Home > Resurrection of the Heart (The Society Trilogy #3)(50)

Resurrection of the Heart (The Society Trilogy #3)(50)
Author: A. Zavarelli

A choked growl gets caught in my throat as I start to come, trying to pull back, but she holds me there, swallowing my release as it spills into her mouth.

When I drag my softening cock from her lips, part of me feels ashamed, and the other depraved part of me couldn't be happier.

She smiles up at me, quite proud of herself for getting my resolve to break.

"You better be ready for the end of week six, Mr. De La Rosa," she tells me. "I won't let you out of this bed."









"Santi." Mercedes squeezes me tight in her grasp, and I return the gesture, patting her back awkwardly.

She glances up at me, half laughing, half crying over my attempt at a hug.

"I've missed you so much," she blurts.

"I know," I tell her. "I've missed you too."

She holds me at arm's length, examining me. "You look... different."

I shift, dragging a hand through my hair and shrugging. "A lot has changed."

She nods stiffly. An acknowledgment, I think. I had hoped in time, she would come around to the idea of Ivy being a permanent fixture in my life, but I suspect it will take a while until she no longer sees her as a threat.

"When can I meet my niece?" she asks, eyes darting over my shoulder to where Ivy is waiting in a chair with Elena.

"I'm not sure if that's such a good idea," I answer hesitantly.

My sister's face falls, and guilt eats at me. Judge steps forward, settling his hand at her lower back. I don't miss the action, and when he notices my eyes on him, he clears his throat and removes it.

"Mercedes will behave," he assures me. "And she would very much like to meet her niece, if you'll let her."

I glance back at my wife, remembering the fallout from their last encounter. We already have enough to contend with today, and I'm not sure I want to add more stress or tension. But when Ivy meets my eyes, she smiles as if she's aware of my predicament. It's uncanny how she has come to know me so well. How she can read me like nobody else.

She rises from the chair slowly, rocking our daughter in her arms as she approaches. I meet her halfway, my palm settling against her hip as I lean down to whisper in her ear.

"We don't have to do this if you aren't ready. Not today."

"She's her aunt," Ivy answers. "And I wouldn't deny her this meeting, but if she’s rude—"

"She won't be," I assure her. "I will make certain of that."

She nods, and we walk toward Mercedes, who seems to be frozen in place. Her face is a mixture of emotions as she watches the three of us together. There is sadness in her eyes, but I think it is for what she feels she has lost.

"Ivy." She forces a smile as she nods at my wife. "I'm... happy to see you are recovering well."

Ivy arches a brow. “Is that so?”

“Yes.” Mercedes dips her head, a moment of softness I rarely see in her. “I know I can be a spoiled, jealous bitch sometimes, okay? I can admit, I’ve done some things I’m not proud of, and for that, I am sorry. But you obviously make my brother very happy, and I see that you’re here to stay, so I would like to try to get to know you. If you’ll let me.”

Ivy seems surprised by her admission, but I’m not. Mercedes swings on a pendulum from sweet and innocent to an angry little beast. She always has. And while I can no longer excuse her episodes, I do understand them. She lashes out because she’s hurting inside, and I can only hope that one day, she will not hurt anymore.

“I think that would be beneficial for all of us,” Ivy tells her, shifting Elena in her arms so Mercedes can see her. "This is your niece. Elena Frances De La Rosa."

"She's... beautiful." Mercedes brings a trembling hand to her lips, tears filling her eyes. "Can I... might I hold her for a minute?"

Ivy looks at me, and I squeeze her hip lightly. "That's up to you."

She considers it for a moment, and being the woman she is, she inevitably helps Mercedes take our daughter into her arms. We all watch her as she rocks Elena back and forth, quietly gushing over her beauty. Judge seems to stiffen at the sight before him, and I narrow my eyes at him, wondering at the meaning behind his discomfort. He's looking at Mercedes like the image of her with a child is a shock to his system. For a man who never intends to marry or have his own family, it leaves me to wonder why the idea should surprise him.

"One day, you will have your own," I tell my sister, but my eyes are on Judge.

"Maybe I'll have a whole brood of them," she remarks dryly. "Ten little monsters just like me."

As I suspected, this casual remark makes Judge so tense, he can't hide his irritation. I'm beginning to wonder if there really is something there.

"What do you think of that idea, Judge?" I cock my head to the side, studying him carefully.

"Hmm?" He shifts, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Mercedes having ten little monsters," I answer. "Will you be their godfather?"

At this, Mercedes looks up at him, a strange undercurrent of tension in her own features. "Yes, Judge. What do you think of that?"

"She can do what she likes," he answers tightly. "Once she's proven herself capable."

Mercedes appears to be hurt by his remark, and I realize I probably shouldn't have goaded him when Ivy nudges me in the side.

"A conversation for another time," I tell him, narrowing my eyes.

He nods in understanding, and Mercedes hands the baby back to Ivy. "Thank you for letting me meet her. I suppose we should probably get going now."

"Yes," I agree. "We'll meet you outside once we've said goodbye to Elena."

Mercedes and Judge walk out the front door, and Antonia meets us in the foyer, offering us her most reassuring smile as Ivy and I glance at each other and back at our daughter. It's our first time having to leave her, and neither one of us wants to do it. But The Tribunal is no place for a baby, and especially not today.

"I will take care of her as if she were my own," Antonia promises. "She will be in good hands."

“And I’ll be here to help,” Eva calls out, appearing from the corridor and walking to Antonia’s side to join her. “We’ll be the babysitting dream team. Don’t you worry.”

Ivy and I both laugh and then reluctantly place Elena into Antonia’s arms.

"Thank you both, in that case."

We say our goodbyes, Ivy teary-eyed, and then walk out the door.









I am so anxious I’m shivering with it. Santiago takes off his jacket and puts it over my shoulders. He leans in, squeezing my hand, his expression closed off, body tense. He’s anxious too.

“It will be okay.”

It won’t. Not really. But it will be what it has to be. This part of the trial is only a formality. Abel’s fate has already been decided. Today, we will learn if his death will be a peaceful one or not. And for all he’s done, for all the hurt he’s caused, for all he’s stolen, for the lives he’s had a hand in ending and the damage to our families and countless others, I don’t want this for him. I don’t.

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