Home > Irished (The Invincibles #7)(19)

Irished (The Invincibles #7)(19)
Author: Heather Slade

We got into a Ford truck, old enough that it still had a bench seat, giving me no choice but to sit next to her. She inched closer to Buck, which didn’t bother me in the slightest.

“You’re in that one down there,” Buck said after pulling up to three cabins in close proximity to one another. I grabbed my bag from the bed of the pickup and walked down to the cabin. Only when I got to the front door did it dawn on me that it might be locked. I reached out and the handle turned. I pulled my gun from its holster and eased my way inside, only to find Ink sitting on the sofa. When he saw my gun, he laughed.

“You’re lucky I didn’t shoot.”

“Right,” he said, shaking his head as if he either thought I was a lousy shot or he was bulletproof.

I dropped my bag on the floor and was about to see if there was anything in the fridge when my cell rang. Ink got up and went outside without my needing to ask.

“Cope, aren’t you supposed to be on your honeymoon?”

“Hey, Irish. I heard Stella’s aunt was murdered. Deck thinks this might be somehow tied to Fisk.”

“Apparently, the aunt warned her that if she didn’t drop writing the book, it would put both of their lives in danger.”

“What I have to tell you makes me think Barb may have been right. The federal prosecutor offered Fisk a deal, which he refused to take.”

“Fuck.” Both Cope and I believed Fisk would turn state’s evidence as soon as it was offered. The only reason he wouldn’t, would be if he knew someone had the means to silence him if he did.

“Fisk is more afraid of what will happen if he makes a deal than he is of going to prison,” said Cope.

“My thoughts exactly. What about some of the other people arrested?”

“The prosecutor is only interested in what Fisk has to say. Hey, is Buck around?”

“He’s next door.”

“Do you want to brief him on this, or do you want me to?”

“I’ll let you. We just got here, and I need to take care of a few things.”

When the call ended, I walked back to the fridge, relieved to see it was stocked with food along with a few beers. I pulled one out, twisted the cap, and took a long swig. I sat down on the sofa and looked around.

When Buck said we’d be staying in cabins, I hadn’t known what to expect, but it sure as hell wasn’t this.

The room I was in looked straight out of a magazine or a movie set. The sofa I sat on was oversized and so damned comfortable, I thought about stretching out and taking a nap.

I did succumb to putting my feet up, but I doubted I could sleep. My brain raced with the things Decker had told Buck, Rock, and me on the flight here.

My phone vibrating jarred me out of my stupor. I picked it up and read the text from Decker.

We’re meeting next door, it said.

I could only guess that meant the cabin Stella was staying in.

When I knocked, it appeared Buck wasn’t expecting me. Before I could explain, Decker walked up behind me. Buck’s pretty sister followed, pushing past both of us.

“Hey, everybody,” she said.

“What are you doing here, Flynn?” Buck asked.

“Holt asked if anyone would mind if Ben Rice and a couple guys from his band came over tonight.”

“It would be better if Holt went there instead.”


“We’re in the middle of something, Flynn,” Buck said to her.

I pulled out my laptop when Decker did, sat at the table, and covered my mouth to hide my grin when she turned on her heel and stomped toward the door.

“I’ll go with you, Flynn,” I heard Stella say.

“You need to stay here,” Buck told her.

“I’m just going back to the house, Buck,” said Flynn. I was half tempted to get up from my chair and tell her I’d go with her as well. There was something that drew me to her. Crazy as it sounded, even to me, it was as though her soul spoke to mine, and it was the kindest I’d ever known.

“I said Stella needs to stay here.”

“Buck, I—”

Before Stella could finish whatever she was going to say, Buck took her hand and pulled her into the bedroom.

“I’ll walk you out,” I said to Flynn, happy for the chance to be alone with her, even for a couple of minutes.

“I guess whatever you’re doing is pretty important,” she said, kicking a rock off the cabin’s front porch.

“It is.”

She looked out at the horizon and then at me. “Um, if you need anything, let me know and I’ll take care of it.”

“What kinds of anything?”

Her cheeks turned pink, and she grinned.

How long had it been since I flirted? Years, it seemed, other than with Emme—who I’d heard was now married to Lynx.

Thinking about it reminded me I had no business flirting now. If Decker’s suspicions were correct, and I had no doubt they were, our mission was still underway.

“I’ll let you get back to it,” Flynn said, turning to leave.

“Wait. What kinds of things?”

“You know, food, extra towels, other stuff for the cabin…”

“If I do need those things, how do I get in touch with you?”

Her cheeks were pink again, and she lowered her gaze. “I guess I should give you my number.”

“Do you give your number to all the guests?”

“You’re the first one.”

“The first one you’ve given your number to?”

“The first guest.”

“Go ahead,” I said, typing it into my phone as she rattled off the numbers.

“Okay, well, bye.”

“I’ll see you later, Flynn.”

She walked away, waving behind her, and I went inside.

“Are they still in there?” I asked Decker.

“Mm-hmm,” he grumbled.

The door opened seconds later, and Buck came out.

“Where’s Stella?” Decker asked.

“She’ll be out in a minute.”

“We’re gonna need her.”

“If I go back in there—”

Deck held up his hand. “That was the last thing I was suggesting. Believe me.”

Stella came out and sat in the chair Buck pulled out for her.

“I spoke with Burns,” Deck began. “He said he’s heard rumors about Operation Argead but never had a reason to look into it. Which means he didn’t burn it. He has theories about who did, though, and has promised to see what he can find out. For now, there’s no reason for me to go to California.”

“Copy that,” both Buck and I said.

“There’s more.”

“What?” Buck asked.

“Settle down, young Buck. I’m getting to it.”

“You do know that you’re only a couple of years older than I am, right?”

“In age maybe, but infinitely older in wisdom.”

Instead of sitting here, listening to this bullshit, I wished I could get up, go outside, call Flynn, and give her a list of things I needed from her, none of which included food, towels, or anything else for the cabin.

“Burns thinks it would be best if we kept this thing as far away from the Invincibles as possible. Mainly to keep the heat off Irish and Stella. Cope and Ali too.” Decker looked over at me.

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