Home > Rescuing Eve (Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists #4)(17)

Rescuing Eve (Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists #4)(17)
Author: Ellie Masters

“I canceled it.” He drapes his arm over my shoulder and peers at the map. “Why that run?” His eyes narrow with suspicion.

“I haven’t been on that path yet, and it winds through the jungle. The shade helps with the heat.”

“I see.” He places his finger on the map, where we’re standing. “Yesterday, you went this way? Did you not?” He drags his finger along the exact route I took yesterday.

“I did.” I lean into him and point at one of the small lakes on the property. “I wanted to see the lakes.” I place my finger beside his and tap the map. “I thought I could stop for a bit and bird watch, but all I saw were alligators, turtles, and snakes. Good thing I didn’t stop for a swim.”

“Yes.” He tugs me tighter to his side. “And the day before that, you ran here.” His finger shifts to a different quadrant of the map, and he traces out where I ran.

“I did. I wasn’t up for a long run and it was a nice loop around the fields.”

“The day before that…” He methodically presses his finger over a different part of the map.

“I wanted to see the stables.” I turn into him and place my hand over his hard chest. “Have I done something wrong?”

“If I didn’t know better, Evie dearest, I’d say you were checking out the property.”

“I am.” I’ve learned not to lie to Tomas. He can see right to the truth, but I’ve also learned how to shift the truth to my advantage. I inject enthusiasm into my voice as I twist the truth. “I hope to explore all of it, over time, but I’m not in a rush. This place is much larger than I ever imagined, and it’s beautiful. If you don’t want me to…” I let my words lift into a question.

He brushes a strand of hair off of my face and kisses my temple. Tomas Benefield is the only person on the planet with cold lips. I lean into the press of his mouth. If I don’t, he’ll sense the revulsion rippling through my body.

Afraid he’s going to take this small freedom from me, I wait for what he says next. Whatever it is, I’ll accept it with grace and a smile on my lips. I take his hand from my shoulder and twine my fingers with his. While I stare up at him, I place a kiss on the top of his knuckles.

“I’m thrilled you have the time to spend with me. If you don’t want to go for a run, maybe we could go horseback riding and you can show me more of this place in person?” I’d certainly get a better feeling for the scope of his property.

“A run sounds perfect. I, too, like to stretch my legs. It does wonders to relieve my stress.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” I release his hand and stare at the map.

“Just run by my side, my Evie.”

“Of course.” I draw out a set of wireless earbuds. “I like to listen to music when I run. Do you want?” I offer him one of the earbuds, not sure if he’ll take it.

The player is an older design, storing only music. Benefield doesn’t allow me access to anything that can reach beyond the walls of my prison, but he does like to shower me with gifts. When I mentioned wanting to listen to music while I read in his office without bothering him, he presented me with this gift.

“Depends what we’re listening to.” He eyes my player, dubiously.

“Hard rock?”

He lifts a brow.

“Is that a surprise?”

“I didn’t take you for a hard rock gal.”

I glance at the player. “That’s all I have.” I didn’t download the music. One of his men did it for me, part of the whole no access to internet thing going on.

“Hit me.” He sticks the earbud in his ear and I make a note to disinfect it later.

I hit my favorite playlist and place the earbud in my ear. As soon as the music plays, I bounce my head and look up at him with a grin on my face.

The look he returns is cautious and wary, but there’s something else there as well. I see loneliness.

I lope into a slow jog and Benefield joins me. I’d rather run alone, but it is what it is.

That seems to be my new motto.

It is what it is.

And there’s nothing I can do to change my fate. If there is, I haven’t found it yet.

We head out beyond the secondary fortifications. The estate stretches for over a thousand acres. That’s a guess on my part. I bet it’s more, but I haven’t been able to explore all of it yet.

I’m slowly, methodically, finding where the property boundary is located. When I make my break, I’m going to need to know how far, and how fast, to run.

Within this space, Benefield built a nine-hole golf course he maintains for his guests. We jog around the first and second tee before veering off onto a dirt path. He keeps pace beside me, cutting his stride short to match mine. His easy breathing tells me much, not that it’s any surprise. Benefield’s in peak physical condition. I won’t be escaping if he’s the one chasing me.

I turn onto one of the many paths crisscrossing the estate with Benefield right beside me, watching me. His comment about checking out the property gets filed away.

Still a prisoner, my status is that of protected guest. Mornings are typically mine to do as I please, and I take every opportunity to head outside.

During my runs, I imagine I’m free, that this whole place isn’t surrounded by a ten-foot wall hemming me in. Benefield’s measured breaths beside me are a reminder never to lower my guard.

If I want, I’m allowed to take out one of the many horses reserved for the guests. I haven’t yet taken advantage of that. I don’t trust myself not to make my interest blatantly obvious.

While remaining in Benefield’s good graces, I gather all the information I can about this hellhole during my runs, mapping out not only the property but the movements of his men.

How many guards man each of the gates? When do they switch? Where are they positioned? Where are the cameras that surveil Benefield’s kingdom? Where are the blind spots?

I’ve found two, and I’ve also discovered plenty of cameras in the woods.

“Do you like my country?” Benefield surprises me. We’re a mile into the run and have been silent so far.

“It’s beautiful, although I admit I know little about it.” We’re in Colombia. That’s as far as I’ve gotten to figuring out where I am. I glance toward the far hills, which are covered by the tropical jungle. “When I was little, I used to watch nature shows. My favorites were the ones in the rainforest. I always wanted to see one up close.”

“It is awe-inspiring, but the jungle is thick with bugs that bite and suck your blood.”

I laugh at that comment. Biting bloodsuckers are the least of my worries.

“What about snakes? The guards have warned me to watch the ground in front of me, lest I trip over a snake.”

“It’s not just the ground you must watch.”

“It’s not?” My breaths deepen.

Unlike Benefield, I’m not the kind of runner who can run and talk. I’m breathless with those few words and focus on my breathing.

He points to the trees crowding us in. Soon they will arch overhead, nearly blocking the sun. “The snakes can drop out of the trees.” He grabs around my neck and I give a little screech. Real laughter spills from his lips.

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