“Yeah. You might have been nervous and were stuttering, but you still had confidence in your knowledge and that to me was sexy.” Her face blushes, Mrs. Potter coos, and the boys all give me stern looks.

“Sexy?” Rian asks.

“Ehh, I mean . . . it was . . . uh . . . nice.”


“I can be sexy,” Milly says, defending herself, puffing her chest out. Yeah, she can be sexy . . . really sexy.

Rian and Sean cover their ears but Cory doesn’t seem to mind. “Damn right, sis.”

And fuck . . . I like him more with every second that passes. There are people in your life who help extract the power and confidence resting deep inside you, and Cory is one of those people for Milly.

Not to mention, she seems different right now. Like she’s at home, and looking around at her family members, I can see how the atmosphere they create would make her feel that way. There’s no competition among siblings, no animosity, just love. Shows me where Milly gets her kind and loving spirit . . . also her teasing attitude.

“She told me she wasn’t crushing on you, but you should have heard how much she talked about you on the phone.” Cory shakes his head and laughs. “I knew it was only a matter of time and if you were a smart man, which you are, I knew you’d make a move.”

“You talked a lot about me?” I ask Milly, who is giving her brother her best murder eyes.

He doesn’t even flinch. “So much. I would text Rian and Sean and fill them in on her hours of gushing.”

“Oh yeah, we all knew she was a goner,” Sean says, carefully examining his beer.

“She’s never talked about a guy like that before. Totally smitten.”

“Will you guys shut it?” It’s cute how defensive she’s getting.

“Aww, Coach.” I kiss the side of her head, loving that it’s my time to tease her, especially after the whole pickle debacle at the loft. “I knew you were smitten from how many times I caught you staring at my abs every time I dabbed my brow with my shirt. Ever wonder why I did it so much?”

Her eyes widen. “You did not know. Don’t even put on a front.” Caught red-handed. I had no fucking clue. If I’d known she was “smitten” life would have been so much easier.

“Did you tell your brothers how you shoved a cookie in my mouth because you were so nervous around me?”

“Oh yeah.” Cory nods. “That was my favorite story. Fly-by baked good to the mouth.”

“What kind of cookie?” Sean asks.

“White chocolate macadamia nut. It was pretty good. The boys on the team kept putting packages of them in my locker after that, because of course, they saw the entire moment unfold.”

“I need to go to the bathroom.” Milly goes to stand but I pull her back down by the hand.

“If you leave, I’ll only tell more juicy stories about you.”

“Oh, maybe she should leave.” Rian rubs his hands together. “We have some great stories to tell too.”

She plants herself firmly in her chair and folds her arms. “Yeah, nice try. Why don’t we change the subject?” With a wicked smile, she says, “Cory, why don’t you tell us about your relationship with Cheryl?”

“Yeah,” Sean says, “tell us.”

“We really want to know about the mystery woman who keeps you in line,” Rian adds.

Looking all too excited, Mrs. Potter asks, “Would you make cute babies?”

This time I snort. I can’t help it, but it goes unnoticed thankfully as Cory shifts in his seat and takes a sip of his beer.

Casually, he sets his pint glass back on the table and says, “Well, Cheryl is the woman behind the man, my backbone, the reason I’m able to function during the season and not lose my damn mind.”

“Aww.” Mrs. Potter claps her hands again. We have a clapper, folks. I really like it. “Is it love?”

“Do I love Cheryl? Sure,” Cory answers. “I love her like a grandma since she’s seventy years old, has a bad hip, and has no problem smacking me on the back of the head when I’m acting like a moron as she likes to call me often.” With a smile, he takes another sip of his beer.

I take a moment to observe everyone’s reactions and all their faces have fallen flat, especially Milly’s.

“She’s old? And she has better fashion sense than I do?”

Rian and Sean both laugh out loud.

“Yeah, tough pill to swallow, huh, sis?”

“But . . . I thought she was your secret love affair,” Sean says. “I was wondering when you were going to finally admit that you were doing your assistant.”

“Sorry to disappoint, but the thought of hooking up with Cheryl literally makes bile rise up my throat. I love the lady, but she’s not my type. Plus her husband scares the shit out of me. Retired marine with a constant scowl on his face.”

“Does she have a granddaughter who has caught your eye?” Mrs. Potter asks.

And for a second, I catch a flash of uncertainty in the stoic eyes of Cory Potter. Well there, looks like Cheryl might have a granddaughter for the famous baseball player.

“Yeah, but she has a boyfriend. Also, you might have forgotten, but I’m not really looking for anyone right now. Thanks for the inquisition though.” He turns to Sean and Rian and asks, “What about you two? Any prospects in the works or are you forever going to be Bert and Ernie?”

Sean flips him off while Rian says, “Dating fucking sucks.”

Could not agree more, it’s why I’m so thankful I have Milly, because I could not imagine having to go through the dating process once I make it to the big leagues. I’m sure it’s why Cory has been so guarded; it can’t be easy.

Mr. Potter grabs my attention and says, “Are you looking forward to regionals?”

The rest of the night, we eat pizza, talk about baseball—poor Mrs. Potter is bored out of her mind—and the potential for each rising baseball player looking to be drafted in the first round. All the men at the table and Milly believe I’ll be drafted early in the first round. It sends a bolt of nerves and excitement through my veins.

Drafted in the first round would be a dream come true.

Drafted in the first round with my girl by my side? Nothing could be more incredible. I didn’t know that part of my dream was to have the love of a good woman with me, but now I can’t imagine anything else. That would be perfect.

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