Home > Irished (The Invincibles #7)(37)

Irished (The Invincibles #7)(37)
Author: Heather Slade

“And in the absence of one, I’ll speak on behalf of the four founding partners of K19 Security Solutions,” said Doc, nodding at Razor and Gunner.

“What’s with all the formality?” Razor said loud enough for everyone to hear. “We aren’t getting married, are we?”

“We’re already married,” answered Gunner.

“No,” said Doc. “We aren’t getting married. However, we are about to take on our first joint mission. IISG and K19 have been contracted by the CIA, backed by the full support of the Senate Intelligence Committee, to proceed full throttle in a mission designed to wipe every last person affiliated with Operation Argead from the face of the earth.”

“I’m not sure that was the exact directive, Doc,” called out Money.

“You say tomato, I say annihilation,” Doc responded. “Same difference.”

“Irish Warrick will serve as lead,” said Deck, motioning for me to join them.

I waited, stunned when the room erupted in applause.

“Irish,” said Decker, stepping to the side like Doc had and giving me my cue to proceed the way we’d talked about.

“We’ll begin at zero eight hundred tomorrow, if that’s okay with Stella.”

“Um. Sure,” she said, shrugging. I motioned for her to join us at the front of the room.

“For the next three days, we’ll review all the leads we have so far, including those which came out in the most recent intelligence bulletin.” I heard several people muttering and waited until they quieted down. I turned to Stella. “Whenever you’re ready, we’ll also review whatever evidence Barb left that you brought back from New York. Okay by you?” I asked.

“Sounds great,” she responded but only loud enough for those of us close to her to hear.

“Stella, if she agrees, will serve as my second-in-command,” I announced, pausing while everyone in the room clapped a second time.

I leaned closer. “Well? Will you?”

“Yes, Irish. I would be honored.”

“Everyone heard that, right?” I waited for the laughter to die down. “Unless there are any questions, we’ll convene back here tomorrow.”

A hand went up in the rear of the room.

“Yes, Buck?” I asked. “You have questions?”

“Just one.”

“Go ahead.”

He stood. “I was just wondering who Stella works for. IISG or K19?”

“She works for us,” both Decker and Doc answered. There was more laughter, followed by people standing and walking up to those they hadn’t yet greeted.

I stayed where I was, wishing there was another door I could leave through.

“Paxon?” I heard a familiar voice say and turned to look into Emme’s eyes. I didn’t have a chance to respond before she threw her arms around me.

“I’m so sorry I ever doubted you.” It sounded as though she was crying.

I pulled back so I could look into her eyes. “You were set up to doubt me. Everything went according to the plan.”

“Irish,” said Lynx, walking up behind Emme.

“I was just apologizing,” she explained. Lynx put his arm around her shoulders.

“As I already said, there’s nothing to apologize for.”

“I feel as though I should as well,” said Lynx. “I was probably the biggest wanker of all.”

While I laughed, it certainly wasn’t authentic, especially when Saint joined us.

“Irish,” he said.

“Saint.” When the door opened again and I saw Flynn walk in, I quickly excused myself.

“Hey,” I said, rushing over to her.

“Hey, um, I’m supposed to let you know dinner is ready whenever your meeting is over.”

I waved my hand in the direction of the crowd of people. “As you can see, it’s over.”

“Would you mind?”

“Not at all.” I whistled. “Can I have everyone’s attention? Dinner is being served at the dining hall for anyone who’s hungry.” I was about to turn and follow Flynn out when my eyes landed on Saint. What I saw, I didn’t like. He was laser-focused on Flynn and heading our way.

“I’ll walk over with you,” I offered.

“You seem…busy.”

“Not at all.” I put my hand on the small of Flynn’s back and followed her outside. “Thank you for making dinner for everyone.”

“It’s what I do, Paxon,” she said, smiling for the first time that I’d seen today.

“It’s a lot more people.”

She shrugged. “Recipes are easy to double.”

“What are you serving?”

“Cord smoked brisket and sausage and barbecued chicken breasts.”

“Are you serving your potato salad?”

“Yes. Baked beans and coleslaw too.”

“It sounds really good, Flynn.” I cleared my throat and stopped walking. “I know I said things were going to be hectic, but our first real meeting isn’t until tomorrow. I was wondering if you would consider stopping by later?”

Unlike me, she hadn’t stopped walking. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Paxon,” she said before going inside.

“Pretty girl,” said Saint, walking up behind me. “Who is she?”

“Buck’s sister. Leave her alone.”

Saint smirked. “As you are?”

I didn’t laugh. “I mean it, Saint.”

He chuckled all the way inside the same building Flynn had gone into.


Two hours later, everyone was still in the dining hall, sitting around and shooting the shit. I asked Buck if we should head out so their crew could clean up, but he said it wasn’t necessary.

A few minutes later, Holt walked in carrying a guitar. He wasn’t alone, either. Ben Rice was with him. I hadn’t noticed the two stools and mics set up near the back of the room until they walked over and set their guitar cases on the floor.

Buck introduced them to the crowd while people from the kitchen came out and moved tables and chairs away so there’d be room to dance. Flynn, though, was nowhere to be seen.

Three or four songs in, people began dancing even though there were very few women in attendance. I kept a nervous eye out for Flynn, hoping that if she did come out of the kitchen, I could get to her before Saint did.

“You okay?” asked Decker, coming to stand beside me.

“Why is Saint here?”

“Good question. A better question would be why neither of us was informed he would be.”

“Did Doc know he was coming?”


“He came with Lynx and Dr. Charles.”

“Dr. Edgemon now.”


“Dr. Benjamin’s involvement in this is still a mystery. Perhaps one Saint can solve.”

I scoffed. “I’d like this mission to end before I’m ninety. If we’re looking for help from Saint, I might not live to see it.”

Several things happened simultaneously. The door to the dining hall opened, and Flynn walked inside. As if he were a bird of prey sweeping in to devour his dinner, Saint was by her side in mere seconds. I watched in near agony as he led her out to the dance floor.

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