Home > Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(4)

Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(4)
Author: Maryann Jordan

She and Charlie sat at the kitchen table, and she offered her full attention as he reviewed his spelling and math homework. By the time they’d finished, Lily had joined them, and Violet had finished making dinner: hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, and sweet peas. It wasn’t the best dinner a mom could provide but considering both kids were going through picky-eater phases, she was glad to find something they’d both eat.

Winter had just passed, but the spring weather in Hope City was ever-changing. Their backyard received the most direct sunlight, and she shooed the kids out to play in the fresh air after calling out to them to grab jackets.

Moving back to the sink, she washed dishes and allowed her mind to wander over her workday. Dropping her chin to her chest, she sighed. If only she had finished her college degree before getting married. It was harder now as a widow with two children to take classes part-time, but she was so close to graduating with a degree in management, she could almost taste it. And then she could afford to find a new job with a new boss… one that hopefully would consider her to be more than office decoration while staring at her chest all day.

Her title was bookkeeper for a small company, but when the owner died a year ago, his nephew took over. It was then that her fun job with a nice boss changed, and her days were now spent as barely more than a receptionist who answered the phone, took messages, and fetched coffee. As well as avoid his constant invitations to dinner. She had no interest in her boss, and the way his eyes dropped to her breasts every time he talked to her made her skin crawl.

She rinsed the dishes and put them into the rack to dry. There were other jobs available, but she’d worked for the company since pregnant with Lily and she’d built up sick days to take when needed for the kids. Her former boss has been so good during her bereavement leave when Matt died. She also had health insurance through them… a true bonus with young kids.

Moving to the back door, her gaze landed on the kids as they kicked a ball back and forth, shouting encouragement for each other. As she so often did, she stood at the doorway and watched, knowing if she looked into a mirror, she would see a sad smile… tinged with anger. Charlie had his father’s dark brown hair and her blue eyes and one day would have his height. Lily took after her with black hair paired with dark blue eyes. And, like Violet, would probably be more petite.

“If only you could have seen them grow up, Matt.” Her whispered words were soft, for no one’s ears other than her own. And because he was gone, there was no answer. She’d been widowed for three years, and while the ache had diminished, for each milestone her children reached was the knowledge that she, alone, celebrated their achievements. Giving her head a little shake to dislodge the maudlin thoughts, she turned to pull clean towels from the dryer and fold them.

As the sun moved to a place in the sky that cast long shadows over the backyard, she walked to the door to call her children into the house. A man was standing on her backyard neighbor’s small deck. She’d met Anna Popovich when they moved in six months ago. The delightful older woman had proven to be a sweet neighbor, occasionally watching the children when their after-school care closed early. She had appreciated Anna’s volunteering to babysit whenever Violet needed, but after Anna’s slight stroke the month before, she didn’t want to add to the woman’s burden. The children loved visiting her, coming back with tales of sweet cookies and the third-floor balcony that Charlie swore allowed him to see to the ends of the earth.

Whereas Violet’s end-unit townhome was only two stories and narrow, Anna’s had a basement and a third-floor bonus room, technically making it four stories as well as being extra-wide with two townhomes put together. Her home was just enough for her little family of three but she wistfully knew that in a few years when the kids were older, a home Anna’s size would be desirable. Maybe, by then, I can afford something larger.

The man standing on Anna’s deck had hands on his hips, his gaze scanning the area. As though hearing her children’s laughter, he looked toward her house and Violet blinked in surprise. Dark hair, dark scruff on his jaws, and with his sleeves pushed up, his arm muscles were on display. A little sigh escaped. He’s certainly handsome.

As though he could hear her thoughts, he lifted his gaze from the backyard to the door where she was standing. She battled the automatic response to move out of his sight, continuing to stare. He turned away from her and walked to Mrs. Popovich’s door. She wondered if he was a contractor since Anna had mentioned hoping to get work done. She watched the older woman open the back door and reach up to pat his cheek as the man stepped inside. Her grandson! Violet remembered that Anna mentioned her grandson was coming for a visit. Good. Hopefully, he can help her get some work done while he’s here. She glanced down to see her children were quiet, their gazes riveted on the man who’d walked inside Anna’s house. Opening her door, she called them in, laughing as they bounded into the small laundry room at the back of the house that led into the kitchen, both talking over each other about the man on Mrs. Popovich’s deck.

“I’ve never seen that man!” Charlie said, pulling off his jacket. “I wonder who he was?”

“Mrs. Popovich told me she was going to have her grandson visit.” Lily hung up her coat, hanging it on a peg as well. Turning her dark eyes toward her mom, she asked, “Do you think that’s who it was?”

Thinking about the loving gesture Mrs. Popovich offered the man, she nodded. “I think that probably was her grandson.”

Charlie’s face fell. “I thought maybe her grandson would be my age. Somebody I could play with.”

“That’s dumb, Charlie. Mrs. Popovich is old. She can’t have a grandson our age!”

“Mom, she called me dumb!”

“I did not!”

“Charlie! Lily!” Violet clapped her hands, gaining their attention. “Lily, even though you didn’t call your brother dumb, it wasn’t nice to put down what he said. And Charlie, I know you don’t realize this, but Mrs. Popovich is about the same age as my grandmother, so her grandson is probably closer to my age.” She watched as Charlie’s brow crinkled in thought before smiling. Bending, she placed a kiss on each of their heads. “Wash your hands, and we can have some ice cream and a little TV time before you get ready for bed.”

With whoops of joy, her children ran off toward the downstairs powder room. Glancing back toward Mrs. Popovich’s house, she smiled. She’d been worried about the older woman who valued her independence. She tried to remember what Mrs. Popovich had said about her grandson… he was in the military… her pride and joy… a good man. Well, he’s certainly good-looking from a distance, that’s for sure.

Dipping the ice cream into three bowls, the thought of Mrs. Popovich moving caused a sigh to slip out. It was so nice to let Charlie and Lily out into the yard without having to worry about who might be in the yard behind them. Of course, being on an end unit, she had to worry about people on the side street but had constantly warned the kids to not play near the side fence. Pushing thoughts of her neighbor’s grandson out of her mind, she carried a tray with ice cream into the living room, indulging her children before bedtime.



Benjamin locked the back door after having checked the deck measurements and scoping out an area for a patio with a built-in grill. He had noticed two children playing in the yard behind his grandmother’s, but by the time they noticed him, he was almost finished with his initial estimate of the deck area. He’d never spent a lot of time around kids until recently. His SEAL team had adopted the widow and son of another teammate who had been killed in action. He’d enjoyed the time spent with Jeremy, as did all the team. Others on the base were married with kids, but he usually hung out with the singles.

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