Home > Dark Alpha's Obsession (Reaper #11)(10)

Dark Alpha's Obsession (Reaper #11)(10)
Author: Donna Grant

“I have to admit,” he whispered, “I’m pleasantly surprised. I thought I’d have to carry through with my threat.”

She often got irritated with her brother, but it had been a significant stretch of time since she had been this furious with him. The anger burned within her to the point that she wanted to walk away from him.

“Smile,” he ordered. “People are staring.”

Her lips curved into a grin, but her voice was laced with ire as she whispered, “I don’t care.”

“That’s a lie. You’re as invested in the future as I am.”

She followed him with her eyes as he moved away, incensed that his words were true, and that he could get her to do whatever he wanted. Fianna swallowed and squared her shoulders. Her gaze moved to her guards, stationed around the room. More were peppered throughout the manor, with others around the property. Dorcha thought she went to extremes with the Fae she hired to protect him, but she wanted to be prepared for anything. The scenarios her father had painted for her had been horrible, and she wasn’t about to lose her brother that way.

A few dangerous Fae had already taken notice of Dorcha. Those few could cause some problems and potentially make an attempt on his life as they had once done with their father. She wouldn’t let that happen.

Fianna grabbed a glass of wine from a passing servant. She had fought hard to keep Dorcha’s entourage to a minimum for safety’s sake. However, he and their father had disagreed with her. Their egos needed the servants around to give the appearance that their family was still great and mighty—when, in fact, it wasn’t.

No matter how she argued the point, the two refused to listen. It made her job that much harder because she also had to keep an eye on the servants. They were as likely as anyone to be blackmailed into either an attempt on Dorcha’s life or to report back to someone. It was such a concern that she had the servants followed whenever they left the manor. Her guards had a difficult time, especially when they teleported away or used a Fae doorway.

Thankfully, nothing had come of it. She liked to plan for the worst and hope for the best. Their family had been through so much turmoil—some of it her fault. She wouldn’t be the cause of any more upheaval or disgrace to them.

Fianna was used to being hidden as she watched others. Now, she was out in the open for all eyes to see. And she felt one person’s in particular. Her skin heated wherever his eyes moved over her body. It became more and more challenging to keep her gaze from him. She moved to the edge of the room near the window to put some distance between her and Rordan and get herself out of the spotlight she felt was focused on her. But it didn’t do any good.

Just as she was about to walk to a different location, two of Dorcha’s guests stopped her—the Crowes. The couple was not only wealthy but also deeply connected to all the right Fae.

“This place is spectacular,” Ayda, the wife, said.

Fianna forced a smile and took in Ayda’s beaded peach column dress, noting the elaborate diamond necklace and matching earrings she wore. “That it is.”

“Ruben is so in love with it, we may have to rent it for a bit once you and Dorcha are finished with it.”

Fianna hated small talk of any kind. She felt it was a waste of time, but it wasn’t as if she had a choice. She took in the impeccable black suit, starched white dress shirt, and diamond cufflinks Ruben wore. His hair was combed in a pompadour style that showed off his too beautiful face. “I’m sure you can set it up with Ruarc.”

“We made an offer to buy it, and it was a tidy sum,” Ruben said, then looked at Ayda as they shared a laugh.

Ruben wrapped his arm around his wife. “Everyone has a price. I just need to find his. Once I do, this place will be ours.”

“I—” Fianna began, but the couple spoke over her.

“I keep imagining the parties we could host here,” the wife said with an exaggerated sigh. “Everyone would come just to see this place.”

Fianna was about to tell them that many Fae had already seen it as it had been bought and sold and rented many thousands of times over the eons, but she didn’t think her brother would appreciate the snippy remark.

In an effort to curb the sarcastic retorts ready to pass her lips, she tried to excuse herself, but Ayda wouldn’t let her go. The female went on and on about the different parties she’d have, how everyone would beg to visit. And her husband wasn’t any better. The two were so wrapped up in themselves, they had no idea that she wasn’t listening. Then again, they weren’t giving her any time to respond, either.

“Excuse me.”

The deep voice went through Fianna in a flash, causing a shiver of delight to rush through her like liquid heat. She turned her head to Rordan. The minute she looked into his silver eyes, she was trapped, ensnared. He stood close enough that she could feel his body heat, and she found herself wanting to lean in to him.

Fianna caught herself at the last minute. It was enough to shake her free of Rordan. At least, for the moment.

“I beg your pardon for the intrusion,” Rordan told the couple. “Fianna is needed.”

Ruben bowed his head. “Of course, of course.”

Rordan looked at her, waiting for her to do something. Fianna turned toward him, and the two of them walked away together. She knew then that she had moved from one tricky situation into a much greater one. The only difference was, she didn’t want to make Rordan shut up. It was the first time she had heard his voice, and she wanted more of it.

“You looked like a trapped animal,” Rordan told her before lifting a glass of whisky to his lips.

Fianna’s gaze dropped to his neck as he swallowed, watching his Adam’s apple bob. “I prefer the shadows.”

“Sometimes we must do things we’d rather not.”

“Isn’t that the truth?” she said before finishing off the last of her wine.

Rordan got her another glass and took the empty away, handing it to a servant. “I walked the grounds today and happened upon the training area. I saw you sparring with the others. You’re very good.”

Few ever complimented her, which made hearing it from Rordan’s lips even sweeter. “Do you spar?”


“You should join us sometime.” The second the words were out, she knew they had been a mistake, but she couldn’t take them back.

To make matters worse, his lips curled in a sexy, heart-stopping smile that made the rest of the room and its occupants fall away.

“I might take you up on that offer. I’m Rordan, by the way.”

She didn’t hesitate to take his offered hand. His long fingers wrapped gently but firmly around hers. “Fianna.”

To her surprise, she was a bit breathless, her stomach fluttering in excitement. She was treading dangerously close to a path she swore never to go down again. She pulled her hand from his and glanced around the room. Fianna noted that Dorcha was staring at her. If she didn’t want to be scrutinized by her brother—or magic forbid, her father—she needed to get away from the handsome Fae.

“Thank you for helping me out,” she told him, hating that she had to leave his side. “I must make the rounds.”

Rordan bowed his head in reply.

Even as Fianna walked away, she knew when she crawled into bed later, she would replay the entire scene with Rordan over and over again.

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