Home > Reckless Refuge (Wrecked #4)(66)

Reckless Refuge (Wrecked #4)(66)
Author: Catherine Cowles

I looked into Michael’s eyes. I could still see a glimmer of the little boy who’d loved Matchbox cars and ice cream sundaes. The little boy my parents would’ve given anything to save. “No.”

“I’m sorry. Did you just say ‘no?’ That you’d rather have death?” He was completely incredulous.

“I’d rather choose life. Even if that life is shorter than I hoped.” Without another word, I jumped. I pushed off the cliff as hard as I could. Hoping and praying I would clear the rocks and land in the water. But even if I didn’t, I would die as my own woman. The one who played violin and sat for paintings. The one who fed chickens and learned how to grow a garden. The one with friends and a man who loved her with his whole heart.

And as I fell, I could’ve sworn I heard Brody yell my name.









My muscles seized, but I kept running as I yelled Shay’s name. I was too late. Just a few minutes earlier, and I would’ve made it. Would’ve been able to save her.

I barely noticed Griffin taking Shay’s attacker to the ground. I only had eyes for the cliff. I skidded to a stop at the edge, searching the water below. I couldn’t see a damn thing. The only thing I knew was that she wasn’t on the jagged rocks. She had to have made it to the water. There was only one thing to do now.

I jogged away from the cliff just as Griffin called, “I got him.” I think I gave a nod and then started running, hoping I would clear those same rocks Shay had. Griffin yelled for me to stop but I didn’t. I hurled myself over the side, arms windmilling as I kept my gaze on the water below.

The force with which I hit pushed all the air from my lungs. Ice-cold seawater surrounded me as I struggled to break the surface. I clawed at the water as I reached for sunlight. My head broke through, and I sucked in air with a desperation I’d never experienced before.

The moment my lungs filled, I began scanning the waters around me, searching for any sign of Shay. Nothing. I was just about to dive under the waves when I caught a glimpse of brown hair against the rocks.

No. I swam as fast as I could, fighting the waves as I went. I sent up a silent prayer as I reached her. “Shay, can you hear me?” I lifted her unconscious head above the water, using my other hand to press two fingers to her neck. There was a faint pulse. But I didn’t feel any breath against my neck where I’d rested her head.

We needed to get to shore. Anywhere I could give her mouth-to-mouth. I locked my arm around her body and begun swimming parallel to the shore so I could round the rocks. With each stroke, I willed Shay to stay with me. I needed her. More than she would ever know.

I reached a break in the jagged rocks and pulled Shay ashore. I quickly tipped her head to the side, letting any water drain out of her nose and mouth. My brain whirled. I’d been a lifeguard one summer in high school, but that was forever ago. I could only hope that the CPR lessons had stayed with me.

I tilted Shay’s head back, opening her airway. I placed my cheek over her mouth, hoping for signs of breath. Nothing. I didn’t hesitate to begin breathing for her.

I repeated the rescue breaths as I heard voices yelling from above. Someone shouted that help was coming. I barely heard it. But I stayed focused. The only thing that mattered was getting oxygen into her system.

Just as I was about to breathe into Shay’s mouth for the fifth time, she started to cough. I turned her on her side just in case more water needed to come out. Only the smallest bit fell from her lips.

I kept a firm grip on her shoulders as she heaved. “You’re okay. You’re safe.” I said it more for myself than her. The sight of her chest rising and falling on its own had tears burning my eyes.

“Brody?” she croaked, blinking against the sun.

“I’ve got you.” I hauled her into my arms. She weakly nuzzled into me. “I’ve got you.” I couldn’t help repeating the words.

And I was never letting go.



Shay shivered, and I pulled the blankets tighter around her. I’d sent the nurse off for another one, but he hadn’t returned yet. “Are you okay?”

She gave me a gentle smile. “I’m fine. Like the last ten times you asked. I just wish we had an update on Hunter.”

I slipped my hand in Shay’s and held tight. Hunter had been airlifted from Anchor to Seattle Memorial, and then the sheriff’s helicopter had come to pick up Shay. We weren’t taking any chances with either of them. Hunter had gone directly into surgery, while Shay had been sent for a battery of tests. Ford was in the surgical waiting room and had promised to update us as soon as he got any word from the doctors.

I pressed my lips to Shay’s temple. “He’s going to be fine. Hunter’s one of the strongest people I know.” I hoped I wasn’t lying.

“He looked so bad, Brody.” Shay’s voice shook as she spoke.

I slid onto the side of the bed, careful to avoid her IV line, and wrapped my arms around her. “None of this is your fault.”

She leaned into me. “I know that in my head, but my heart’s a different story.”

A knock sounded at the door. “Come in,” I called.

Parker poked his head in with Caelyn and Griffin in tow. He gave Shay a kind smile. “Glad to see you looking better.”

Caelyn rushed to the other side of Shay’s bed, tears filling her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re okay. You are, right? I was so scared—”

Griffin cut off her words by pulling Caelyn against him. “She’s going to be just fine.”

“I am,” Shay promised. “Any word on Hunter?”

Caelyn nodded. “The surgeon was briefing Ford when we got here. It was touch and go for a little bit, but they say he’ll make a full recovery.”

Tears spilled down Shay’s cheeks. “Oh, thank God. I don’t think I could’ve handled it if he wasn’t okay.” I pulled her closer against me and kissed the top of her head. Shay turned her gaze to Parker. “My brother?”

“He’s in county lockup, awaiting transport to prison.”

Shay swallowed hard. “That’s good. He won’t be able to hurt anyone else.”

The pain in her voice was raw and deep. I rubbed a hand up and down her arm. “You’re allowed to be sad, too.” I knew that Shay’s feelings for her brother would never be simple, and she needed to be free to express whatever complicated emotions swept through her.

“He’s so sick,” she whispered, a tear slipping from the corner of her eye. “And he’ll never be better. My heart breaks for him. But I’m also relieved that there’s no chance of him getting out now.”

Caelyn stepped forward, taking Shay’s hand. “It’s understandable. Your relief comes from being safe. And knowing he can’t hurt anyone or himself.”

Shay nodded slowly. “Thank you for everything. All of you.”

Caelyn gave Shay’s hand a squeeze and then released it. “Griffin and I are going to go get everyone food. How does a burger and milkshake sound?”

Shay’s stomach grumbled audibly. “Cheeseburger? Vanilla shake?”

“You got it.”

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