Home > Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(16)

Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(16)
Author: Maryann Jordan

When she’d first met Ben, she was simply glad that Anna had her grandson staying with her. But neighborly consideration was soon supplanted with a healthy dose of lust.

Benjamin was handsome but in a way that was different than the men she met at work. The ones who spent an inordinate amount of time in front of the mirror, with product in their hair, nails buffed, and even if dressed casually, she knew their clothes had been carefully picked out and coordinated. Ben gave the appearance of a man who ran his fingers through his hair after a shower, shaved when he was in the mood, and put on clean work clothes meant for the physical labor he was accomplishing. And she found him not only attractive but fulfilling a daydreaming fantasy that had settled into her mind. Lord knows it’s been a long time since I’ve been with a man.

And now, with Fred standing right next to her desk, she looked up, swallowing the sigh that threatened to erupt. “Yes?”

“I’ll need you to stay later today because we have the Rollins’ report that must be finished. I was delayed in working on it but will have it soon and will need you to look over the figures before we send it out.”

She opened her mouth to deny the ability to stay late, but he jumped in and continued.

“You’ve been unable to stay late because of your classes, which I’ve been very accommodating with.”

Gritting her teeth so hard she was surprised they didn’t crack, she wanted to remind him that his uncle had promised she could have time off for her classes which she seldom took since she worked on the online classes in the evenings and the in-person classes were usually on Saturdays. “I didn’t realize that not staying late was considered negative for my job performance considering I get my work completed during the regular office hours.”

“Now, now, Violet, don’t get upset. I’m sure your next employee evaluation will be just as glowing as always,” he said with his hand rubbing her shoulder.

Turning in her chair to face him and causing his hand to drop, she stood, not wanting him looming over her.

“But we must have this report finished and sent out today. It’s in the contract. I’ll order dinner in, and I’m sure we can have it done quickly.”

Not wanting to be alone in the office with him, she said, “Robert has also worked on the report. I assume he’ll stay as well?”

Fred’s lips pinched, but Robert came to her rescue.

“Sure, I’ll stay. I’ll call my wife and tell her to expect me late,” Robert said, winking at her behind Fred’s back.

“Fine,” Fred agreed, “but I’ll expect everyone to chip in for their own dinner.”

As he turned and stalked off, she looked at Robert and mouthed, thank you.

“You know, Violet, you shouldn’t have to avoid him.”

“I know, but I need this job for now.”

He nodded his understanding. “How much longer until you graduate?”

The knot in her stomach loosened, and she grinned. “I have finals in my last classes in another week, and then that’s it.”

“Are you going to look for a new job?”

She glanced toward Fred’s now-closed office door before shifting her gaze back to Robert but still lowered her voice. “I don’t think I have a choice. Ever since Fred took over for his uncle, my bookkeeping job has devolved into more of a glorified receptionist. I hope to find something where I can combine my bookkeeping skills with the managerial degree.” She shrugged while holding his sympathetic gaze. “But I need the salary and insurance from here until I find something else.”

Robert headed back to his desk, and she sighed again. Staying late meant she needed to have the kids miss after-school care and go to Anna’s house. Since Anna’s illness, she’d rarely used her to keep her children, but Anna insisted she wanted to. Calling her, she was glad when Anna picked up the phone.

“I’m so sorry to bother you, but I’ve got to work late and can’t get out of it. If I call the school and have Charlie and Lily dropped off at your house, can you watch them for just a little while?”

“Oh, Violet, of course. And don’t worry about a thing. They’ll be fine with me and Benjamin until you get home.”

The idea of Ben being saddled with her rambunctious kids made her cringe, but unable to come up with another plan, she agreed. “I’ll be home as soon as I can get away,” she promised. Receiving Anna’s vow of delight at the kids visiting, she disconnected. Her earlier daydream fantasy about Ben disappeared completely. Nothing like a man having to deal with kids—and their mess of a mom—to shoot down any thoughts of romance. Snorting, she turned to the ringing phone on her desk and answered. Yep… reality strikes again.



Ben took the dog to the veterinarian that morning and talked to the local animal shelter. No one had reported a dog missing that matched the description. The veterinarian found no chip and completed an examination, declaring the dog healthy although underweight, and approximated his age to be eighteen months old. Upon their suggestion, he agreed to have the necessary vaccinations given.

All during the examination, the dog was happy and content, tail wagging and tongue lolling. Snapping on the newly bought leash, they walked out and he looked down and chuckled. “Looks like you’re coming home with me.”

Once at home, Babciu wanted to let the dog inside the house, but he managed to convince her it was not a good idea. “I’m going to be working outside and can’t keep an eye on the dog. We don’t know if he’ll chew on furniture or is housetrained. We need to leave him in the yard until I can spend a little more time with him.”

At first, the dog sniffed all around the yard then settled nearby, curling up on the old towel. Ben managed to get the posts and rails cut for the deck and screwed into place. Giving each one a shake, he was satisfied that they would be sturdy enough for everyone’s safety, including the kids. The kids? Giving his head a shake, he wondered when he started thinking of Charlie and Lily’s safety.

Standing, he thought back to what Lily had said about the closet door falling on top of Charlie and how Violet had to call in a handyman. The idea of their house not being safe grated on him. And the idea of an unknown man in there also did not sit well. If I want construction experience, her house is as good as any to get it. Satisfied that his desire to assist Violet with her house was purely a good career decision as well as being neighborly, he went back to work.

Finishing the deck rail, he moved inside. By mid-afternoon, he’d sanded, cleaned, primed, and painted the bathroom cabinets in both upstairs bathrooms as well as the powder room.

Just as he finished, a commotion erupted from downstairs, and he hurried to see what was happening. Stepping into the kitchen, he spied his grandmother laughing while clapping her hands, Lily and Charlie jumping up and down, and the dog leaping from one to the other, getting ear rubs in the middle of the kitchen floor.

“I thought we were going to keep the dog outside,” he said, his voice grumpier than he meant.

Lily and Charlie looked up at him, their eyes wide. “I’m sorry,” Charlie said. “We saw him in the backyard and thought he’d like to come in.”

The kids’ apologetic expressions as well as Babciu’s narrow-eyed glare caused guilt to spear inside. “No, no, it’s fine,” he assured, patting his thigh and grinning as the dog trotted over.

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