Home > Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(178)

Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(178)
Author: Cora Reilly

I had to agree but even without Rocco’s insistence I had suspected we had a mole. “Trust me, it’s not an idea I entertain lightly, but it’s a valid option and we need to be vigilant and find whoever is behind this.”

“I’ll keep my eyes open,” Orazio said. “Just tell me one thing, did Val invite our father over so we can make peace?”

“I did. But first, let’s have coffee and cake. I’m sure Val is impatient for our return.”

Val gave me a questioning look when Orazio and I walked into the dining room. I gave her a smile but I could tell that she was still worried.

Luckily Anna was eager for attention from her uncle and kept the conversation up with her chatter. Leonas slept in his crib in a corner of the room, entirely unimpressed by our conversation. He seemed an easy-going baby. I hoped this would continue into his teenage years but most boys had a phase of rebellion, so I was prepared for it. It either ended when the boy reached manhood or extended into their adulthood and turned to resentment or even hatred as it was between Orazio and his father, or me and my own. I wanted things between my son and me to be different, but Leonas too would feel the burden of being a Cavallaro and heir to the Outfit early.

The bell rang and Orazio let out a sigh. “Peace is over now.”

“Don’t be so negative. Please try to make peace with Papa. For me and Mama at least.”

Orazio nodded but his expression made it clear that he doubted it would work out. Giovanni and Livia entered the room, followed by Gabby.

“Do you need anything else?” Gabby asked. Since Val had taken it upon herself to school her, Gabby had become less shy around other people, especially men.

“We have everything we need, thank you,” Val said as she rose from her chair to greet her parents. Orazio and I stood as well. Anna had already dashed toward her grandparents and hugged one after the other. Her relationship toward my own parents wasn’t as close but they weren’t the affectionate types, and Anna was a child that needed plenty of affection.

Livia headed over to her son and hugged him tightly then kissed his cheek. “Why do you have to worry us so much?”

“Mother,” he said quietly but firmly, and pried her hands off his face. “Maybe you should ask father why.”

Giovanni’s face flashed with anger but after a glance at Anna who watched with wide, curious eyes, he only smiled stiffly.

“How about we have coffee first and afterward you two discuss whatever it is you need to iron out?” Val suggested.

“Very well,” Giovanni said.

The atmosphere at the table was frosty. It reminded me of dinner at my own home in the past. Luckily Val made sure that our family dinners were a pleasant, warm gathering. Anna and Leonas would never know any different, except for the few times they had to have dinner at my parents’ house.

Afterward, I led Orazio and Giovanni into my office for a drink and a conversation. I didn’t want Anna to see her uncle and grandfather fighting with each other, and judging from the angry look the two had exchanged I had no doubt there would be loud arguments.

I closed the door. “Keep your voices down. I don’t want the rest of the house to listen in.”

“I can control my impulses,” Giovanni said pointedly.

“Is that so? Did you control your impulses when you called Lucy a slit-eyed whore?”

“That was one time—”


“And that’s been years ago. Don’t tell me you’re still hung up on that goddamn girl. For god’s sake, there are million fish in the ocean. What’s wrong with our girls? There are so many beautiful Italian girls who’re eager to marry you and you refuse them all.”

“Because I don’t want them. Stop pestering me with possible brides!”

“You must marry. You’re twenty-five. If you want to become Underboss, you need to be married. End of story. I won’t step down before then.”

“What’s my marital status got to do with anything? Do you think I’ll be a better Underboss because I’m married? Why should my men respect me only because of a marriage?”

I cleared my throat. Their voices had risen and could definitely be heard well beyond this room. “You don’t have to marry now, Orazio, but your father is right. At some point, you need to choose a viable bride at least. Our traditions are as they are and they won’t change any time soon.”

“And that’s good,” Giovanni butted in.

Orazio shook his head. “So if I’m not marrying one of the girls you want, I’m not becoming Underboss?”

“Surely you want to marry someone?” I asked, trying to remain calm even if their fury kindled my own.

“Of course, I want to marry. Just not any of the girls my father suggests.”

“As long as I take breath, you won’t marry an Outsider!”

I stepped between them because things were about to escalate in a way I couldn’t allow. “This is enough. You’ll have to figure out a way to get along. We’re at war. We need to stand together to fight the Famiglia. Petty family disputes are the last thing we need.”

Orazio met my gaze. “Allow me to return to Minneapolis and work for Pietro. I can’t promise anything if I have to stay in Chicago.”

“I don’t expect your promise, I expect obedience,” I said sharply, looking at both of them. “But for now, you can return to Minneapolis.”

Giovanni opened his mouth but I raised my hand. “This is a temporary solution. I want you two to work it out. You, Orazio, will have to decide on a wife by next year. And you, Giovanni, will consult with Orazio on possible matches. Figure this out, and don’t drag Val into this.” The last was said in a more threatening tone than I’d intended but Val suffered because of the escalating conflict between her father and brother, and she needed all her strength to take care of our children.

Orazio’s mouth tightened but he gave a terse nod. Giovanni sighed. “That sounds reasonable.”

“Can I leave now? I’d like to return to Minneapolis as soon as possible.”

“If that’s what you want,” I said.

“It is. I’ll say goodbye to the women and then I’m gone.” He turned and left my office.

Giovanni shook his head. “Am I too strict? I don’t know what he expects! He knows the rules.”

“Is he still with that girl?”

“No, he broke it off a long time ago. At least, that’s what he told me. I made my point very clear back then so I doubt he would have lied.”

“Maybe things will calm down once he’s married and he realizes it’s not the end of the world.”

“I hope Leonas won’t ever give you the same troubles.”

I hoped so too.





Eight months later


Bibi was a gorgeous bride. She was practically glowing. At her first wedding, she’d cried horrified tears in the bathroom after the ceremony. Today, she smiled and even though I could tell that she was nervous and a bit overwhelmed by the attention, she exuded happiness. Dario towered over her, dressed in a dark suit, his dark hair short and beard accurately trimmed. His expression was steel, a mask he’d probably developed as a lawyer for the mob.

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