Home > Off The Record (With Me in Seattle Mafia #3)(17)

Off The Record (With Me in Seattle Mafia #3)(17)
Author: Kristen Proby

“Oh.” I shake my head and force a smile to my lips. “Nothing. It’s just already been a long day.”

“I understand. Selling a house is a lot of work. And I see you’ve been hard at it. I’m glad we’ve already taken photos for the listing.”

“Yeah.” I cringe. “I’ll get this cleaned up. I won’t be living here anymore, so I wanted to clear some stuff out. I have a dumpster coming for the trash, and I’m donating a bunch of things to charity. The rest can be sold with the house if the buyer wants it.”

“We can take care of that,” Noreen assures me. “Do you have somewhere to go?”

“Yes, several somewheres, actually. I’ll be okay.”

“Good. Okay, let’s do a walk-through, and I’ll put the sign in the yard. It’ll go up online this afternoon. It’s a seller’s market right now, so I don’t think it’ll sit for long.”

“Perfect. The sooner we can sell, and I can wipe my hands of it, the better.”



Chapter 8






“My house sold in three days.”

Annika’s voice in my ear is like a balm to my soul. I’ve been staying away, letting her sort through everything she needs to figure out. I want to be there, helping her. Hell, I want to handle everything for her and protect her from any more pain.

But I know Annika. She needs to handle this on her own.

“It actually went into a bidding war, and I got more than the asking price,” she continues. “I was stunned. And then, when I had the meeting with everyone at the clinic and told them my plans, they were so sweet about it. There were some tears and hugs, but they all understood.”

“I’m sure you offered them a nice severance package.”

Her chuckle makes me grin. “Of course. It didn’t hurt. I closed the clinic immediately and referred my existing patients to other doctors.”

“You’re wrapping it up quickly.”

“Yeah.” She’s quiet for a moment.

“Did I lose you?”

“No, I—” She sighs. “Can I come see you in Seattle for a while?”

Her words come out in a quick whoosh of air, and the insecurity in her voice makes me frown.

“I’ve been waiting for you to do what you need to, A. You’re always welcome to be with me, no matter where I am. When would you like to come?”

“It’s Wednesday now, and Ivie is here helping me close up the spa. We should be done by Saturday. How does Sunday work for you?”

“What time do you want to leave?”

“Oh, I thought I’d just book a flight and you could pick me up at the airport.”

“I’ll come get you. I’ll bring the plane myself so it’s just the two of us. You can be my co-pilot.”

“Is that safe?”

I laugh, excited at the thought of having her here with me in just a few days. “Okay, there may be three of us on the plane. I just have to tell you, I’m so proud of you, Annika.”

“For what? Being an adult?”

“Yes, actually. And for handling everything in that classy way you always do. Seattle will be lucky to have you.”

Hell, I’ll be lucky to have her.

But I don’t want to move too fast or scare her away. I just need her with me. And it’s going to happen, sooner than expected.

“Well, I’ll just be happy and relieved when all of this is settled and all I have to do is come back to sign closing papers in about a month. I’m getting there. So, I’ll see you Sunday?”

“Absolutely. Make sure you’re eating, okay? And getting rest. I know you, and you’ll work yourself into exhaustion.”

“Yes, sir.” She chuckles again. “I’m eating. Sleeping so-so. It’ll get better. I’d better go. Ivie’s giving me the stink eye because she’s carrying boxes, and I’m flirting with you on the phone.”

“Well, I guess we can’t have her giving you the stink eye. I’ll be in touch. Call me if you need anything at all, okay?”

“Okay, thank you. See you soon.”

She clicks off. I set the phone down and stare out the windows at the city of Seattle as it buzzes down below.

I’ve kept a condo in the building my family owns for several years. I’ve never felt the need to buy a house that I have to maintain the way Carmine does. He likes being out of town.

He’s very much like our late grandmother in that respect.

Shane and I have been content with our condos in our building. But Shane is rarely here, preferring to spend his time at his ranch in the mountains of Colorado.

I’ve always felt that I’m in limbo. Missing something. I didn’t know what I was missing exactly, until now.


My life isn’t complete without her. This condo has been fine for me because I didn’t have her with me to make a home.

But that’s about to change. I know I need to be patient, to take it slowly, but once I have her with me again, I’m never letting her go.

This time, it’ll be forever.



“I’m going to get Annika in the morning,” I say to my father as we sit in his office, finishing up some business.

“And where are you taking her?” he asks.

“I’m bringing her here, to Seattle. She sold the house and closed her business.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Planning to marry her, are you?”

I hold my father’s gaze. “Yes, eventually. For now, she needs a new start, and I suggested Seattle. Especially now that Nadia and Ivie will be here more often. It seemed like a good choice for her.”

“Not to mention, you’ve been in love with her for years.”

I blink in surprise, and my father laughs.

“I don’t know why my children all think I’m blind and oblivious to what’s going on. I’m not, you know. I knew why you stayed at that college all those years. So did Igor. We were not friends then.”

“No.” I clench my jaw and have to make myself keep my hands loose. “You weren’t.”

“Things change. People grow. Igor may be the only man in the world who understands my life and the pressures that go with it. We’ve had our ups and downs but have grown to trust and respect each other. We wouldn’t allow our families to tie themselves to each other if it were any other way, and you know that.”

“Yes.” I nod once. “I know that.”

“And you’re bitter that Carmine married Nadia after you were torn from Annika all those years ago.”

I stand and pace my father’s office, feeling the frustration bubbling up. “I don’t mean to feel that way, and it’s not something I think about every day, but yes. I guess so. The game changed, and Carmine is with a great woman that he loves very much. I wanted the same.”

I turn back to find my father watching me with speculative eyes.

“I want the same.”

“Well, when the time comes, if Annika is agreeable, you won’t get any pushback from me, son. She’s a beautiful woman who didn’t deserve what happened to her. You know your mother and I will welcome her into the family the way we’ve done with Nadia and Ivie.”

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