Home > Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(173)

Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(173)
Author: Cora Reilly

I almost laughed because I was miserable. Of course, he meant physically.

“Good. Leonas is very active today,” I said with a small smile despite the tension I felt. I took Dante’s hand and pressed it to the spot where Leonas was kicking.

Dante’s expression softened.

“You realize these photos will stir up a scandal in the Outfit too. I’ll be the poor pregnant wife who was cheated on, with the most beautiful woman the Outfit had to offer to Luca. That will give all the Golden Couple enthusiasts new ammunition. I bet a few will even hope Aria will run off to Chicago so she can marry you.”

Dante made a face as if he tasted something bitter. “The Golden Couple rumor has always been nonsense.” He cradled my face, his eyes almost angry. “And as far as I’m concerned, Valentina, you are the most beautiful woman in the Outfit.”

“Aria is no longer in the Outfit,” I reminded him, because he deserved to suffer for this move.

He let out a low breath. “For me you are the most beautiful woman.”

I didn’t let his words mollify me. “What if the rumors about your affair eventually reach Anna’s ears? She’s still too young to understand, but she’ll realize it’s something bad.”

“She won’t find out. These photos won’t be published anywhere in my territory, Val.”

“People will talk. It’ll spread.”

Dante nodded slowly. “Yes, no matter what I do, I won’t be able to silence everyone in the Outfit. You will have to bear some of the consequences of my actions, even if I never wanted you to. I’m sorry for that.”

I leaned back with wide eyes.

“What is it?”

“I think this is only the second time you said you’re sorry.”

He smiled darkly. “I had many more reasons to apologize to you, I know, but it’s something I’m not very good at.”

“I know. And I appreciate your apology, but I still wish you would have found another way to attack the Famiglia than by making up an affair rumor.”

Dante didn’t say anything but I could tell that maybe part of him agreed.






“The photos haven’t appeared anywhere yet,” Rocco said as a way of greeting as he entered my office the next afternoon.

“Luca must have managed to keep them under taps. But he has seen them, I have no doubt.”

Rocco nodded thoughtfully as he sank down in the armchair across from me. “My contacts to the press beyond our borders are very limited. I’m hoping some rag will have the balls to post an article. It’s a scandal none of them should pass up on.”

“Indeed,” I said. I had to admit I wasn’t entirely unhappy with the fact that the photos hadn’t made headline. The possible rumors had worried Val more than I’d anticipated, maybe because of her pregnancy but I didn’t want to stress her out more than absolutely necessary. “I’m sure Luca will send me some kind of message soon.”

“I’d guess a bloody one. I doubt he’ll give you a call.”

I smiled grimly. Luca would definitely send a bloody warning of what was to come. He would retribute, no doubt.

“I could tell Fabiano to call Liliana or Gianna under the pretense of wanting to talk to them. That way we might be able to get intel on what’s going on in the Vitiello household. Luca must have confronted Aria by now.”

I nodded slowly. Gianna and Liliana might reveal something to their brother. He had started his initiation process, so he needed to learn to do even the difficult task, like laying a trap to his sisters. I ran a hand through my hair. When I’d been a young man, I’d dreamed of being a better man, a better Capo. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be both.

“Have you told Giovanni yet?”

I shook my head. “I’m meeting him later. He and Livia are coming over for dinner to see Anna and check on Val.”

“Only two more weeks?” Rocco said.

I nodded. I’d been worried that Leonas would come early like Anna, but so far Val’s second pregnancy had been free of complications.

Rocco shook his head, then a look of pride crossed his face. “I’m becoming a father too. It’s still very early so we haven’t announced it yet, but if things go well, my newborn son and your Leonas can become friends.”

“Congrats,” I said. Rocco hadn’t been a good father to his children so far. I hoped he’d do a better job with this child.

I led Rocco toward the front door. Val lingered on the staircase and gave Rocco her official smile, but something in her face told me she was in pain. The moment Rocco was out of the door, I stalked toward her. “Val, what’s wrong?”

She smiled. “Labor. I think Leonas doesn’t want to wait anymore.”


She laughed then winced. “Well, this is my first natural birth, at least I hope it’ll be… so I don’t know how long this’ll take but we probably have time to call my parents so they take Anna and grab my hospital bag.”

“Is this because of me again?” Last time Val’s pregnancy had been horrible because I’d made her life so difficult. Was her labor linked to our conversation yesterday?

She rolled her eyes. “Not everything is about you, Dante. This baby is big already. I’m glad he wants to get out a bit sooner. Now get my bag and Anna. I’ll call my parents.”

I nodded and hurried up the stairs.

Fifteen minutes later, we were in the car on our way to Val’s parents to drop Anna off.

“Are you sure we can make this detour?” I asked again. Labor was something I couldn’t control and it was driving me crazy.

Val gave me a look, clutching her belly. “I’m sure. I called my midwife and she said I still have a few hours.”

I wondered how the woman knew. Sometimes these things sped up unexpectedly. Giovanni and Livia waited on the front steps when we pulled up. Anna began crying when Livia tried to pry her off Val’s legs.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Livia crooned. “Your mommy will be fine.”

Anna’s fearful cries tore at me and usually I would have comforted her but I needed to get Val to hospital.

Only when we finally arrived in hospital did I become a bit calmer. Like Val had said, the labor took six more hours and it was late evening when Leonas released his first cry.

He was much bigger than Anna had been. A few weeks made such a difference. The midwife put him into Val’s arms at once and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. He looked like the photos I’d seen of myself as a baby.

“He’s you,” Val said with a laugh.

“Maybe he’ll get your eyes.”

“We’ll see,” she whispered and stroked his back gently. It was strange to think that one of the happiest moments of my life followed so closely after an act of war. Maybe it was a reminder that I needed to focus on the good in my life, even if evil would always be my closest companion.

* * *

Father’s congrats came swiftly after he’d heard of Leonas’ birth. While he hadn’t showed the slightest interest in meeting Anna, he couldn’t wait to meet my son, the heir to our bloodline how he never stopped emphasizing. I didn’t mention it to Val, even though she was very aware of my parents’ views.

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