Home > Little Lies(33)

Little Lies(33)
Author: Elena M. Reyes

Like the one she’s yet to uncover in her closet.

Like the small charm I just added to her bracelet.

Like the black rose I placed atop her mail pile with a note attached while she bathed her dog earlier. The perfect distraction to slip inside and watch for a few minutes, to bring the shirt she left atop an oversized chair to my face and inhale deeply, nearly drowning in her maddening scent. His mischief granted me that moment of reprieve, and I’ll thank him kindly for it in the future.

Moreover, the police never saw me in her yard through the cameras easily bypassed by its own technology when I hacked the system. They have no recollection of the man that’s always near and watching, of the way I hunt with methodical movements while revealing each piece of the puzzle my pretty girl will soon understand.

“Long live the queen.”









My phone pings from beside me and I look over at the screen, pausing mid-shadowing. It vibrates and then stops, only to alert me once again that I haven’t read it within a minute. Theodore’s name flashes and my heart skips a literal beat.

There’s something about him that I can’t stop thinking about. An attraction I don’t want to fight off.

For the first time in my life, I want to be selfish and claim something as mine, no matter the cost.

Sliding my finger across the screen, I enter my pin and click on the new message, smiling when I read it.

Be ready by nine. Dress comfortable and to walk. ~Theodore

So bossy.

“I’m not going to give in so easily, Mr. Astor.”

Sorry. Have plans. ~Gabriella

His replies are instant, and my grin widens.

Consider whatever you had planned now cancelled. ~Theodore

You’re mine today. ~Theodore.

Grabbing my now lukewarm coffee, I take a sip and look at my sketch. The outline for my jaguar is done, I’m mimicking a pose from an animal documentary that showed the animal literally fighting off a gator and then dragging him up onto the shore. There’s something about the design that’s bothering me, though, and I think it might be the eyes. I think they need to be enlarged.

Another three dots and then a message.

Don’t ignore me, beautiful. We’re going on a hunt today. ~Theodore

Putting my sketchpad down, I stand and stretch. “God, that’s good,” I groan as my muscles pop loose after being in one position for so long. It’s a little after eight and there’s time to shower and feel human, but what to wear?

“Closet first.” Taking my coffee with me, I walk to my room and head straight for the closet. My style is comfy meets artist and paint splatters aren’t outside the norm for me. I really don’t own a lot of clothes without some kind of accident on it, and I release a drawn-out sigh. “I really need to start wearing overalls in there, instead.”

Skirt? No.

Dress. No.

I own a lot of jeans and cargo pants, but neither is catching my attention and after going back and forth between capris and cutoffs, I go with the latter. They’re a blacked denim style with the pockets falling out of the leg and I pair it with a black and white tie-dye shirt that I’ll knot at the waist.

“My black converse will work just fine.” Tossing the items on the bed, I flick my eyes to my bedside table and let out a low fuck me. It’s now 8:35 a.m. and I’m not even showered. I also didn’t respond to his last message! “Next time, he needs to let me know of said plans to kidnap me a day in advance.”

In the shower now. Don’t be late. ~Gabriella

I almost trip in my haste, catching myself at the last minute. The phone pings as I push my hair back from my face, already exhausted and we haven’t even left. Being a girl is hard.

Another text alert and I open them once I’m inside the bathroom and have the water in my shower running. Steam begins to billow around me while my grin widens. Such a man.

I’m already downstairs and waiting. ~Theodore

Although I’m suddenly tempted to stay in and have a drink. I’m parched. ~Theodore

My response back is a picture of my hand under the water and then I toss the device aside, taking the fastest shower known to mankind. Literally in, lather, rinse, and out without enjoying the pure bliss that is standing beneath the near-boiling water while you contemplate life.

I’m inside less than ten minutes and have another two messages when I step out.

Would you forgive me if I break and enter? ~Theodore

I’ll buy your forgiveness in the form of art supplies and my services as a personal assistant for forty-eight hours. ~Theodore

“Very tempting offer,” I muse, towel wrapped around my body as I walk out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. Usually, I’d lie in bed and air dry for a bit, loving the cool breeze over my skin after a hot shower, but today I have no time and run the towel down my body.

It takes me another fifteen minutes to get dressed, perfumed, and then add the tiny bit of makeup I use. Just some winged liner and a bit of cherry tinted lip-gloss to make my full lips a little plumper. My hair though is the one thing I have no idea what to do with, but decide last minute on two French braids with the ends laying on either side of my neck and down to the top of my breasts.

“That’s as good as it’s going to get.” I hope he likes it.



“You brought me to the zoo?” I ask, a little awe in my tone when he comes around my side and opens the door. We’re at the Woodland Park Zoo and I’m as giddy as a kid at Disney. “Really?”

“Is that okay?” He knows the answer, though. The smirk on his face says it all. He’s pleased with himself. “Or would you rather go—”

“You can go if you want, but I’m staying.”

“Good girl.” Theodore offers a hand which I take, letting him pull me out of the reserved spot near the entrance. We don’t get in line to purchase tickets, but instead walk right through the main gate while employees nod at him. It’s a bit odd, but I don’t ask and choose to believe this is all part of being rich.

He probably donated money to an exhibit, and they let him in for free. “Which area are we heading to first?” I ask, grabbing a map from one of the tourist stations. “Are we going to begin in Africa and work our way through or...hey!”

“We don’t need this, sweetheart.” At my perplexed expression, he taps my nose with the tip of his index finger. “I know the place well, Gabriella. I’ve also set us up to have the Rainforest area to ourselves. You’ll have all the time you need to study predators, draw if you like, while I get to watch you in your element.”

“Really,” I squeak a bit, beyond excited. “That's amazing...” but then my excitement dies just as quick “...wish I’d known. I would’ve brought my sketchpad with me; I was actually working on a jaguar this morning when you sent the first text.”

“Come with me.” Theodore intertwines our fingers, tugging me along behind him as we walk toward some area of the park. I’ve been here a few times in the past, a long time ago on school field trips, and still have no clue where he’s going. The people around us turn our way, a few murmuring to themselves, but he pays them no mind and doesn’t stop until we reach the entrance to the Rainforest attraction. “Do you trust me?”

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